Pride and the Black Conservative
January 24th, 2011 | By Sonnie
It’s 2011, A Brand New Year.
It’s customary to make a resolution, isn’t it? We’re supposed to promise to lose weight (or in my case, gain a few pounds), stop smoking, be better stewards of our money, or this will be the year I find the love of life. What ever the case, you’ve probably already given up on that resolution.
Instead, I offer you a reflection- in the form of a question- for the New Year. Do you think you escaped the Indoctrination Process?
Over the last month I’ve been without my computer, special shout out to my hacker, but that time gave me a perspective of the Black Conservative Layout. We are a Prideful bunch. Each of us, walking around, all finding something to beef about and never accomplishing anything. I never thought I would find myself agreeing with Van Jones but we have not been taught “how to rise up and grab the whip”. I’m not talking the crazy Communist views of this man, but his analysis is alive and well on our side as well.
The same arguments we use against Liberals, I find in a strong abundance amongst Black Conservatives.
There are those who wait for a White Republican to say something out of line and they pounce. How does this differ from the NAACP?
There are those who always complain about the problems but when asked to participate, they are too busy or caught up in their own lives to come up with solutions. How does this differ from the uneducated masses you rail against?
There are those who offer themselves and their ideas as the be all, end all, solution to every problem that ails our communities. How does this differ from the Elites currently in power, on both sides?
There are those who want to get paid and don’t care how they have sell their people short to accomplish this goal. How does this differ from Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton?
There are those who act as Racism never existed, doesn’t currently exist, and refuses to give any credence to those who point out obvious contradictions to that belief. How is that any different from those on the Left who play the Race Card for everything, not matter how ridiculous the argument?
Am I the only one who sees a problem here? We are putting together the same power structure as the Left. We are all trying to fit into their game board and we will lose. Or should I question, have we already lost? If the awakened and educated among us can’t be humble enough to realize we’re still playing in traps, did you escape the indoctrination?
And now time for my Personal Indoctrination Testimony!
I don’t trust people. I learned very young in life, you can’t trust people. You can admire them, love them, accept them, but very rarely can you trust them. My mother didn’t teach me this lessons, I didn’t learn it from the Bible, but it was my chief principle during my teenage years. Don’t trust a guy who says he just wants to chill, at home, for the night. He’s not by himself. Don’t trust females that have self-esteem issues. They gossip and will trash you the moment the opportunity presents itself. Don’t trust those who place blame on others. Soon, they will be asking you to give them a ride to the store.
In all of this, I lost the ability to trust myself. If no one is worthy of trust, then how can I trust myself. I expect those around me to turn the minute it gets hot in the kitchen. So when the kitchen gets hot, I’d turn as well. Even with all I’ve learned about the importance of distrust in breaking a part our communities, I still find it extremely difficult to let people in. In 2010, I not only started to trust people but I found people trusted in me. This prospect scared me to death. It’s unfamiliar, uncharted territory and I don’t like it.
Here’s the question: Do I let my preconceived notions rule my life or do I walk in God’s word, no matter the discomfort?
Here’s the point: We must get our head out of the clouds and back to reality. We all grew up in a society that enforced fear, envy, and distrust. We can’t pretend we escaped without some of the Liberal mindset sinking in. Imagining we are without sin, or believing our sin weighs less than others, keeps us from reaching our true potential. I implore Black Conservatives to find out what part of Liberalism most affected you and reflect if it still affects you. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

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