Articles Tagged: Hip Hop

Ben Carson and the Very Bad, No Good, Absolutely Terrible Rap Campaign Ad

November 6th, 2015 | By Sonnie

Ben, don’t do it. Please don’t do it. Cause one of us goes in and we all go through it. Unless you plan on doing it right.

GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson just released a rap video in his campaign’s attempt to win the black vote. Doug Watts, Carson’s campaign spokesman said the goal of the video was to “reach them on a level they appreciate and follow and see if we can attract their consciousness about the election.”

Oh, the Carson campaign garnered some attention from the consciousness of black America. Here are a few headlines…

Oh Good Lord, Ben Carson Has a Rap Song Now

Ben Carson’s Rap Ad is here to ruin your day

Ben Carson made a rap song for the Blacks

As an advocate of mixing conservative principles with the very capitalistic Hip Hop industry, you would think I would cheer Ben Carson’s attempt to widen the base. But if I can be cliché for a moment, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The road to annihilation in Hip Hop is as thin as one bad song. Just ask Cannibus, Ja Rule, or Meek Mill.

If you didn’t catch that last reference, you should not be on Ben Carson’s team giving him advice on how to talk to the black community using Hip Hop as a vehicle. Let me put it in terms Carson’s campaign may understand. It would be like sending Donald Trump into a pediatric brain surgery.

Before I am accused of Ben Carson bashing, he hit the nail on the head…

“reaching out and talking to them in a language that they prefer… and in a cultural format that they appreciate.”

To bring about a renaissance, you need a rebirth of culture and intellect. The Ben Carson ad brought in the culture but it totally forgot the intellect.

Hip Hop is no different than any other capitalist endeavor. A quality product produces greater returns. Ben Carson’s attempt to meld Hip Hop with his campaign would be found in the reduced rack of a Family Dollar. Hell, I’m a conservative and lover of Hip Hop and it made my skin cringe.

There are legitimate ways to accomplish Ben Carson’s goal of using culture and conservative principles to reach the black community. This was not one of them.



Black Political Fighting Words

June 22nd, 2010 | By Sonnie

Willie Lynch came up with the idea years ago.  We must separate slaves from one another.  We can use age, skin lightness or darkness, gender, position, and any other qualification that would cause slaves to bicker amongst themselves.  For the last 200 years we have willingly played this game, judging each other on what we see or hear.

What’s more sickening?  I now see this behavior on the side of Blacks opposed to Big Government.  Every one has a story or reason they don’t trust the Democratic Party, yet we still have no trust for each other.

I’m tired of playing by someone else’s rules and accomplishing nothing.  So we’re stepping off the politically correct and stepping into fighting words.

Black Elites- I don’t really care what political party you belong too.  I’m talking about those black people who hold their degrees, experience, and title like a badge of superiority.  The blacks who think they are the exception, not the rule.   The intellectuals, privileged, and those grandfathered in from the Civil Rights age who know how to solve the problems of the black community, if only we’d follow them.

Black Conservatives- Who believe race isn’t a issue anymore.  The Afro-Conservative Vanessa coined the phase, “the Carlton Banks Syndrome”.  Those who have never had to experience poverty and strife.  Their parents are middle-class to rich and they are not ashamed about it.  They grew up around proper dictation and learned at a young age how to manage a checkbook, so they are well prepared for the world, whatever it may bring.

Black Nationalist-  The Farakhans of the movement.  They believe blacks should run and control their own neighborhoods and financial systems because the system is so screwed against them.  It’s not, “You can do it”, it’s more, “You have to do it because the white man will tear you down if you don’t.”  They believe in “Black Power” but spend most of their time talking about “White Superiority”.

Black Libertarians-  The “your fist must stop at my nose” crowd.  These people don’t care how many times you try to bring up race, they only focus on the times it personally affects them.  “I take care of me and mines and shouldn’t have to stand up for anyone else.” 

Then there’s ME.  I talk in Black and White all the time and very rarely does it have anything to do with race.  It’s because I have eyes and a true focus.  I am not an elite who thinks I know all the answers. I’m one part Conservative, one part Nationalist, and one part Libertarian.  There is one distictive part of me that is missing from this equation and our political conversation, I’m one part Hood.

I’m not influenced by the Elites who would tell me “if we just do this, we could solve all our problems”.  Bullshit.  If it were that easy, it would’ve been done by now.   History is filled with brilliant men and women who understood they could solve problems if they started small and let the people build upon their seeds. You can stand on the top of the mountain handing out fish but you will find me in the lake giving instruction.

I’m not influenced by Conservatives who think we walk in a color blind society.  You know why people don’t believe you?  They see in color.  Hell, even in black and white you can tell the difference between the races.  Does this mean they are racist?  No.  It means they are politically incorrect and I love them for it.  I am Black and not afraid to say it.  I know that there are racist white and black people, I just don’t care.  If  you are my friend, that’s all I see.  If you are my enemy, that is what reflects in my mind.  If I’ve never met you, I hold my judgement. 

I’m not influenced by Nationalist who think the world rotates on color.  How are you any different from Klansmen who think being White some how makes you special?  Race is not the major issue facing us today and it’s time we change the subject.  If there isn’t a single situation between a white person and black person where you think the black person is in the wrong, something is wrong with you.  How can you teach empowerment and victimization at the same time?

I’m not influenced by Libertarians who think we can realistically undo 100 years race baiting, social engineering, and government dependence in one fell swoop.   I know there are still some black people alive who remember the sounds of the dogs barking and the sting of their bite.  I know there are still some black people who remember the force of the water sprouting from hoses aimed by armed government officials.  These feelings and memories can’t be overlooked or easily forgotten.

So what does influence me?  People.  Regular everyday people who are mixed with a little Nationalism and Conservatism.  People who consider themselves Elites but want to live in a Libertarian world.  You know, the people we all claim we want to help but we spend so much time arguing and differing ourselves from one another we totally forget they exist.  Yup, those people.

They want to live the Elite life.  They want prosperity and positions of power but they don’t want to walk around with sticks up their……you know.  They want parties, committees, and fundraisers where people aren’t so politically correct they refuse to serve fried chicken.  They want the big house and nice car but I guarantee you Hip Hop will still fill the airwaves.

They want Conservatism.  Fathers want their daughters to graduate High School still a Virgin.  Mother’s want their sons to know how to treat a lady.  Grandparents want to see their family unit still in tact on their deathbeds.  Teenage boys want to live under a supply and demand economy, just with access to a better product.  And most of us have no problem thanking God for the Good moments or falling to our knees praying for help in times of strife. 

They wholeheartedly support Nationalism.  They want to see black owned stores and businesses in their communities.  Barack Obama is proof they want to see people who look like them achieve great things.  They lose interest when the conversation is focused on what someone else is doing.  It’s not “this is how you can start a business”, it’s “this is how you beat the cracker at his own game”.  We don’t like games and are not going to invest time, effort, or investment  in them, period. 

They support Libertarianism more than you know.  They don’t want government to have the right to interfere in their homes.  They don’t want government telling them how to discipline their children.  They don’t want Government influencing their ability to say Merry Christmas or prevent their sons from keeping score in a football game.  They get pissed off after they spend three years paying off a car and still having to pay property tax.  They crave limited government but are assimilated into government dependence.

So, do we each gather our groups, go to our corners, and come out swinging at each other when the bell rings?  I think I know the answer but we’ll see in Part 2.  I think I’ll give this article a little time to fester before I go any further.

Sumthin Gotta Give: Big Boi and Mary J. Blige

August 25th, 2008 | By Sonnie

I Love OutKast. Mary J. Blige is my favorite Female Artist. Just watch the video, while I build my thoughts.

Oh! Hip Hop isn’t dead. It lives and there are “Mainstream” Artists that will put it all out there. Not like Jack Ass Ludacris, but with swag and eloquence. I really hate to do what I’m about to.

What the Hell is Wrong with You Two?

In the beginning, you should have stated this was an endorsement for Barack Obama. I don’t mind that you have an opinion and you want to share it. Go Ahead. But make it known ahead of time. Question why they wait until the end of the video to show Obama. Is it maybe; then you don’t have to explain How He Is Going To Help You.

Why not start with the local Government? Why not point out the Mayors’ that have held office during the declining years? Let’s just throw one out there.

This is Shirley Franklin. She has been the Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia since 2002. If the schools continue to decline. Go and talk to her. If the crime rate gets worse, go knock on her door. If you can’t find a job, ask her for one. I guarantee If Barack Obama becomes President, the government of your city will not change. Especially if you already have a Democrat in office.

So What’s the Point?

I don’t think they are encouraging anyone new to vote for Obama. The ones’ who would fall for it, already are voting for him because he is black.

My beef comes with the deception. I believe the words in the song, until Mary begins to sing. I just don’t see how any policy Barack Obama supports will get us to the World they Want. Okay we can bring the troops home. I got that, Not going to argue, but what else?

See, Democrats will fight for the right to have guns in Video’s but will try to deny you the right to have one in your home legally. They will fight for Health Care but will split your benefits with Illegal Immigrants. They will fight for College Tuition but fight against sending your child to a school that will actually prepare them for College. They will fight for your right to choose but will deny you the right to help your child with the decision. They will fight for Gay’s right to marry but be careful, with a combined income you might become “Rich” and see your Taxes double.

Where is any of that in the Message?

Nina B Video: Show Support

August 19th, 2008 | By Sonnie

Now if you’re anything like me, you notice the lack of Feminine Personalities on the Rap Scene. Where are the Women with something to say? If we really want to hear them, then we have to seek them out.

But most of All, When we find them, we have to show them our support. Check back when they release New Material. Save that new dress for when the Female Artist comes to town. Call your radio stations and ask why they are not the ones in heavy Rotation.

Now Presenting Ms. Nina B.

I’ve Never Voted For A Reality Show; Until MTV’s America Best Dance Crew

August 14th, 2008 | By Sonnie

So, I’m supposed to be getting ready to spend a three day weekend with my fam. I have to pack for me and my daughter and I’m a woman so you know how long that takes me. While packing, I was listening to the SPECTA Show and, and half way watching America Best Dance Crew, on Mute. I get engaged by the witty intellect of the host and call in.

That should be sufficient groveling I’ll end it there. 🙂

Anyway I get nothing accomplished. So I turn on the sound and watch the rerun of America’s Best Dance Crew. I am a huge fan of the Show. But I never call in and vote. I just accept the results for what they are. Sometimes I don’t agree but that’s cool. What affect does it have if I don’t vote?

Then last week they sent home Fannie Pack and I was crushed. They were by the far the most consistent and always entertaining. They were my favorite crew. But I still didn’t feel bad for not voting. I mean they all will benefit from just being on the Show. I bet Broadway got in touch with Fannie Pack before the show was over. So I’m still cool with not voting. Oh yeah, I forgot about Supreme Soul, they left way to soon.

Round 1 goes to SuperCrew. Round 2 goes to So Real Cru. In the package before the third dance the leader of SuperCrew slaps me in my face. He says, “Everyone always told me I wasn’t good enough. But look at me Now. I SHINE. MY CREW SHINES.”

The first time I ever voted for a “Reality Show”. I realized that this is way more than just my entertainment, it is these groups passion. They won me with that. Of course, I waited and watched both performances, but the passion he demonstrated in those words tugged at me. So Real Crew killed it too. But I couldn’t get past those words.

Eight years they’ve been together. They have lost jobs to follow their passion, they’ve faced ridicule, and countless disappointments. Eight long years later they are reaping the rewards. Perseverance. Sacrifice. Dedication. And a couple of people willing to Struggle with you. That’s more than any performance, by any crew, on any set, in any town.

Now I’m laughing at myself because it’s late and I’m up writing to you. But I guess if I’m Dedicated and willing to make a couple Sacrifices, I will Persevere. And if you’re willing to struggle with me, then one day we may reap the rewards. Just a Thought.

It’s About Time: Obama Has To Speak Against Ludacris

July 31st, 2008 | By Sonnie

Hah!  Now that Ludacris has targeted Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama has to call him out.  In a song leaked on the underground circuit, Ludacris calls Hillary Clinton a B!*$#, John McCain should be paralyzed, and President Bush is Mentally Handicapped.  So Barack Obama sent a surrogate to with a statement.

Lyrics to Politics As Usual

I’m back on it like I just signed my record deal

Yeah the best is here, the Bentley Coup paint is dripping wet, it got sex    appeal

Never should have hated

You never should’ve doubted him

With a slot in the president’s iPod Obama shattered ’em

Said I handled his biz and I’m one of his favorite rappers

Well give Luda a special pardon if I’m ever in the slammer

Better yet put him in office, make me your vice president

Hillary hated on you, so that b**** is irrelevant

Jesse talking slick and apologizing for what?

If you said it then you meant it how you want it have a gut!

And all you other politicians trying to hate on my man,

watch us win a majority vote in every state on my man

You can’t stop what’s bout to happen, we bout to make history

The first black president is destined and it’s meant to be

The threats ain’t fazing us, the nooses or the jokes

So get off your ass, black people, it’s time to get out and vote!

Paint the White House black and I’m sure that’s got ’em terrified

McCain don’t belong in any chair unless he’s paralyzed

Yeah I said it cause Bush is mentally handicapped

Ball up all of his speeches and I throw ’em like candy wrap

’cause what you talking I hear nothing even relevant

and you the worst of all 43 presidents

Get out and vote or the end will be near

The world is ready for change because Obama is here!

’cause Obama is here

The world is ready for change because Obama is here!

No, I’m not joking those are the words.  So Barack Obama camp released this statement.

“<a title=”Luda and Barack” href=”” target=”_blank”>As Barack Obama has said many, many times in the past, rap lyrics today    too often perpetuate misogyny, materialism, and degrading images that he    doesn’t want his daughters or any children exposed to.” </a>

Then in the same breath.  “This song is not only outrageously offensive to Mrs Clinton, Rev.    Jackson, Mr McCain and President Bush, it is offensive to all of us who are    trying to raise our children with the values we hold dear. While Ludacris is    a talented individual he should be ashamed of these lyrics.”

When are you going to realize Barack Obama is just another politician?  He maybe black but he is a politician none the less.

<em><strong>A few things I wonder</strong></em>

How can you praise a man you won’t let your daughter listen to?  Even when she was grown, would you want her to hear Ludacris’ music?

If you had to ride an airplane, and they let you choose the pilot.  One is black with no experience, and One is white with 25 years of experience?  Which would you choose?

Let some one talk about his wife, and Obama shouts it across the mountain tops.  Are your wife and kids the only women that mean anything?  Why are there no speeches against Ludacris.  Instead we get info from surrogates, when this is an opportunity to tell those men that look up to you to respect women.  Women as a whole, not just your wife.

David Banner: Comments From B.E.T.

July 20th, 2008 | By Sonnie

If you’ve read Top 10 Hip-hop’ers with Swag, you’ll know I placed David Banner on the list because of the intelligence he displayed when speaking to Congress. He had notes and demonstrated his points articulately and I appreciated it (not that I didn’t expect it). So many probably thought they would hurt their careers by standing in a Congressional Meeting Hall.

That’s not the only reason I give David Banner props. I have a lot to say about the disaster in New Orleans, like why would the people re-elect Nagin when all the buses were just sitting there, I digress. But more importantly, when Kanye West was on T.V. making an ass out of himself, David Banner was on a boat trying to help save people. While all other black people were at home complaining, David Banner was donating more than a couple dollars, he gave his time, his words, and hope to a lot of people and for that I say thank you.

But that’s were the compliments stop.

Recently on B.E.T.’s Hip-Hop vs. America, David Banner pissed me off. Just once I would like to see a Hip-Hop brother come on with no excuses. Instead Banner had them written down and spouted ignorance at the highest levels. Let’s have some fun.

It’s not my job to raise your children

David Banner, I don’t want to raise my child. I do that. That’s my responsibility. But I want my daughter to love Hip-Hop. Can you help me with that? Can I let my daughter hear your song, cuss words and all, because it makes a point? When she understands what you’re talking about, will she grow in some way?

When I was in High School, my teacher had a sign that said, “It takes a village to raise a child.” I believe Hip-Hop is our village, yet the elders preach selling drugs, fast fleeting money, admonishment for “Squares”. What about those of us who look to Hip-hop for culture, opportunities, or just a place to forget our pain. We got money too, make us a target audience.

They are in the Streets crying for help

That was the only part of David Banners speech that I agreed with. I was excited so I sent an email out to my male friends, and they ALL wrote back “I’m still in my fuck the world stage.” This coming from 20 something year old men. They don’t want help because if they get it and educate themselves they get picked on, by us.

We don’t give them the time to struggle, make mistakes and correct them, and finally succeed. If they don’t have it right away, they get clowned. Girls say that want a man with a plan, but if he don’t have a Range Rover we don’t give them the time of day.

I believe Black Men and Women are in the streets crying. I don’t believe they know why they are crying. Life is hard. I know. My mom would’ve rather smoked crack than raise me. I lived with my dad, but I couldn’t tell you one thing he taught me. I made it important to educate myself. I wanted more.

So, maybe they are crying because they want it too. They just don’t know, we, as black people, want them to have more. All they hear is reasons they can’t make it from people who’ve made it.

What about Martin Scorsese? Nobody points to his Gansta Movies

Everybody might have watched his movies, but most black people wouldn’t know it was his movie. I don’t pay attention to things like that. Furthermore, when we’re talking about problems in the black community, what the hell does Scorsese have to do with it? Last time I checked he was white.

White people are not killing themselves at alarming rates. White people don’t have the highest death by A.I.D.S. statistics. White people have so much variety, a couple of gansta movies don’t affect public persona.

Every rap song these days talks about money and cars, most black people can’t afford. Drugs, most black people have someone addicted to drugs in their family. Fucking, some black women think they can’t make they’re own money, they go after dealers, artists, and sports stars to get ahead. It might not have originated in our culture, but we’ve grabbed on to it and embraced it, like it’s a good thing. And David Banner had more to do with writing that script than Martin Scorsese did.

I tried positive music, but it didn’t sell

Then you are a compromised artist. That was your way of telling us, you don’t believe what you rap, that makes you fake. See, I thought the thing about gangsta’s is they always tell the truth, whether someone want to hear it or not. Where’s your backbone?

Oh, I get it. It’s not about a backbone, it’s about that money. So fuck the fact that you could continue to put out positive music to help those black people you hear crying in the streets, just make sure you got money. Then you can give that money back to the streets. Don’t you realize you can’t separate the message from the money. Which leads me to my last point.

I’m not a role model

Taking into account everything I’ve already written, how can you not be a role model? David Banner undoubtedly has begun a path most artist would shy away from. That makes you a role model. Those people you helped rescue will look up to you as a role model. Women like me, who might not fully agree, look to you more than the Jesse Jackson’s and Al Sharton’s of our communities.

We love Hip-Hop. It’s not just music. It’s a billion dollar industry. It’s our melting pot for ideas, healing, and advancement in all fields. If we could get artist that think that role model is not a bad word. Live your life right and make your words match your true feelings, and it shouldn’t matter if other look to you for inspiration. Those that don’t want to be called role models, more than likely, don’t agree with music they make. I can’t imagine Mary J Blige telling black girls not to learn from her struggles and successes. Where are the Men that are willing to stand up and say “follow me little black boy, and I’ll show you how to get out the ghetto?”

For feeling this way, I’ve been called some pretty horrible names, but I don’t care. See it’s not just about making money for me. I do want money, but I have my limits. I will not whore myself, nor will I encourage other black women to whore themselves. I will not preach excuses. Yes, there are still racist people in America, but I don’t care. They can’t stop me, because I won’t let them. I will not support artist that never have a single nice thing to say about a woman, nor will I support artists that have wives at home, and sing about being a pimp. I will not be compromised. I know that makes my road harder, but I figure if I keep to my morals, some black girl or boy will see it and say that’s how I’m going to do it.

Do I want to be a role model? No. Will I take the job? Yes. With all my faults, I would still preach the same message. YOU CAN DO IT. What ever “it” is. I could tell you a million reason you won’t make it, but how is that helping? Instead I’ll say it’s not easy, I know, but damn is it worth it.

Interview With A.J.: New Neo-Soul Artist

July 18th, 2008 | By Sonnie

Wanna Hear some Music

Mix a Neo-Soul, a live band, and an exciting new Artist, and a whole new sound could be on the horizon for Hip-Hop.

It was rather refreshing when I got to sit down and have a conversation with A.J.

As you know, I love words. So I asked the Richmond, Va native, what words were getting him through his journey to get signed. With a contemplation I didn’t expect, he answered “If you want to know something is being done, do it yourself.” Intrigued by his thoughtfulness I jumped right in.

What’s the first kind of music you remember hearing?


You were in the church choir?

Yeah. (He was very hesistant)

Not your idea?

No, you know my mother made me, but I liked it.

The eternal question, When did you fall in love with Hip-Hop?

It wasn’t until high school. Donell Jones “Knocks me off my feet”. That’s I how I realized I could carry a note. I’d sing in the shower, then in the mirror, and I realized I could sing.

Before we get into your music, let’s talk a little about Hip-Hop as a whole. What do you think about radio being dominated by “Dance Songs”?

There’s always been music like that. If I was 15 I would probably be “Crankin that Soulja Boy” but I’m a grown man and I have different taste.

What about the lyrics, or should I say lack there of?

Today more rappers care about rhyming. I mean putting together words that rhyme, instead of words that have meaning. It’s a lot easier to find big words that rhyme with other big words, than it is to think of a purpose and write towards it.

Okay, so who is the best lyricist out right now?

Common. “Go” that’s what Lyricist should strive for.

Are you upset that Common didn’t get the same airplay as a lot of less deserving , less tested Artist?

Not really, because it’s the younger kids that call in and request songs. As adults, most of us have C.D. collections, so when we want to hear a certain song, Bam. But kids depend on the radio, and they request the songs.

Now another issue in Hip-Hop, the role of Women. What do you think?

There are to few women, but the one’s that manage to stay relevant don’t show their ass to the world. Mary J., Jill Scott, Eryka Badu, those women have followings. Their fans know what date their album is coming out and are going to get it that day. That’s on the R&B side. There’s not really been a great female emcee since Lauryn Hill stopped rapping.

So your not going to give me a reason to argue with you about anything, Huh?

Why you want to argue with me?

I’ll get to that later? What about more Artist creating their own Indy labels? More Artist with Ownership?

That’s the way it has to be. If you want to do something new or different, don’t expect to get any help. The people at the top of major labels won’t give you the time of day. I’ve seen it. They’ll be excited to meet you until they see the C.D. in your hand. Then their whole body language changes.

You become successful, do you mind wearing the badge “Role Model”?

Kinda funny question. I know when I was younger, I wanted to hear all the negative stuff. The harder the music the harder I bumped it. Now it’s just about living my life right, and if someone decides to use me as a role model, fine.

I think it’s wonderful you don’t think of the word like a curse. So let’s talk about your music.


You sound so excited.

I am. It’s totally different. I just started working with a live band. It’s a lot different in the performing and recording aspect. I’m used to hearing a track, going in the studio, and singing it out. But with a band, each player has to record his individual parts, then they’re put together. And when you get on stage and the musicians are behind you, you get so much more energy.

How did you meet “The Band”?

I was recording in Fredericksburg, Va and I ran into one of the members. We got to talking, he liked what he heard and I liked what I heard. So we started practicing.

Did you run to any problems trying to fuse to different sounds?

Music is a unspoken language. If you love music, you can always communicate and make it work. I love traditional R&B, but I want to carve out my own niche.

I got the “Follow Me To Heaven” short. Is that the first song you recorded with the band?

Yeah. I learned so much making that song, it’s probably be my favorite for quite a while. It’s versatile. It’s clean conservative music. Safe, but exciting. You know, something you can step to.

When can we expect the complete video?

I got some students from V.C.U. to put it together, and you can expect it in two weeks.

Where do you plan on launching?

I was hoping I could bring it to you.

I was hoping you’d say that. My favorite song of yours’ is “Time 2 Go.” Why are you laughing?

Every female asks me about that song. It was just a really personal experience I had to get out. Relieve so stress.

So, you wrote it yourself?

Yeah. It took me about three days.

Did you feel better afterwards?

Not really. (Laughs) It felt good to write a song about it, and get it out……….but you only get a couple loves you know are 100% just for you. It hurts when you know one is gone.

Did you cry a lot?

I don’t want everyone to know I was crying, but I’ll be man enough to admit, it took a lot out of me.

We’ll love you more for saying that. What did the mystery woman have to say when she heard it?

“Was that about me?” I haven’t seen her since.

Let’s lift the mood back up. So A.J. makes it. You’re a chart topper. Where’s the first place you go on tour?

Germany. They love Hip-Hop more there than we do here. Most Artist tour overseas first to get all the bugs and kinks out of their show before bringing it to the U.S. It makes a U.S. tour so much easier.

I didn’t know that. Is music your only passion?

Acting. I’d love to be a leading man in a love story.

No Tela Tequila, or I Love New York?

No way. I think one of the most important things we’ve forgotten is how to court.

Court? I haven’ t heard that word used in that text since I was 16.

Well, I’m going to bring it back. The little things. Holding hands, bring flowers, a serenade. Those are the things I want to bring back.

I’ve taken quite a bit of your time, tell me something you want me to know.

I want my music to make people smile. Whether you can relate or not, when you’re having that bad day, I want to help raise your spirits. When you want to dance, I want to put that swagger in your step. When you go to push play, I want it to be my C.D.

My thoughts

I let him escape on that note. It was rather interesting though, because after the interview we sat and talked for a moment. He wanted to explain the concept of his new sound. Then we got the subject of his video. In the cameo, his main two focuses are a white girl and a heavy set girl. He had received a lot of flack from black women. They wanted to know why he choose those two women.

He answered to me, “Those women were fully dressed and still sexy. The skanks and hoes of all colors are represented in other videos. I want to highlight all women. I want to be different. One white girl in my video, doesn’t mean I date only white girls, but if I did, what would be wrong with that?”

I can find an argument in anything, but today I was happy I didn’t have to. I had a intelligent conversation with a focused, determined, hard working black man, that didn’t offer excuses or look for someone to blame. I now have belief that some of our brothers are just as appalled as we are to the images of sisters, period. No matter the color.

Mostly, I have faith that Hip-Hop isn’t dead. It’s growing slowly, under the surface, and one day we will have a spectrum of Artist with new styles, fresh sounds, and music that matters.


June 25th, 2008 | By Sonnie

It’s a painful reality of life, we will all get our hearts broken once or twice. Not to sound like a rhyme, but it happens time to time. I’m kidding.

We women get a real difficult decision in those situations. We can go out like Beyonce and “Ring the Alarm” or we can be Rhianna and let him “Take a Bow” and go.

You have to understand what effect your response plays on a situation. Take Beyonce.

That’s how you feel when it first happens, but that’s when he or she still has control over you. You are so worried about how he’s spending his time, instead of healing yourself. That means if it doesn’t work out for you, you carry all that garbage with you to the next relationship.

Worst than that you allow the intruder know how much they hurt you. I love to show up happy and flossy, like I got gold mines in my living room. You feel better when you look good. You should concentrate of what somebody else it going to get, but it shouldn’t be the next female he plays. It should be the next man you decide to give your heart to.

Now this is the answer. Calm and cool, completely realizing it is their lost.

Even more than that, he or she will be standing there like no fussing or fighting. They would be shocked, because when they can get you to argue back you start to let down your defenses. Not to mention angry sex is awesome, and hard to turn away.

Beyonce’s performance speaks for itself. She is off the chain. When I first heard Ring the Alarm, I was like Hell Yeah. Then you flip through the channels and Court TV is headlining 3 trials where one spouse killed the other. Seriously. I got a little one and I be damned if I’m going to jail because you don’t know what you have.

I didn’t give Rhianna any props until this song. I stopped listening to the radio when “Umbrella” was in heavy rotation. It gave me a real bad mainstream song headache. Then she comes back and makes history. First artist to debut at #58 and make it to Number 1. Kudos.

So from a grown womans perspective. They are both beautiful. Beyonce is more successful right now, but Rhianna is quickly building a strong fan base. That means the choice will be ours. Not in which artist to like, but what approach to take.

Let’s see Beyonce ends her video in a police station and Rhianna ends hers with a smile of her face. Choice is yours.

Oh, let me cut you off. If you say that I should have compared “Irreplaceable” instead of “Ring the Alarm”, I refuse. I can have another you by tomorrow. Why would you want another him? Leave all your stuff in a box, for what? Take that shit. It’s your reward, I don’t want it. Except the car of course.

Hating On Master P: Backlash From Congressional Appearance

June 5th, 2008 | By Sonnie

In September, I didn’t have my website. I was moving into my new house on the day Master P, David Banner, and Dr. Michael Dyson spoke in front of Congress in the name on hip-hop.

I actually stopped packing and took a seat to watch. I thought it was excellent. Punch for punch, our voice was heard. It would’ve recieved more attention if those at the top of the game were there, but I give mad props to David Banner and Master P for showing up.

We complain and complain that we can’t get any help. Some of our artist make millions complaining. Here was their chance to make a footprint, where were they. If they couldn’t have spoken, they could have shown up and supported the voices and words that were heard.

Instead, they come out and bash Master P. He’s turning on us. He’s uppity now that he has some money. I heard it from everywhere.

What did he say that was so wrong.

Oh my God. It’s important that we understand our people need healthcare.

Oh, No. He grew up and learned lessons taught to him by life.

How dare he say we need more black faces behind the scence fighting for us?

I don’t blalme Master P for making some money and realizing the ghetto isn’t the only place on Earth. I don’t blame him for realizing that money makes the world go round, and though our songs make millions, or brand makes billions. I respect him for having the courage to say the unpopular thing.

I agree with David Banner and Master P. Our songs do influence our communities, and I hate artist that only dipict woman as sexual toys. But there are women out there that respond to that.

There are artist that are pure lyricist. They speak of guns, drugs, sex and hos, but they also speak of love for their brothers, our inablity to be stopped, respect for women that deserve it, and a swag that will carry you through any situation. They are complex and that’s how it should be.

Though we’re black, there is a large range of our likes and dislikes. Real rappers don’t dance. That’s my opinion. Pop stars dance, but there is a place in hip-hop for Soulja Boy and the rest. I don’t hate, but I don’t support either.

Except for raps Number 1 Clown, name an artist at the top that isn’t diverse. The top sellers have songs targeted to different groups because they understand we are diverse.

The backlash on Master P is uncalled for. We have to be the ones that stand up and take what belongs to us. If you think one day we’re going to wake up ruling the world without a fight you are delusional. It takes our voices of tracks, it takes our products in stores, it takes our command behind the scences, but more than anything, it takes us understanding WE HAVE TO DO IT.

We are doing it. We’re owning our own labels and getting top positions in long established music companies. Don’t you think we see that just as much as we see the bling? We know we’d rather have Jay-Z’s money instead of what’s his name’s temporary funds.

It takes us all. Those who want to tell what’s going on right now, we need you. Those that have been through it and made it out, we need you. Those that make offensive songs that make us argue, we need you. Only then will the complete picture be painted.