If You Give An UnderAchiever a Handout……
December 8th, 2009 | By Sonnie Johnson
My daughter is now into reading anything she can get her hands on. Her favorite books are: If you give a mouse a cookie…, If you give a moose a muffin….. You know the books I’m talking about. Well, I’ve decided to add my own to the title list. Hope you enjoy.
If you GIVE an underachiever a handout……
…..He’ll never ask where you got it
And if you attempt to tell him…….
……It won’t matter because he feels entitled
If you question his entitled status…….
…..Be prepared to get called out of your name
If you counter with facts…….
……Don’t be surprised they fall on deaf ears
Once you’re too mad to argue……
……Expect a nice session of BLAME GAME
Challange the rules of Blame Game……
……And all of a sudden the underachiever pulls Get Out Of Jail Free card
So, you question the difference…….
…….Pointing out Government Provides Both
The underachiever grows silent…….
……Until you bring up JOBS
Then the Underachiever stikes a mighty blow
……And while you’re tired from working two weeks with no day off
The UnderAchiever
…..Gets another Handout

Posted in Creativity, Short Stories, Stuck In Place
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