MTV: The Modern Day Star Trek
February 19th, 2009 | By Sonnie Johnson
I am not a Trekkie. I hope I spelled that right. I have never watched Star Wars, don’t care who’s Luke’s father, but never above watching a few episodes with the Borg. Again, I hope I spelled that right.
I had a black friend in high school that was all about Star Trek. I occasionnally listen to music outside of the accepted spectrum, so I don’t judge. One day, I asked why he liked it so much. I thought it was going to be some long drawn out answer having to do with science.
To my surprise, he said it’s the greatest show for a racial integration. So, now I’m stuck wondering what he’s talking about but not really interested in hearing about Sci-Fi. I bit.
He told me each person was judged by the job they do, not their planet of origin. They all praise different Diety’s, have different moral code, and different culturual values. Yet, they manage to work together to keep the ship in the air.
Watching “G’s to Gents” on MTV yesterday, I thought about my friend, at least about what he had told me. It hit me. MTV is the modern day Star Trek.
No race, ethnicity, or sexual preference is lost on MTV. No social status, age, or preconceived notion is over-looked. Just think about the diversity of the shows.
Does it matter if the kid that want’s to make the basketball team on “Made” is black or white?
No. You want to cheer if they achieve or laugh if they fail.
Does it matter if Rev. Run is black?
No. It matters how he keeps his family together when surrounded by all our social ills.
Does it matter if the brat on “Sweet 16” is gay or straight?
No. You just want to reach through the screen and smack their ungratful………I digress.
The point. When you are talking about real life, only the story matters. Star Trek may have been a show, but the object is to create real life situations in fantasy settings. No one cares about the race of the pilot if the spaceship is about to get crushed by a comet.
And that’s what MTV has realized. We don’t have to target a specific gender, sex, race, or anything else. We have to target problems. Every race and religion has to deal with self-identity, humility, family, money, and every thing in between. Why place any limits on who gets the message we send out?
And that’s the beauty of MTV. It’s more about the issues we all face, and less about the differences between us. We may arrive by different paths but we all wind up in the same place. Instead of a flat picture, you get 3-D and surround sound because you can look at it from so many different views. Now, that’s good T.V.
My Top 5 Shows on MTV
1. America’s Best Dance Crew—Go Beat Freaks
2. Run’s House/Daddy’s Girls
3. G’s to Gents—Who needed help more than Riff-Raff
4. Made
5. Making the Band
*-The “True life” stories are excellent. I just didn’t count them as a show.
*-“T.I.’s Road to redemption”, great show.
*-Sway gives the best interviews