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Did You Forget Pearl Harbor? Protectionism is Alive And Well in U.S.

December 8th, 2008 | By

Before all this economic mess, I was satisfied with President Bush. No President is perfect but we haven’t been attacked since 9/11. I live in Northern Virginia. Too close to Washington D.C. not to care that the terrorist haven’t struck again………….

The Day That Will Live in Infamy

You’ve probably heard me say this before, War is not the answer, it’s the solution. It’s a nice thought that all people can live together in Peace and Harmony but history shows us the impossibility of such a dream. There will always be forces that would rather fight than give concessions to it’s people or the people of the world community.

The belief that sitting out a fight will bring it to close faster is ridiculous. Just ask the men and women stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Imagine waking up knowing your country is at peace. You get up, get your children ready for school, and yourself ready for work. It’s just another ordinary day, until you hear a report that bombers are flying over a U.S. Military base. Until you hear they have killed thousands of Americans in a strike we never saw coming. (Conspiracy theorist be damned. I got one coming for you though.) Until we are thrust into a War we thought had nothing to do with us.

Just imagine Pearl Harbor. Imagine that taking place in New York. Oh wait, you don’t have to, just remember Sept. 11. Imagine that taking place in Washington D.C. Oh, 9/11 again. O.K., imagine it happening in the middle of some country town. Damn, 9/11 again.

Are you getting the point?

Those who don’t know History are destined to repeat it.

Let’s get to know some of our history. The Japanese wanted to make sure America wouldn’t interfere in it’s War in the South Pacific. Japan wanted more natural resources and war was the way to get them. The United States placed many sanctions on the Japanese. Yet, talking did not cause the Japanese to stop.

And we had the power to sway. The Japanese were getting most of their supplies from the U.S. We were sending them planes and machinery up until 1940. The U.S. signed the Export Control Act, denying Japan any more assistance in building their arsenal.

We had another big card we didn’t play. We controlled the oil going into Japan. And we didn’t stop sending it. The U.S. thought it would be perceived as an act of War. When we did finally stop sending oil to Japan in the summer of 1941, it wasn’t because we were punishing them for their atrocities is the South Pacific. It had more to do with America trying to conserve it’s own oil supply.

That doesn’t matter though. Japan had a plan and we were a stepping stone in that plan. Japan gave us more credit than we deserved. They thought if they were to attack the the Philippines, America would come to the rescue. Japan thought we had the backbone and the will to fight. But Roosevelt didn’t. He was content in allowing the Japanese to wage war.

On December 7, 1941 America was attacked by the Japanese. We lost over 2,400 people and more than 1,200 were injured. We lost ships and planes, but we gained resolve. We strengthened our backbones and a sleeping giant was awakened.

And we still believe in Protectionism

We are one country out of hundreds. Yes, I believe we are the biggest and the best, but we still are one country. Our boarders are water and two unmilitarized countries. So yes, we can believe that we can’t be touched. But will our belief cause our ultimate downfall?

We are locked in this America were all we think about is what’s happening to us. Prime example, this economic crisis. Let’s take the car industry.

Americans wanted S.U.V.’s. Come on and take your place at the blame table. We played a part in this mess. We watched video’s with stars pulling up in huge Hummer’s and we wanted one. (If you are one of the assholes that rides around in your hummer by yourself, you sit at the head of the table.) If we didn’t do anything else, say save money or invest wisely, we were going to ball.

Now that the crisis is in full effect, it’s the governments fault. They should not allow any other country to sell cars in the U.S. That’s protectionism. Thinking we can exist by ourselves. We forget that other countries build manufacturing plants in our boarders that supply thousands of Jobs. But more that, think about the decision you’ve made.

Did you buy American when you had the chance? I’ll admit, I bought my current car before I cared about any of this. I only cared if the car could get me from point A to point B. It didn’t matter if Americans would lose their jobs if I didn’t buy a Ford. GM’s bottom line wasn’t a concern. The thought of an entire industry failing never crossed my mind. Did it cross yours?

Now, we want to protect. Now, we want to bail out. Now, we want to place blame elsewhere. We want to blame and punish Toyota for diversifying their cars. It can’t be the American companies messed up and made unwise decisions.

We will die trying to protect our own. In some cases, that’s a good thing. But when it comes to the world economy, we can not be content operating within our own boarders. There is at least one car in each American household. In China, about 1 in 7 households have a car. Same in India. If we are going to compete globally, we have to have products in those markets.

If we start telling other countries they can sell in the U.S., they won’t let us sell in their countries. And we will lose.

Just as we lost so many men and women in Pearl Harbor because we thought all we had to do was protect our homeland and we would be all right. Our strength comes with our allies and business partners. Punish them and we only end up punishing ourselves.


To The Pearl Harbor Victims and Survivors

Thank You. I always try to come up with something to say but it always comes back to those simple three words. A uniform doesn’t make a solider. It takes a man or women with the mind to fight and protect to build a strong military.

You are one of those people that gave me the freedom to write my thoughts freely. Thank You. I know with out your sacrifice, my life would not be in my own hands. So once again, all I can say is Thank You.

I Say Merry Christmas

December 4th, 2008 | By

I will admit I watch Bill O’reily regularly. I’ve noticed since taking the lead over all the network news broadcasts, O’riely is extra “for the people.” His constant shouts of looking out for the people are making me question his sincerity. If your going to do it fine, but don’t keep reminding us. Damn.


Since I was a child and we had to wake my mother before touching anything so we could first thank God, I’ve said Merry Christmas. Since my mother gave each of us some money to buy something special for brothers and sisters, I’ve said Merry Christmas. Since I had a role in every Christmas play at my church, I’ve said Merry Christmas.

And yes, I will thank Santa for his contributions to Christmas, but he is not the Reason for the Season.

I used to hate when I had to wait to open presents. We would rush and my mother would take longer because we weren’t getting the message. We cared more about Santa than we cared about the Birth of our Savior.

Celebrating Christmas with my daughter, with my mother looking down, I realize even more why it’s important to remember why we celebrate. And I have a four year old. All she can think about is the horse that does this, the game that does that, and the doll with wings. It has become a balancing act for me.

I remember the joy I had waiting for Santa but I also remember the three wise men, the manger, and a little bitty baby. I remember the joy of opening a gift but I also remember being surrounded by my family and friends. But I love it because I Love Christmas.

Now, in our politically correct society, it’s wrong to say Merry Christmas. Two years ago, on black Friday, I went to a Target in Richmond Virginia and the greeter told me Happy Holidays. I paused for a moment and responded Happy Holidays. Then as I walked through the store buying Christmas gifts, it hit me. I like the sound of Merry Christmas.

When I left the house to go CHRISTMAS shopping, I was thinking about my daughter being excited about Santa and being surrounded by my family thanking God. Happy Holidays took those thoughts out of my head. I got tighter with my money. Holiday’s come and go, but Christmas, Christmas is different.

I had a friend in High School. Her mother was a Christian and her father was a Jehovah’s Witness. Her mother passed and she was raised by her father. She was not allowed to have birthday parties nor could she come to my birthday party. But for two days out of every year, her father would realize Christmas is different.

On Christmas Eve, he would put up a Christmas Tree. He even invited us to help decorate. The tree would stay up all of Christmas day. Then, pouf, it was gone. But for two days, Christmas important to even a Jehovah’s witness.

So what’s the problem with those that have no religion. If I weren’t to bluntly state my opinion, I would recieve well deserved Hate Mail, so I’ll pass. Instead, I will question the need to take Christmas from the rest of us. If you don’t have fond memories of Christmas past, what gives you the right to impede upon mine.

Now, with that question, I give more respect than is actually garnered. It doesn’t matter what anyone does, they can not impede upon my Christmas. As long as I can Pray to God, I’ll always have Christmas. I fight because my daughter hasn’t built that steadfastness yet. I’m not saying outside forces will have an actual affect on my daughter’s belief but I would appreciate not having the extra fight.

Like the people in Washington State, who put up a sign saying there is No God, No Angels, No Devil; There is only our natural world. Religion is but a myth and superstition that hardens hearts and inslaves minds. Did I forget to mention it was right next to a nativity scene?

I’m not one of those super sensitive people. I raise my daughter and she will know Jesus is why we celebrate Christmas. But I am cautious of turning my head and looking away. To say a little sign doesn’t make an impact would make me irresponsible. It would make me pigheaded and blind to the impact of a Society that doesn’t mind the voice of the few outweighing the call of the many.

I wonder if anyone from the Atheist group puts up a Christmas Tree. i don’t care if they call it by a different name; you can put make up on a pig. Do they invite their families and friends over to share the evening? Do they roast marshmallows or watch Frosty or Rudolph with their kids? If so, then they should shut up and celebrate the winter solace surrounded in love.

Cause that’s what I’m going to do. And when I approach someone and say Merry Christmas and they reply Happy Hanukkah, I’ll understand they understand. And when I approach someone and Merry Christmas and they reply Happy Kwanzaa, I’ll understand they understand. And while we’re spreading well wishes to those who don’t believe the same as us, there will be those who have no reason to spread joy. They only have hate and intolerance.

To those I’ll say, I’m praying for you.

Merry Christmas to All.

Michael Steele For the RNC

November 14th, 2008 | By

For those of you who say I bash black politicians, you are wrong. I bash politicians that rail against free market, family values, self responsibility, and the right to life. This doesn’t come in color, it comes in my values.

With that being said, Yes, I have a black man to support. Michael Steele, the former Lt. Governor of Maryland. I have given my support to the grassroots effort of electing Steele to head the RNC. Here is the interview with Steele hearing our call for new leadership in the Republican Party.

You can throw your support behind Michael Steele. Sign the petition and let the Republican Party know we mean business. Change is coming and this is change I can actually believe in.
Draft Michael Steele

“We are no longer fighting to sit at the diner. We are now fighting to own the diner.” Michael Steele

Once we understand this, we can really bring change.

My Experiment With Gears of War 2

November 11th, 2008 | By

As you know, I love video games. I love Gears of War. And even though I have some beef with the game (I’ll get to that later), I used my playing time to do a little experiment.

I have 50 friends on my XBox Live account. I monitored over the weekend how many people got the game when it was released. I must note, I don’t accept friend invites from kids. They just ruin the game.

O.K. The game was released Thursday at midnight. My man was there to pick up our copy. There were 40 people in line when he went to pick up the game. A Best Buy is right across the street from our local gaming store and they had a line around the building. So a lot of people were out in the middle of the night with enough money to buy the $60 game.

When we finally got online, 8 of my friends were playing Gears of War 2. And the numbers only got higher as the weekend went on. Friday night, 18 of my friends had the game. Saturday night, 25 of my friends had the game. Sunday night, 32 of my friends had the game. Yesterday, I had to erase some of my old friends that didn’t have the game to replace with new friends I met over the weekend. As of this morning, 37 of the 50 on my friends list has Gears of War 2.

What does that mean? Gaming is really a recession proof industry. In this time of credit crunch and piling bills, people are still buying video games. If you are looking to diversify your portfolio, I would suggest doing research into the gaming industry. When Halo 3 came out, I’m sure alot of people made a lot of money.

A quick message to Cliffy B. I gave you geneous status but now I take it back. Did you not understand the number of women that run Gears of War. I thought we were going to have a multiplayer girl. Why don’t we? You are starting to piss me off. Everyone I kill today will be a death laid at your footsteps. Girls Rule.

It’s Veterans Day! Thank You

November 11th, 2008 | By

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

What does it take to knowingly walk into a dangerous situation, far from home? Even more, what does it take to do it for people that you don’t even know? What does it take to volunteer your life in the service of your country?

What does it take as an American to say Thank You? Whether you agree with a war or not, that has nothing to do with the troops that serve. The ones that strap up and move out on the orders of a commander and chief of the greatest nation in the world. The ones that sleep on the hard ground only to be awakened by the sound of gunfire. The ones that tell their family and friends goodbye as they march towards and uncertain fate. Just say Thank You.

I threw a party for my girlfriend last year. One of her friends bought a solider just back from Iraq. I’m not the type to cater to anyone but this man got my undivided attention. I constantly made my way to this hero every chance I got, asking if I could refresh his drink or get him something to eat. My girl thought I was hitting on him but he knew different.

He pulled me aside and asked if he could talk. I was excited because I thought he was going to talk about what he went through. Instead, he told me to stop being so nice because he was just doing his job. I told him I was just doing my job, giving him a little praise for his service to me. He wasn’t willing to accept anything for his service but I refused to stop.

That is the wonder of an American Solider. While other countries parade their troops around in neat formations, our troops take mortar fire. While other countries cry for us to change policy, our soldiers are changing countries. While other countries make their soldiers fight to eat, our soldiers volunteer to fight so we can eat, drink, and be merry.

In this time of financial disaster, I think we forget one really important thing. Our economy would mean nothing if it weren’t for our military might. We have the ability to work our way through this down turn because we have troops willing to fight to protect us while we figure out what to do next. While average Americans try to figure out how to pay their light bill, there is a solider giving you the freedom. While the government is giving another bail out, there is a soldier saving his fellow soldiers life. And all I can say is Thank You.

So today, stop thinking about yourself. Instead spend a couple seconds thinking about where your freedom comes from. We would still be under Englands’ rule if there weren’t soldiers to fight. Black people would still be slaves if there weren’t soldiers to fight. Jews might have been killed off if there weren’t soldiers to fight. Kuwait would be apart of Iraq if there weren’t soldiers to fight. Where would you be if we didn’t have soldiers willing to fight?

And while you are thinking about these things, write a letter to a solider abroad and just say thank you.

These are the sites I write to. Just take a couple moments to send a Hero a message to keep them going. Say hi. Say I’m thinking about you. Say Thank You.

What’s The Difference Between A Republican and A Democrat

November 10th, 2008 | By

I got this little joke from the Forum on Check out the site if you haven’t.

A Republican and a Democrat are walking down the street. They come across a homeless man. The Republican stops and gives the homeless man his card. He tells the man to come to his office and he’ll try to get him a job. Then he gives the man $20.

The Democrat is touched by the Republicans’ act of kindness. They continue to walk down the street and come across another homeless man. The Democrat hands the man directions to the unemployment office. Then he reaches into the pocket of the Republican and takes out a $20 bill. He takes $15 for a surcharge and gives the homeless man the other $5.

That’s the difference between a Republican and a Democrat.

When Is It O.K. To Be A Racist?

November 9th, 2008 | By

I wanted to stay in and play Gears of War 2 all weekend but I’m a mother and it doesn’t work like that. Yesterday I had to go out and run the normal errands.

I was in the Grocery Store and there was a black woman and a white woman walking down the isle. As I was looking through my coupons, I overheard their conversation. They were laughing that white people had been taken down a peg or two when Obama won the Presidency.

I thought to myself, damn this white girl must really want to fit in. She was white and allowed her black friend to openly express bigotry.

When is it O.K. to be a racist? Here are a couple scenario’s, tell me which one’s are acceptable.

  1. It’s a black neighborhood. The corner boys are posted up when a white man rolls through. After realizing he was not there to score, the corner boys tell the white man; “You are in the wrong neighborhood”. They beat the crap out of the white man. Is this fair?
  2. It’s a white neighborhood. The skin heads are skateboarding down the street when a black man rolls through. After realizing he drove a better car than their parents, they tell the black man; “You are in the wrong neighborhood. The beat the crap out of the black man. Is this fair?
  3. Two black people are talking. One says, “This whitey at my job is really nice”. The other says, “No cracker is any good”. Not wanting to argue, the first agreed. Is this not bigotry?
  4. Two white people are talking. One says, “This nigger at my job is really nice”. The other says, “No monkey is any good”. Not wanting to argue, the first agreed. Is this not bigotry?
  5. A white man and black woman are walking down the street. They pass a group of black men that start making comments about the couple. They question why the fine black woman would choose a cracker. The white man just ignores them and pulls his girl in closer. Do you blame her?
  6. A black man and white woman are walking down the street. They pass a group of white men that start making comments about the couple. They question why the white woman wants to mingle with a porch monkey. The black man just ignores them and pulls his girl closer. Do you blame her?
  7. It’s a black family reunion. Over the years, some of the black men and woman have chose white men and women to share their lives. The older adults don’t understand this. They still have pent up frustration over marching in the 60’s and fighting in the 70’s. How dare you bring a cracker to my home?
  8. It’s a white family reunion. Over the years, some the white men and women have chose black men and women to share their lives. The older adults don’t understand this. They remember a time when it was a blessing to be white. They remember how the government bent to the will of the black people. How dare you bring a nigger to my home?
  9. A black person that voted for John McCain is a field jockey. They are nothing more than puppets used to dance for master. They do research to try to justify picking the white man. Who cares what each believes. Vote on color.
  10. A white person that voted for Barack Obama is a nigger lover. They are scared to stand up and fight for white rights. They just don’t want to be called what they really are, racist. Who cares what each believes. Vote on color.
  11. A white cop pulls over a black man. He warns the man that his back tail light is out and let’s him go. The black man goes back to his friends and the first thing he says, “Damn crackers always fucking with a nigger.”
  12. A white cop pulls over a black man. He warns the man that his back tail light is out and let’s him go. The white cop goes back to the other cops and is asked why he didn’t give that nigger a ticket. The white cop says, “it was only a broken tail light”. The other cops said, “So what, niggers would kill you given the chance.
  13. A black man refuses to go to a job interview because he believes no white person would give him a job.
  14. A white man refuses to give a black man a job because he believes all black men are lazy.

Are you starting to get the point?

Race doesn’t matter to me. In no shape, form, or fashion. I have five brothers. One is married to a white woman and they have 2 kids. One has two mixed kids with another on the way. One doesn’t care what color a girl is as long as they are fly. The other two love black women. And I love them all.

About ten years ago, I moved in with my Aunt. My best friend at the time was a white girl. I asked if my friend could visit and my Aunt said yes. When she found out she was white, she told me she had to go home. I was shocked. I didn’t know she even harbored feelings like that, especially since she shares her home with her husbands’ three mixed kids. And thanksgiving is going to be interesting because her son just had a mixed child. Will the baby be allowed, even though the mother is rejected?

The whole point is there is no excuse for racism. If you want to judge me for not caring about the color of a man’s skin, then judge on. But please do not complain when there are people just like you on the other side. Think about it like this; for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Don’t expect racism to cease while you still perpetrate it.

So for those who call me names because I look at policy not color, I waiting for you to come to your senses. For those who hate me because I’m black, hate on. For those who don’t consider themselves racist, stop using the words that show different. Let go of your racism and then we can throw stones because we don’t live in a glass house.

A Letter To The John McCain

November 5th, 2008 | By

Dear Senator McCain

Boy, I was pulling for you. I thought this nation would be greatly rewarded for having a man of your caliber in the White House. I thought nations abroad would run to talk because they knew you weren’t afraid to fight. I thought our budget would be safe because you would actually reform Washington. I knew I would be proud of a real American Hero becoming President.

This is not a failure. The American people spoke and it was no real reflection on you. It was anger at the Bush Administration. It was the promise of change from Barack Obama. It was America’s way of healing and in your classy concession speech, you made me proud to be your supporter.

I will continue to teach my daughter of your sacrifice, in hopes that one day she will give service to the country that has given us so much. This election was not only a lesson of the growth of America, it was also a look back into history on how many people gave so much to allow us to get to this point. How you gave so much to allow Barack Obama to be raised if a free country where anything is possible?

So indeed he nor I would be here if it weren’t for men like you. You will be a hero of mine forever. No matter what the future holds for you, I will carry a piece of you with me always. The want and need to fight for this country. Thank You.


A Letter to Black Barack Obama Supporters

November 5th, 2008 | By

To my Black People

Yesterday, you came out in droves to elect the first black president. You volunteered and knocked on doors because you really wanted change. Or did you?

I had to be gracious to Barack Obama but you will not be that lucky. This is what I got out of yesterday. I went to the polls and watched as black people called other black people and told them to get up and go to the polls. It excited me so much, I almost drunk the Kool-Aid. I loved the feeling of standing in that line watching the numbers increase. I thought we can actually make change.

You may be saying to yourself, how can you blast us, we won. To that I say, Are you saying we had the power to make an impact this entire time and we just didn’t? For years we have been complaining that there is no place for black people in our government and you believed it.

Someone else had to come along and give you that dream. We are still in trouble. Barack Obama will only be president for a term or two. After he fades, will the change message fade with him?

You don’t even get it do you. See, those excuses you use will become publically nonvalid. Tongues will loosen when talking about race because a major barrier will be gone. I will be one of the first. Martin Luther King Jr. would not be proud of you. He would be proud of Barack Obama, but not of you.

See, he had a dream that one day a man would not be judged on his color. You take that to mean black people will be accepted. I take it to mean, we have to let go of our own prejudices. I understand the pride you feel today. I feel it too. But if your sole reason for voting was the color of Barack Obama’s skin, then we still have a long way to go.

I do have hope though. As I watched Obama’s victory speech, I gained a little respect for him. We actually think alot a like. We agree that this is just the first step. Change will not come just because we have a black President. It will only come when you start taking the first steps.

Please tell me you will not let him down. Please tell me you won’t take the hope you have today and let it fade when the times continue to be tough. Please tell me you will look at the next black man on the street and think of him as a brother, not as a threat. Please tell me you will go back to school because now your dreams are limitless.

Or will you take this victory, with reverence, until next time you need an excuse. I’ve been saying all along that the excuses in the black community are only figments of imagination. I’ve been saying all along, you can do anything you put your mind too.

For my efforts, I get hate and excuses as to why I’m wrong. Today, your right to preach hate because someone dreams big, is null and void. And I couldn’t be happier. My only mistakes was telling you to believe in yourself and not giving you a black face to believe in.

I can guarantee you will not be rich just because Obama is President. I can guarantee the ghetto’s will not get better just because Obama is President. I can guarantee financial stability will not come to our neighborhoods just because Obama is President.

It will come because we get out in numbers like we did on election day. If we put the faith in ourselves that Obama has in us, we can move mountains. It’s not enough that we have the first black President, if we don’t do something with the opportunity. If we wait for answers to our problems to fall out of the sky, this will be all in vain.

Oh yeah, your vote wasn’t enough. Understand that. Yes, black people came out in huge numbers to vote for Obama but so did alot of white people. Another one of your excuses crushed. No white person wants to see a black person elected; How wrong you were. Make sure you take that with you to your job interview. America cares less about color. We care about always moving forward.

With your vote and excitement, the criticism will only get worse. White people who still carry hatred will have ammunition if we let down Barack Obama. If we continue as we were after voting for change, it wil be an impossible arguement to win. If we have a black President, why are still complaining about inequality?

Is there still a need for affirmative action or is the playing field level? Why are all these groups allowed to exist that only cater to one race, aren’t we past that? Aren’t the laws fair because they are governed by a black man? Why are you still complaining about cops out to get you?

How will you answer these questions? Will you find any and every excuse to keep your excuse relevant? I really like that sentence. Will you find any and every excuse to keep your excuse relevant? Or will this be the day you say, nothing can stop me?

Please let this be the day you say, Barack Obama did it, and I can do it too. I hope in four years our arguments will be on issues not on color. Congratulations. You did it and I expect so much out of you in the future.
