Articles Tagged: God

School Vouchers: A False Choice

March 1st, 2010 | By Sonnie

History is filled with broken promises, unrealized dreams, and an elite class of people who think they know better than the rest of us.  Every Dictator knew it was more important to expand his empire than feed his people.   Every King understood History would record their battles not the atrocities committed by his soldiers.  Every Political Class has pressed their idea of thinking into the heads of children because they realize if they control the History, they control the people.

We will pass to our children a public school system that does little to nothing to prepare them for the real world.  The sad part is we are faced with two false choices.  We can continue to allow the Federal Government and the Elites to control what and when we learn (Making it more important your child understands why Timmy wears a bra instead of the true intent and purpose of the Second Amendment)  or we can push for school vouchers and school choice.  While I was once a proponent of the latter, I’m now starting to realize my idealism.

The option for children, with parents that care, to go to a private or charter school sounds great.  The success rates of these schools shows real promise for  America’s educational system.   The attitude and hope for the future in the kids lucky enough to attend should inspire an entire neighborhood.  That’s where my idealism ends.

The kid that goes to the private school and does all the right things will more than likely be the kid that happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  While we bus him 40 miles away to go to a better school, the community in which he lives still suffers and they direct that anger towards the one or two lucky enough to have a chance to make it out.  It is anger and envy that just because my mother is on crack and I don’t know my father, I don’t have a chance.  Educating a few will not break that cycle.

Until 1965, elementary and middle schools were locally built and run, like the charter and private schools of today.  HMMM I wonder if that holds any correlation between those schools now being coveted. Lyndon Johnson comes into office with his idea for a Great Society.  One of his first moves was The Elementary and Secondary School Act.  This was the first time large amounts of Government funds poured into public school systems.

Here’s where it gets interesting.  The majority of these funds were targeted towards low-income communities, mostly within the major cities. What does that mean?  It means the Government (DEMOCRATS) basically formed the school system that currently exists.  While we complain about not getting the same equipment as the suburban schools, we get triple the government spending.  Why are our schools less effective, if Government is so powerful and all-knowing?

Shortly after the Act was passed, the Elites quickly realized the quality of the education was not as important as the family structure.  A child with a broken home, a broken community, and a broken conception of life was still unable to make it, no matter how the Elites tried.  Their answer, the push to take God out of schools, like it was somehow his fault.  Like he had somehow made these children to fail.

It never occurred to the Elites, it was their fault.  In 1949, Harry Truman passed the Housing Act, this was the beginning of the modern day ghettos.   While the intent was to create cheap public housing, it actually started the process of killing the American Dream in the Black Community.  For most people, finding that something you’re good at takes you far away from home.  Instead, we began to value our “trap” like all of lifes’ treasure could be found within our block. 

If the schools were bad, so what?  If the crime rate was higher, who cares?  We don’t move or seek better opportunities elsewhere.  We represent, keep it real, and watch our communities burn in front of us.  What you get will all this meddling is the current situation we face, how did we get into this mess?  Where once as a people we ventured deep into the South, with the Klan (DEMOCRATS) in full force against us, to build schools and uplift our own people, we now allow those same thinkers (DEMOCRATS) to control our education.

And our only options are to let them continue or give up on the neighborhood and focus on individual students.  Talk about a lose/lose situation.  Where are our backbones to reach for more?  Every five years, the Elementary and Secondary Act has to be renewed, the latest being the “No Child Left Behind Act”.  Is there a candidate that believes we should push taking back our schools systems from the Federal Government?

Now, there will be critics who say, we need the Governments’ money to run these schools.  I say, the governments’ money is mostly going to teachers’ unions and not the actual school system.  When Lyndon Johnson instituted these reforms, he introduced the Teacher’s Union to the Democratic Party and there they still stand holding hands today.

This does not benefit our children.  A teacher can walk into a classroom, tell the kids to read pages a-z, take a nap, and face no disciplinary action because the Teacher Union protects his ineffectiveness.  A child can be bullied by student, complain to the principle, complain to the school board, and get laughed out of the proceedings.  If you can’t hold teachers accountable or insist better overall safety of your child at school, is it really a Public School System or is it a Bureaucratic School System?

A Public School System would let the people decide in each community whether or not prayer should be allowed.  A Public School System could decide some students are better suited in a trade school, in military service, or hell, the circus and shape paths appropriately.  And no, this does not mean pick black boys to go into the military.  It means give them their options.  Some kids don’t like school, reading, or books and no amount of Liberal Love will change that.  Yet, put that same student in front of a car and he can pull it apart and put it back together.  A Real Public School system would realize this and encourage him, instead he’s downgraded because he’s not like the Elites.

Parents could decide more time should be spent acquiring computers instead of trying to micro-manage school lunch.  Parents could say, “Don’t Green our School, give back our after school programs”.  But more than that, the direct blame for a school systems failure or success would depend on the individual School System.  That’s how it works in all other majority ethnic communities.  They don’t accept failure, so they succeed.

Enter the catch-22.  The Governments’ aim with this program is Low-Income Cities, mostly run by Democrats.  They have to maintain a 40% poverty level in their communities to continue to get these funds.  Politics are front and center in our School System and that is the danger of the Voucher Program.  Once a private or semi-private school starts accepting Government Funds, they fall vulnerable to Government Control.  Using History as a Guide, this system will not last long with Government Subsidized Entry.

Instead of wasting time taking it back bit by bit and allowing corruption to slow the process, we should take a true embrace on Limited Government.  My Idealism Returns.  They have us under their thumb and we must fight a thousand battles to get to one victory.  Thinking in terms of strategy, the best place to start is with our Schools.  We could teach Real Capitalism and Freedom, making it impossible for the Liberals to rob another generation of our children.  We can show our kids it doesn’t matter if you have a strong grasp on Chemistry, there is still a profession out there that will allow you to take care of your future family.

With all that being said, Is our aim as Black Republicans and Conservatives to save the few or elighten and uplift the many?

Did She Say That: 2010 Resolution

January 7th, 2010 | By Sonnie

Conservative Whisper

A week into the New Year and I’m still working on a resolution.  By no means am I perfect or without flaws, but this year can’t be superficial.   This years’ resolution can’t be about outside appearance, personal wants, or unrealistic expectations.

I thought I had it.  I’ve been lax on decision making.  I postpone and put off easy and simple decisions and I’m not sure why.  So I prayed on it and received a message from God via FaceBook

 God has more in store for us then we can ever predict, and what we fear are bad choices frequently turn out for the best, because our hidden aspirations know better where we are going than our rational minds.

That sounds just like me.  My mind just isn’t ready to accept what the Lord has prepared for me, all it takes is faith.  Good, Problem Solved.  Yeah right, when is anything ever that simple?   I’ve experienced the battle of inner-faith with God.  I’ve tried to walk the path I thought best and failed, and I’ve walked God’s path and found light at the end of the tunnel; faith is not my issue.

So, I’ve spent the last couple of days trying to figure out exactly what is it that prevents me from making little decisions, even though I have faith that God is by my side and his will shall be done.    So God sent me another Message via FaceBook and this time he attached a member of his army.

Happy Warriors Needed, Nadra Enzi A.K.A. Capt. Black


I wasn’t that happy warrior.  Hey, wait.  I thought I was supposed to be focused on decision making, why is there now a question of my overall attitude?  Where’s the connection?  

After a conversation with Capt. Black, this is what I realized.  We all come from different circumstances.  We may live in the same communities, experience the same situations, and battle the same demons; yet we all have a different perspective on the same journey.   This is unavoidable, lonely, and the greatest gift anyone could ever hope to receive.  We all have the ability to take the same situation and make of it what we desire.

But we have to be willing to make the tough decisions.  How can you be sure of what you desire if you’re stuck between yes or no, stay or go, to forgive or not to forgive, or any other number of small questions we delay answering?    Before you say it, I know those questions that really stick us in place aren’t small, per se.  As we contemplate the outcome they seem huge, but are they really? 

Here’s the twist.  Before you can make a decision, you have to be in control of your own mind.   This is not a question of intelligence or wisdom, more of trust.  Alot of us have faith in God, what we lack is the basic trust in ourselves.  Who knows better the truth behind your indecision?  And if you’re anything like me, a vision just popped into your head and you understand why dieting isn’t working, your business is failing,  or you continue to overspend. 

It’s that little voice in the back of your head that says, “remember last time” or “it was so much easierwhen”.   As Capt. Black pointed out, “That’s the old part of you trying to hold on for its very existence.”  And you listen to that voice becausethe person you were got you to where you are, when everyone else from the same community, the same situation, battling the same demons didn’t make it.

We forget our communities have changed, our situation altered, yet the same demons are after us.  We get stuck due to our inabilityto trust our own personal growth, even though we are self aware, confident, and guided by faith.  We are still human, faulty, and bound to pauseor delay because we just don’t know what’s on the other side.

So the 2010 Resolution for Did She Say that is…..

Trust yourself to be wise enough, strong enough, confident enough, experienced enough, to make decisions, especially the mountains you’ve made of mole hills.

Science vs Faith

May 18th, 2008 | By Sonnie

There are two main beliefs in the creation of the world.  Some believe the right gases mixed, we evolved, and this is what we became.  I believe God created the earth, and made us in his image.  I heard this story when I was young and it always stuck with me.


There was a woman.  She was burned really bad in a fire.  Her face bared the brunt of the scars.  She had a daughter that loved science, it was her passion.  Her mother worked hard to get her every advantage.

Her mother was so proud of her.  When she won an award for her brilliance, she was the first one there to see it.  She watched her daughter, strong and confident, take the stage and command attention.  She was so impressed.

Then came the speech.  Her mother sat there shocked, listening to her daughter credit science for the creation of man.  Before her speech was over, the mother got up and exited the building.

The daughter found her outside crying.  She wiped her tears and questioned their meaning.  The mother looked into her daughter’s eyes and wept.

Do you know how I got these scars?

The daughter had always wondered, but her mother had showed her so much love she hadn’t asked.  It just didn’t matter.

Well when you were a baby, our house caught on fire.  I had been working so hard, I didn’t wake up at the sound of the alarm.   Your cries finally woke me, but the flames were already in room with us.  I grabbed you, and I prayed.  God told me to move and I did.  I ran through the burning house with you in my arms and I didn’t stop til we were safe outside.  I never felt the flames on my face and body and not a single one touched you.

I thought your love of science would help the world, I never thought it would destroy your faith.

You should read my blog, Poetry: That feeling.   Then let me know what you think.

He’s in my Soul

May 18th, 2008 | By Sonnie

This is not a site about God. I don’t intend to convert you, nor will I try to save you, but I must tell how much I love the lord. If he had ever touched your life than you know what I’m talking about. If you’ve never felt him, then your missing out. PEER PRESSURE PEER PRESSURE. No just kidding but I could tell you a little bout my life and then you could see why this section is a must.

When I was 17 I was working at Pizza Hut and I got really sick. I mean passing out, they called the ambulance sick. They ran test for days before my aunt told them to test for CROHN’S. She had it and to her it sounded like I had it to.

I wish she had been wrong, but………

So I just graduated high school, a year early mind you, and here I am balled into knots being poked and prodded. I want to say, I never asked why, but that would be a lie.

I possessed one of the seven deadly sins, strongly. I was so vain. I had been complemented on my stomach so many times, I couldn’t imagine having a big scar, so I suffered. For two years, I suffered, because I didn’t want a scar.

I finally broke down. I couldn’t take another week in the hospital. I was missing so much of my life being sick all the time. I had the surgery.

It took me almost five years to realize how CROHN’S had saved my life.

Prior to getting sick, I hated my home life. I did anything I could not to go home at night. I stayed in shitty hotels with my boyfriend and friends, hung around while drugs were sold, and put myself in really bad situations. I liked bad boys and they come with bad things.

When I got sick, I wasn’t able to hang out like I had before. I would get sick and have to go home in the middle of hanging out, and since I was the one with the car, anyone who came with me would have to leave to. People stopped asking for rides and I stopped offering them. I withdrew into myself and there I stayed until I had the surgery.

So five years later, I made a trip back to my hometown. Everybody I used to chill with, were still in the same place. Literally. I could go to the same spots we hung out at as teenagers and these adults were still there. That’s when it hit me.

That could have been me. If I hadn’t got sick, that would have been me. That’s when I opened my heart and begged the lord for forgiveness. I had questioned him, not knowing what the intended plan was. I prayed to take the disease instead of praying for the strength to get through it. That’s my testimony. That’s how I know God is real and he has a plan for me.