Hating On Master P: Backlash From Congressional Appearance
June 5th, 2008 | By Sonnie
In September, I didn’t have my website. I was moving into my new house on the day Master P, David Banner, and Dr. Michael Dyson spoke in front of Congress in the name on hip-hop.
I actually stopped packing and took a seat to watch. I thought it was excellent. Punch for punch, our voice was heard. It would’ve recieved more attention if those at the top of the game were there, but I give mad props to David Banner and Master P for showing up.
We complain and complain that we can’t get any help. Some of our artist make millions complaining. Here was their chance to make a footprint, where were they. If they couldn’t have spoken, they could have shown up and supported the voices and words that were heard.
Instead, they come out and bash Master P. He’s turning on us. He’s uppity now that he has some money. I heard it from everywhere.
What did he say that was so wrong.
Oh my God. It’s important that we understand our people need healthcare.
Oh, No. He grew up and learned lessons taught to him by life.
How dare he say we need more black faces behind the scence fighting for us?
I don’t blalme Master P for making some money and realizing the ghetto isn’t the only place on Earth. I don’t blame him for realizing that money makes the world go round, and though our songs make millions, or brand makes billions. I respect him for having the courage to say the unpopular thing.
I agree with David Banner and Master P. Our songs do influence our communities, and I hate artist that only dipict woman as sexual toys. But there are women out there that respond to that.
There are artist that are pure lyricist. They speak of guns, drugs, sex and hos, but they also speak of love for their brothers, our inablity to be stopped, respect for women that deserve it, and a swag that will carry you through any situation. They are complex and that’s how it should be.
Though we’re black, there is a large range of our likes and dislikes. Real rappers don’t dance. That’s my opinion. Pop stars dance, but there is a place in hip-hop for Soulja Boy and the rest. I don’t hate, but I don’t support either.
Except for raps Number 1 Clown, name an artist at the top that isn’t diverse. The top sellers have songs targeted to different groups because they understand we are diverse.
The backlash on Master P is uncalled for. We have to be the ones that stand up and take what belongs to us. If you think one day we’re going to wake up ruling the world without a fight you are delusional. It takes our voices of tracks, it takes our products in stores, it takes our command behind the scences, but more than anything, it takes us understanding WE HAVE TO DO IT.
We are doing it. We’re owning our own labels and getting top positions in long established music companies. Don’t you think we see that just as much as we see the bling? We know we’d rather have Jay-Z’s money instead of what’s his name’s temporary funds.
It takes us all. Those who want to tell what’s going on right now, we need you. Those that have been through it and made it out, we need you. Those that make offensive songs that make us argue, we need you. Only then will the complete picture be painted.

Posted in Culture, Hip Hop
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