Question: Why do Hip Hop Artist only talk about LIBERAL Policy when they talk about how broke they were, never when referring to how rich they are?
Answer: Do as they DO not as they say.
During the 2008 election, the vast majority of Hip Hop Artists and Black Elite backed Barack Obama. Some were direct and stated his black face won their approval. Others were direct and stated racism of the past made them vote for Obama. Yet, there was one group that lied through their teeth and stated hard times as a reason for “CHANGE”. Surprise, Surprise Most of them reached Billionaire or Multi-Millionaire status under President George W. Bush.
Back to the question at hand, name the Hip Hop song that promotes “Welfare as a mean to Wealth”. Don’t get it twisted. Not “Welfare to Riches” because most artist fit that category. I mean the Hip Hop anthem that encourages public assistance as the pathway to the house on Cribs, the worldwide vacations, or the highly gas efficient Lambo Hybrid (yeah, right).
Question: If life teaches lessons, why are the Black prevayers of Multi-million dollar businesses not truthfully sharing those lessons with the rest of the black community?
Answer: “Your single was 99cents, mine was Four bucks” Jay-Z or “I didn’t enter the game for the music, I did it for the business” 50 cent
They are! You just hear it in the music, not in their endorsement of a candidate for office. Hip Hop Artist and Black Elite separate the success they’ve garnered with the policies that got them there. If you don’t believe me, here’s the proof:
All Under Bush
Oprah Winfrey– avid Obama supporter, yet no friend to the Hip Hop Community. Oprah has been on T.V. for 25 years and made it on the Billionaire list in 2003. I know what you’re thinking, it took her time to build her audience, I agree. In five years, all under that evil George W. Bush, Oprah tripled up. She is now worth 2.7 Billion. Look at the ratio, 20 years to 1 billion and 5 years to 1.7 billion.
How? Bush tax cuts that allowed her to invest in O magazine, Oprah.com, and Dr. Phil. She got to keep her own money and made that money work for her. That’s capitalism, yet she backs the “spread the wealth” candidate. Oprah is spreading the wealth, think about all the people she employs. Why won’t she back the capitalism that made her who she is and provides her opportunity to say, “you get a car, you get a car, you get a car”?
Bob Johnson– backed Hillary Clinton in Democratic Primaries and Obama in National Election. The founder of BET made his fortune designing a successful business targeted at the black community. In building his own financial security he provided numerous opportunities, behind and in-front of the camera, to the black community. He provided Careers, not jobs, for a willing economic group. Capitalism! Let’s see how he fared under Bush.
Mr. Johnson was added to the Billionaire list in 2001. Two years later he was dropped from list after divorce from wife (Yup, 50% straight down the middle). In 2007 he recouped his loses and made it back to Billionaire Status, all under that evil Bush. Hey, doesn’t he now own a NBA Basketball team? Some dream of playing, others dream of owning the team. Gotta love Freedom.
Jay-Z– Avid Because He’s Black Obama Voter. (Remember this: I can’t say I’ve never kneeled before God and asked for better cards, sometimes to no avail. But I never sat back feeling sorry for myself. If you don’t give me Heaven I raise Hell)
Let’s take Roca-wear, formed in 1999 as a basic collection of clothes. During Evil Bush’s tax cuts, Roca-wear grew to purses, shoes, belts, jewelry; basically you name it, they have it. Jay-Z opened 40/40 club, his own fragrance line, a vodka company, and a small stake in the New Jersery Nets. His estimated value is around $720 million.
Now, while I’m a huge fan of “Reasonable Doubt” and ” Life and Times, Vol. 1″, they didn’t sell like they should’ve. That forces me to believe majority of his funds came during the Bush Administration. I guess a little money to invest in yourself goes a long way. (Would you like Liberal Version: I never kneeled before God and prayed for better cards cuz Government prevails. So I always sit back feeling sorry for myself. They say this is Heaven, what’s hell?)
Ludacris-avid LIAR Obama Voter. Ludacris made is preliminary fortune selling cd’s out the trunk of his car. Say it with me, Capitalism. I strongly dislike the music he produces, but I have to respect his business savvy. He owns his own record label, has created his own line of Cognac, and owns multiple satellite radio stations. Did I mention all under Bush? His net worth is around $500 million. Not bad.
Sean “Puffy” Combs– avid LIAR and Scare Tactic Obama Voter. Seriously, hiding under a sheet afraid of a White Woman. Why did he retain his black card? He doesn’t make music anymore, at least music anyone listens too, I’m sure he suffered under evil Bush.
No, Capitalism to the rescue. Bad Boy (laugh), Sean John (Chi-ching), cologne and perfume, t.v. shows, and production companies (yup, check Run’s House credits). He does it all and occasionally guest stars in a music video. Those evil Bush Tax cuts garnered a mere $600 million for P. Diddy.
50 Cent– admittedly not interested Obama Voter. Fifty didn’t drop his first CD until Bush was fully in office, let’s see how he’s fared. (Remember: If I can’t do it, homie, it can’t be done.)
G-unit records, Vitamin water, clothing line, movies, production companies, and a promise this is only the beginning. Wow, those tax cuts make it impossible for the little man to get ahead. All under George W. Bush, Curtis 50cent Jackson has stacked over $500 million dollars. (Could he do it with the Liberal Lyrics: If Government can’t do it, homie, it can’t be done”?)
The proof lies in the number of zero’s lining these icons bank accounts. None of them list welfare checks or extended unemployment as a major contribution to their uprising. Instead, they all display belief in their individual abilities to succeed. When they garner a small amount of success, they take those profits and reinvest in themselves. That’s the beauty of Capitalism. You are allowed to fail or succeed by your own desire.
It is also the prevailing message in Hip Hop. I sell more than you, so I have a bigger car. I’m hotter, so the hood feels me more. We are in constant competition over who’s the best. What is the difference in the competition between Exxon Mobil and Shell? Or Ford and GM?
It’s all capitalism and ignoring the similarities puts Hip Hop in a position of failure. If $250,000 a year is rich, how do you think the Billionaires and Multi-millionaires will fare under Obama administration? The Hip Hop Career creators will stop investing. (Have you heard Oprah turned over Oprah.com to broadcasting network and planned to cancel her show in 2011. Wouldn’t have anything to do with those pesky taxes in the pipeline, would it?)
Not to mention, the over-whelming damage not acknowledging Capitalism creates in the inner city. They can listen to a song and dream of living “the good life” but that same artist turns around and advocates for more public housing, food stamps, and overall government dependency. When will Hip Hop draw the line and share the whole story about their success with the very people that need the most inspiration?
As Heard on
50 cent,
Bob Johnson,
liberal lies,
Oprah Winfrey,
Puffy Posted in
Conservative Whisper,
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