A Great Day
May 10th, 2009 | By Sonnie Johnson
And then on those days
When the sun is hot/ beating down upon your face
You hide and wait for the sun to fade
But so goes the day/ lost to the source of life
Never to be given back
And that day is a sad day
And then on those days
When the rain pours/ seeping into your hole ridden shoes
You refuse to move and let tears soothe a war torn soul
Like a broken heart in playback mode/ soaked and alone
Vowing never to love again
And that day is a sad day
And then on those days
When the winds blows/ forcing more effort into each step
You hide behind a tree to small to give you cover
While you look for another/ when a few steps get you to shelter
You find it better to not try
And that day is a sad day.
And then on those day
When the snow falls/ freezing your bones to their core
You search, and explore, and seek, but never find
The warmth you once thought hid in their lies
And you do it for yourself
And That, That Day Is A Great Day.