Black Political Fighting Words
June 22nd, 2010 | By Sonnie Johnson
Willie Lynch came up with the idea years ago. We must separate slaves from one another. We can use age, skin lightness or darkness, gender, position, and any other qualification that would cause slaves to bicker amongst themselves. For the last 200 years we have willingly played this game, judging each other on what we see or hear.
What’s more sickening? I now see this behavior on the side of Blacks opposed to Big Government. Every one has a story or reason they don’t trust the Democratic Party, yet we still have no trust for each other.
I’m tired of playing by someone else’s rules and accomplishing nothing. So we’re stepping off the politically correct and stepping into fighting words.
Black Elites- I don’t really care what political party you belong too. I’m talking about those black people who hold their degrees, experience, and title like a badge of superiority. The blacks who think they are the exception, not the rule. The intellectuals, privileged, and those grandfathered in from the Civil Rights age who know how to solve the problems of the black community, if only we’d follow them.
Black Conservatives- Who believe race isn’t a issue anymore. The Afro-Conservative Vanessa coined the phase, “the Carlton Banks Syndrome”. Those who have never had to experience poverty and strife. Their parents are middle-class to rich and they are not ashamed about it. They grew up around proper dictation and learned at a young age how to manage a checkbook, so they are well prepared for the world, whatever it may bring.
Black Nationalist- The Farakhans of the movement. They believe blacks should run and control their own neighborhoods and financial systems because the system is so screwed against them. It’s not, “You can do it”, it’s more, “You have to do it because the white man will tear you down if you don’t.” They believe in “Black Power” but spend most of their time talking about “White Superiority”.
Black Libertarians- The “your fist must stop at my nose” crowd. These people don’t care how many times you try to bring up race, they only focus on the times it personally affects them. “I take care of me and mines and shouldn’t have to stand up for anyone else.”
Then there’s ME. I talk in Black and White all the time and very rarely does it have anything to do with race. It’s because I have eyes and a true focus. I am not an elite who thinks I know all the answers. I’m one part Conservative, one part Nationalist, and one part Libertarian. There is one distictive part of me that is missing from this equation and our political conversation, I’m one part Hood.
I’m not influenced by the Elites who would tell me “if we just do this, we could solve all our problems”. Bullshit. If it were that easy, it would’ve been done by now. History is filled with brilliant men and women who understood they could solve problems if they started small and let the people build upon their seeds. You can stand on the top of the mountain handing out fish but you will find me in the lake giving instruction.
I’m not influenced by Conservatives who think we walk in a color blind society. You know why people don’t believe you? They see in color. Hell, even in black and white you can tell the difference between the races. Does this mean they are racist? No. It means they are politically incorrect and I love them for it. I am Black and not afraid to say it. I know that there are racist white and black people, I just don’t care. If you are my friend, that’s all I see. If you are my enemy, that is what reflects in my mind. If I’ve never met you, I hold my judgement.
I’m not influenced by Nationalist who think the world rotates on color. How are you any different from Klansmen who think being White some how makes you special? Race is not the major issue facing us today and it’s time we change the subject. If there isn’t a single situation between a white person and black person where you think the black person is in the wrong, something is wrong with you. How can you teach empowerment and victimization at the same time?
I’m not influenced by Libertarians who think we can realistically undo 100 years race baiting, social engineering, and government dependence in one fell swoop. I know there are still some black people alive who remember the sounds of the dogs barking and the sting of their bite. I know there are still some black people who remember the force of the water sprouting from hoses aimed by armed government officials. These feelings and memories can’t be overlooked or easily forgotten.
So what does influence me? People. Regular everyday people who are mixed with a little Nationalism and Conservatism. People who consider themselves Elites but want to live in a Libertarian world. You know, the people we all claim we want to help but we spend so much time arguing and differing ourselves from one another we totally forget they exist. Yup, those people.
They want to live the Elite life. They want prosperity and positions of power but they don’t want to walk around with sticks up their……you know. They want parties, committees, and fundraisers where people aren’t so politically correct they refuse to serve fried chicken. They want the big house and nice car but I guarantee you Hip Hop will still fill the airwaves.
They want Conservatism. Fathers want their daughters to graduate High School still a Virgin. Mother’s want their sons to know how to treat a lady. Grandparents want to see their family unit still in tact on their deathbeds. Teenage boys want to live under a supply and demand economy, just with access to a better product. And most of us have no problem thanking God for the Good moments or falling to our knees praying for help in times of strife.
They wholeheartedly support Nationalism. They want to see black owned stores and businesses in their communities. Barack Obama is proof they want to see people who look like them achieve great things. They lose interest when the conversation is focused on what someone else is doing. It’s not “this is how you can start a business”, it’s “this is how you beat the cracker at his own game”. We don’t like games and are not going to invest time, effort, or investment in them, period.
They support Libertarianism more than you know. They don’t want government to have the right to interfere in their homes. They don’t want government telling them how to discipline their children. They don’t want Government influencing their ability to say Merry Christmas or prevent their sons from keeping score in a football game. They get pissed off after they spend three years paying off a car and still having to pay property tax. They crave limited government but are assimilated into government dependence.
So, do we each gather our groups, go to our corners, and come out swinging at each other when the bell rings? I think I know the answer but we’ll see in Part 2. I think I’ll give this article a little time to fester before I go any further.
Posted in Community, Stuck In Place
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“So what does influence me? People. Regular everyday people who are mixed with a little Nationalism and Conservatism. People who consider themselves Elites but want to live in a Libertarian world. You know, the people we all claim we want to help but we spend so much time arguing and differing ourselves from one another we totally forget they exist. Yup, those people.”