Sarah Palin and Joe Biden Debate

October 5th, 2008 | By

I didn’t get to watch the debate in real time. I was a guest on the Specta Show @ Check it out.

But I did stay up to watch the replay. I think it’s real important that you watch yourself and not get clips from a News Show. They get to pick what they think is important and you don’t get to catch the little nuiances.

Gwen Ifil has to be given credit for her performance. It’s refreshing to see a moderator with known bias towards a candidate act in a non partisan manner. Many of the pundits on television predicted that she would be fair, but I think she was more than fair. She did her job. She was fair and balanced.

“Can I call you Joe?”

Sarah Palin had a lot of expectations to meet in this Debate. I was actually kinda scared for her. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I really like this women. Especially when she started talking about Personal Responsibility. I supported her in the past because she sounded a lot like me. Loved sports. Picked politics because she knew that’s where she could make changes. And had a good man to help her along the way.

Joe Biden did impress me at moments as well. I loved the way he laughed with Palin. He let his personality show. You could see he was shocked and impressed with Palin’s performance during the debate. You often saw him smiling when she made a point or he got the joke she told. He hit back but he enjoyed the debate. I don’t think Obama would match up well with Palin in a Debate.

I think they both failed when they started pointing fingers. It was Bush’s policy that got us in this mess. We should thank John McCain for sounding the bell two years ago. The truth is Barack Obama won a case for Acorn that forced the government to give more of these shaky loans. And McCain may have spoken up two years ago but how loud was his voice. If he’s a real maverick, this would have been the main focus since the beginning of the campaign. So every single person in the U.S. should stop pointing fingers and do their individual part in bringing back our economy.

Let’s talk about Foriegn Policy

In this effort, I think Joe Biden failed. He didn’t knock her out of the box. She held her own with a man that’s been in the Senate for 36 years. Joe Biden was so busy making the little mistakes the media gives him passes on, he didn’t show he knew any more than Palin. In fact, if Sarah Palin had made a few of the mistakes Biden did, the whole subject of this discussion would be different. She would once again be unfit to be a heatbeat away from the Presidency.

All Biden did was show people even the most seasoned politician makes mistakes. But what I don’t understand is why they are given a pass. If the C.E.O. of a company can’t put together coherent thoughts without mistakes, I don’t think the people of that company would have a lot of faith in him. I think that should go double for a man or woman who has a voice in making public policy. I’m just saying.

Why did Joe Biden get upset when Sarah Palin talked about speaking with Henry Kissinger? Obama brought his name up in the first Presidential Debate. But when Palin name drops, Biden had an “Oh Please” look on his face. Does his name only hold credence when used to explain why Barack Obama would sit down with Ahmadinejad with out preconditions? It couldn’t be Politics could it?

The body blows came when Sarah Palin gave her respect to Joe Biden. It’s hard to argue with someone when they are praising your personal decisions. It was Biden’s task to uplift Obama but he had said so many things while campaigning against Obama, Palin came loaded with ammunition. I respected you when you said “The presidency doesn’t lend itself to on the job training.” Those were your words. And Biden couldn’t destroy his own persona to protect Barack Obama’s; so he found himself double talking his way out of comparisons. I love body blows.

Both did well in their own way. So what decides who wins? This is my blog, so let me tell you what I think. They say Sarah Palin can speak likes she’s an average American. I laughed to myself because I don’t know many Americans that say “Gee Willikers” or how ever you spell it. So what I did was insert my own slang into her funny words. “Joe, get up off that mess. McCain isn’t Bush. I’m not Cheney. You playin yourself with the comparison.” Now that wouldn’t win many votes, but if translated properly then you would get the point. She uses that Alaska talk, I guess, but it means the same thing some of us believe. We just find her choice of words funny.

So I say, Congratulations Palin and Biden. Sarah Palin gave John McCain a pass to fight another day. Joe Biden didn’t give Barack Obama a reason to regret his V.P. With less than a month to go, I think this is just the beginning of the the most interesting portion of the campaign. For the most part, the V.P. picks have played their parts and now it’s up the the Head of the Ticket.

The next debate is Tuesday night. I hope McCain and Obama put on a show like Biden and Palin.

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