Mommy, She’s A Girl! Sarah Palin Speaks At The Republican National Convention

September 4th, 2008 | By

Last Night was one of the Greatest Nights I’ve ever had. And No it’s not because of the Wonderful Speech given by Sarah Palin. Last night my Daughter sat and watched the Convention with me. Now, my daughter is not the type to watch the News. She covers her ears and sings over the words. “That’s Not For Little Kids, Mommy.” I know it’s just her way of trying to get me to turn the channel.

I’ve been a little laxed on her the Last Few days; She’s having Surgery. So last night I let her stay up with me. We made paper pocketbooks and Necklaces between the Speeches. When Rudy Guliani spoke, I was cheering. So she started to cheer. I turned the T.V. off for a second and had a little conversation with my child.

I told her not to cheer for Anyone just because Mommy cheers. That’s what Followers Do. I want her to be a leader. Even if that Means going against Mommy’s belief. I told her how important it was to think for herself. She nodded her head, changed the subject, and we were back to making Paper Dolls.

Sarah Palin gets annouced and I tell her we have to stop. It’s very important that Mommy watches this speech. So, she climbs on top of me, lays down, and begins watching with me. When Sarah Palin walked out, her head shot up. “Mommy, She’s a Girl. Can a Girl Be PRESIDENT?”

I looked her dead in her eyes and said “YES, A Girl Can Be President. And if anyone tells you other wise, you tell them WATCH ME.” This little girl has told me a MILLION and ONE times she wants to be a Veterinarian. And I have no problem with that. But I would love to see her in Public Office. So this was amazing to me; She was now actually thinking about becoming President.

And if that wasn’t enough. She turns to me and says “All I have to Do is Work Hard, Think for Myself, and have compassion for People and I can Be President?” This is a 3 year old girl. Shocking her mother with every single word out of her mouth. I dropped to my Knees in front of her and hugged her as hard as I could.

Luckily for Me, she was so tired she fell out about ten minutes Later and I was able to catch most of Sarah Palin’s Speech. What’s the difference between a Hockey Mom and a Pitt bull? Lipstick. Hah. That was more than a joke to me. It really tells of how Us Mother’s feel about our Children. We are their champions and biggest advocates. We have to build them up when they get knocked down. We have to encourage them when they fell unworthy or Scared. We have to fight the battles their little hands can’t.

But More Than That, the Pittbulls get rewarded. We see our children make mistakes, but handle them with the same Stiff Spine they see In Us. We see our children falter and stand back up; like they’ve seen Us do a Million times. Or even better, we see our kids learning things our Parents Never Taught Us. So, even though I doubt my daughter will ever play hockey; I will be a Pittbull Basketball Mom, or a Pittbull Tennis Mom, or what ever she decides, I will be her Pittbull.

Does this Mean I can’t have a Career of my own? Or does it mean I should continue to seek my goals; so she can see in Me all that she wants to be? It pisses me Off To NO END, to hear the critism waged at this Woman. But I think we are leaving out a very important issue. It matters if the Media questions Men the same as Women. But isn’t it insulting to Single Father’s to dismiss their ability to play the Major Role in the Family.

Not only can they bring home the Bacon, but there are alot of Men that Cook it too. There are alot of Men that make the Sacrifice; not only for their Children, but for their wives. The women who have decided to Love them Forever and In return only expect they are in it together. So when her Star Rises; He is Happy For Her. He is not asking, “Well what about Me?” He straps on his Apron, packs the lunches, and kisses his Wife on her way out the door. Does this Make Him Less Than A Man? Or Does this Make Him One Hell Of A Man?

I’ll post another article on the content of the Speech but first I had to share this thought. I have a Man that pushes Me forward. He wants me to live up to All of my Potential. And when the day comes that my Career takes more of my time, I have no doubt that he will step in and do what any Great Man would do. Take Care of His Child. And Everyman that has his Woman’s back, is all Right By Me. And Every Woman that has a Man that Has Her Back; Is a Very Lucky Woman.

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