Newt Gingrich & The I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T Woman
December 6th, 2011 | By Sonnie Johnson
It’s time to take a look at Newt. First, a few admissions. During the ’90’s I wasn’t paying attention to the White House, the House of Representatives, or anything else politically orientated. I don’t know Newts’ tactics as Speaker of the House or how he wielded and controlled the power he held. To make it even worse, I’m going to use the words of the left to justify my points.
Sorry Newt, I don’t know how this will end but here goes.
Whenever the left needs to justify their massive policy failures, they always like to point back to the days of Clinton. Bill Clinton left us with a balanced budget, a government surplus (which is a lie because we were still in massive debt), and a revamped and reformed welfare system. In there finger pointing they forget one important fact, The President can’t pass a budget or set reform law. He can only sign or veto the bills brought to his desk. I’m just a Bill, a friendly reminder of how the process works.
So when those Senators and Representatives were arguing about welfare reform, Newt Gingrich was there. And when Bill Clinton vetoed the first bill, Newt Gingrich was still there pushing and forcing his hand, (Boehner could learn from History). And when Clinton vetoed the second welfare reform bill, Newt Gingrich held firm until a third bill was finally signed into law. Clinton is to be afforded some kudos in this process. He meet with the Republican controlled Congress. He worked with Newt in the House and Trent Lott in the Senate. But if it weren’t an election year, Bill Clinton would’ve never signed welfare reform.
With all that being said, let’s jump to the I-N-D-E-P-E-D-E-N-T woman. She has her own house, her own car, two jobs, work hard…..She a bad broad. This sentiment is new to our culture. Let me explain. Before 2000, black women were still looked at as victims. Remember most welfare programs were targeted towards young single women with children. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act also targeted these women. It put restrictions on length of welfare assistance and required some form of employment to recieve benefits.
Star Parker is a great example of this time period. And in her book Uncle Sam’s Plantation, you can read all about her story.
Most women on welfare were forced to go home and get jobs or go back to school. It was no longer fun to be on welfare. A decade later, you have the independent woman movement. Women who not only refuse to wait for a man but also refuse to wait for the government. These woman have households on their back, children to mold, and undying spirit to do what HAS to be done. They don’t care about politics or policies and they could give a damn about Newt Gingrich or Bill Clinton but in my opinion that was the beauty of Newt’s plan.
He removed the option of government assistance from the lives of women who were brought up under its influence. He removed himself, bureaucrats, and dangling carrots from the lives of poor woman and those women pulled themselves up by the bootstraps. They didn’t do it because of Newt. These women didn’t take personal responsibility because government demanded them. They were pushed into a corner and they did what most Americans do best, Found A Way To Conquer.
In my personal circle, no one over thirty five is on or would accept welfare. It’s something about the time period that molded these women that I look up to. I see how tired they are while still claiming they want to go the club. I see how scared they are no matter how hard they try to raise their children right, the world has more influence. I see how stubborn they are to admit every once in a while they need help because their independence means everything to them. And it’s not just financial independence. It’s the mental independence to say I don’t care who’s in office, I’m going to do what HAS to be done to take care of me and mine.
Would this attitude exist if Newt Gingrich hadn’t pushed welfare reform? Your guess is as good as mine. But he did push welfare reform and he did fight to have it passed. Whether you would grant him credit or not, his reasoning has come to fruition. The modern I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T woman is proof.