Did She Say That: 2010 Resolution
January 7th, 2010 | By Sonnie Johnson
A week into the New Year and I’m still working on a resolution. By no means am I perfect or without flaws, but this year can’t be superficial. This years’ resolution can’t be about outside appearance, personal wants, or unrealistic expectations.
I thought I had it. I’ve been lax on decision making. I postpone and put off easy and simple decisions and I’m not sure why. So I prayed on it and received a message from God via FaceBook
God has more in store for us then we can ever predict, and what we fear are bad choices frequently turn out for the best, because our hidden aspirations know better where we are going than our rational minds.
That sounds just like me. My mind just isn’t ready to accept what the Lord has prepared for me, all it takes is faith. Good, Problem Solved. Yeah right, when is anything ever that simple? I’ve experienced the battle of inner-faith with God. I’ve tried to walk the path I thought best and failed, and I’ve walked God’s path and found light at the end of the tunnel; faith is not my issue.
So, I’ve spent the last couple of days trying to figure out exactly what is it that prevents me from making little decisions, even though I have faith that God is by my side and his will shall be done. So God sent me another Message via FaceBook and this time he attached a member of his army.
Happy Warriors Needed, Nadra Enzi A.K.A. Capt. Black
I wasn’t that happy warrior. Hey, wait. I thought I was supposed to be focused on decision making, why is there now a question of my overall attitude? Where’s the connection?
After a conversation with Capt. Black, this is what I realized. We all come from different circumstances. We may live in the same communities, experience the same situations, and battle the same demons; yet we all have a different perspective on the same journey. This is unavoidable, lonely, and the greatest gift anyone could ever hope to receive. We all have the ability to take the same situation and make of it what we desire.
But we have to be willing to make the tough decisions. How can you be sure of what you desire if you’re stuck between yes or no, stay or go, to forgive or not to forgive, or any other number of small questions we delay answering? Before you say it, I know those questions that really stick us in place aren’t small, per se. As we contemplate the outcome they seem huge, but are they really?
Here’s the twist. Before you can make a decision, you have to be in control of your own mind. This is not a question of intelligence or wisdom, more of trust. Alot of us have faith in God, what we lack is the basic trust in ourselves. Who knows better the truth behind your indecision? And if you’re anything like me, a vision just popped into your head and you understand why dieting isn’t working, your business is failing, or you continue to overspend.
It’s that little voice in the back of your head that says, “remember last time” or “it was so much easierwhen”. As Capt. Black pointed out, “That’s the old part of you trying to hold on for its very existence.” And you listen to that voice becausethe person you were got you to where you are, when everyone else from the same community, the same situation, battling the same demons didn’t make it.
We forget our communities have changed, our situation altered, yet the same demons are after us. We get stuck due to our inabilityto trust our own personal growth, even though we are self aware, confident, and guided by faith. We are still human, faulty, and bound to pauseor delay because we just don’t know what’s on the other side.
So the 2010 Resolution for Did She Say that is…..
Trust yourself to be wise enough, strong enough, confident enough, experienced enough, to make decisions, especially the mountains you’ve made of mole hills.

Posted in Conservative Whisper, Inspiration, Uncategorized
Comments: 2 Comments »
I am a white conservative and I wanted to say god bless you for seeing the light and sharing it with others. I have seen a bunch of your vid’s. You are a very educated woman and I will be telling everyone I know about U. God bless you and yours….