Gold, Chavez, Obama, Socialism, & The Pulse of America: I’m Just Saying

February 21st, 2009 | By

I got a bit of a shock yesterday. I met a man that blew my mind. Let me paint a picture for you.

6’3, about 200 chiseled lbs., mouth lined with gold teeth, black hat, black coat, black pants, black Timberlands, and even black gloves on his hands. I tried to imagine the number of tattoos under his clothing but lost track in my own imagination.

After introductions, the first word out of his mouth, Barack Obama. If I wrote every time I talked to a black person about why I didn’t vote for Obama, that’s all that would be on this blog. So you know some thing surreal happened.

He says, “It’s like the dumb following the blind.”

I shut up and let the man speak. I had my own pre-concieved notion and since I obviously was wrong, I owed him a certain amount of respect.

He told me how his grandmother owned three acres of land. She was in a retirement home now, so no one farms on the land any more. He said the Government had came and tried to buy the land from his family. Him and his siblings said no and now get harassed by cops and officials who try to find fault on the property.

The more he talked, the more I started to get the notion he was a conspiracy theorist. He questioned why Obama’s new limo is called “the beast”. (Like mark of the Beast) He also brought up some things about the number 13. He was starting to lose my attention when he said some thing else I wasn’t expecting.

He said, “At least Chavez was smart enough to start Socialism when his country had stockpiles of money. Our government is so backwards, they want to start giving away stuff when the coffers are already dry.”

He said, ” I want to give my daughter the world, I feel she deserves it, but if I rob, steal, or kill to get it, all I do is devalue her worth, because I devalue mine.”

Knowledge nuggets dropped at my feet.

While I was still trying to wrap my head around his previous thought, he had moved on. Now he was talking about the value of Gold. He said the smartest thing any of us could do was buy as much Gold, Silver, Platinum, or any other precious metal and stockpile it.

He questioned the numerous commercials you see on T.V., Gold for Cash. He pointed out, “They want you to send in gold, that will only grow in value, for the American Dollar that loses value every day.”

The thought wasn’t shocking, yet again the source was.

Then came the ranting and raving when the subject was brought back to his grandmother’s property. He threatened the day the government would tell him and his family they had to share their land because they owned to much. “That would be the day America died and revolution would begin.”

Normally, I would diffuse the situation. Who am I kidding? I would light a rocket under it and send it to cosmic level but in that moment, I understood.

This is the pulse of America right now. A lot of people gave their trust to Obama and are expecting solutions because he was praised as the Messiah, the Savior of all things. Attitudes change when kids are crying because they are hungry or families are stripped of land.

We are a country not afraid to protest. It’s one of the pillars of our foundation. When our words are ignored by those tho think they know better than us, we will not take it lightly. When they impose huge taxes on us while stripping us of our right to bare arms, we will not turn a blind eye. If political censorship or even the hint of such a concept, comes from the White House, I fear for my country.

This goes beyond any label you could put on yourself. Democrats, Republicans, Independents and everything in between will not allow our country to fall without a fight. I’m just saying.

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