It’s 9/12: What I Wanted To Say Yesterday

September 12th, 2008 | By

For the first time since starting this blog, I used discretion yesterday. I got a little boost because someone told me I was a bit to nice. And since I normally don’t hear things like that, I’m tempted to stay on that course. You know I’m lying. That’s not my style. I’m up in your face and today is no Exception.

I awoke yesterday and turned on the News. I wasn’t really feeling anything, I just wanted to see the memorials and remember. It was all good until Fox played a 20 minute piece on people’s reaction on Sept. 11, 2001. I instantly got mad. I was furious. My daughter sat and watched my expression and asked me what was wrong. She wasn’t even a thought in my mind when this tragedy happened and now I have to explain to her what makes someone fly a plane into a building.

As I watched John McCain in Pennsylvania, I wondered where Barack Obama would be. Then I heard he was waiting to have lunch with Bill Clinton and he wasn’t going to make an appearance at either memorial until he and John McCain made a joint appearance at Ground Zero. That was it.

The most inspirational part of 9/11 came when the Men on Flight 93 refused to let the Terrorist have any more of our buildings. They were willing to die, even though they weren’t apart of any army, for the America they loved so much.

So I ask? Could you imagine Barack Obama on that plane trying to be diplomatic with the Terrorist? Diplomacy has it’s place, don’t get me wrong. But does that place exist when you have people that are willing to kill themselves to kill you. Imagine the terrorist trying to negotiate with the Men on Flight 93. It would not have happened. Their collective will to protect America would have over shadowed any words from the mouth of anyone and that’s what we’ve got to understand.

You have these liberals that say War is Bad. No War. Then we get attacked and they come to our side until there is a new election. Then we’re back to Big Bad America trying to pick on the rest of the World. Fuck That. They picked on Us first. All through Clinton’s Administration, we were hit with Terror Attack after Terror attack. But the World loved Bill Clinton. He was a symbol of everything good about America. But that didn’t stop terrorist from attacking us. They didn’t fear Bill Clinton.

Does this mean I want the entire world to fear US? Hell Yeah. Why? Because most of the idiots that hate us so much depend on the U.S. for their safety. Besides England, who has a military in Europe? I’m not talking a couple of soldiers, I’m talking about a force that would cause Russia to think twice about it’s aggression in Georgia. I guess I answered my own question. There are none or Russia would have thought twice about going into Georgia. They don’t fear Europe. They want to control Europe. So what happened to the U.S. when we had a President everyone liked? We got attacked, constantly at home and abroad. Connect the dots here. If China, Russia, or Iran have no Fear of European attacks what will continue to happen.

Straight talk for a minute okay. If you got two dudes standing in front of you. One has on glasses and a pocket protector and One has knife marks and bullet holes. You’re a little less likely to try which one? Seriously. Don’t try to bring Politics into it. Your in the street and you have to make this decision. Which one would you fight? Now you have the bad asses that would fight the tough dude because they don’t beat up on defenseless people, i.e. The United States of America. Then you have all the rest that would choose the easy fight.

Now lets make a little flip on the situation. You have the same two guys in front of you. Now the guy in the pocket protector says let’s talk. We’re two grown men, this doesn’t have to resort to violence. You can respect this guy, but do you fear him? Will anything he says actually convince you to change your Opinions or Actions? Or will you continue to act in your own best interest? Now the guy with the stab wounds says Go ahead and try if you want to. I’m not playing with you. Of course you don’t like this guy, but would you try him? Or would you re-evaluate the situation?

Of course, there is always a way to flip an arguement so let me try to cut it off before it starts. Just for a moment, I’m going to make Martin Luther King Jr the guy with the pocket protector. So the answer would be yes. Yes a man who uses his words can affect the change of people’s actions and opinions. But what happens when that man is gone? Will the population remember all those words? Now let’s make Knife wound guy Al Pacino in Scarface. (It’s a real stretch but I’m trying to make a point) Compare the number of times in one year where you hear a reference to Scarface to how many times you hear a quote of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Which one wins? Who are more people in our society trying to emulate?

So, you’re saying the more violent we are the better? No . It’s a basic human instinct to want to be strong, to be able to defend yourself. So we more readily identify with those that live by those principles. We love stories of men and women who fight for something against overwhelming odds hoping if ever faced with that situation we would do the same. It doesn’t matter if they are good guys or bad guys, as long as they are willing to fight. Then when we get into the voting box, we forget all that.

I love comparisons so let’s try this one. You have a volunteer group and A Gang. Now the volunteer group wants the gang out of the city. The gangs have money and guns. Who wins? Weapons or Words? Come on, don’t go soft on me now. Who wins?

Now you take a strong police force and put it behind the Volunteer group. The situation changes. Or does it? What if the people in the city decide they don’t want the “extra” violence that would be brought by actually using the Police? Who wins? Are you going to make me say it? Just look at our cities and tell me who wins? I don’t want to trivialize deaths in the cities, but they are relatively low compared to the attacks that happened in one day because of inaction to fight.

Yesterday, seven years ago. Or have we already forgotten? There are those out there that have merged our pocket protector guy and our knife wound guy. They are killing innocent people in an attempt to weaken us. And we take the opinions formed by those abroad into consideration of our protection. Are you serious? They get knocked down and want to talk. And thank God Bush was President because when we got knocked down, we came up with full force. No words. It was time for Action. Just like the Men on Flight 93. Just like every fire fighter, police officer, or civilian that ran into a burning building to save human life. Just like every American that signed up to go into the Military after 9/11.

I want the war planes in the air while you’re conducting diplomacy. So it’s known that we are not playing. You know what you did and you know why we’re coming. I want them calling us saying, hey let’s talk about this. You don’t really need to drop bombs on my country, do you? Not us calling them like, I know you attacked us today, is there some way we can stop you from doing it again. I would really like a peaceful resolution to this conflict. Could you imagine?

If President Bush would have done something to stop the influx of illegal immigration. If President Bush would have vetoed more bills loaded with Pork. If we as Americans had taken more responsibility for our own financial decisions; you know getting adjustable rate mortgages on big houses. Then the fact that we haven’t been attacked in Seven years would hold testament to the Greatness of the George Bush Presidency. There would still be critics of the Iraq War but critics are seldom written in the history books. Tracking down Al-Qadea and killing them everywhere they hide would be the blue print for Protecting this Country. Against any body. Go to them before they can get to us.

And when we go to them, it can’t be with words. And it can’t be words backed up by a military. It has to be Military first, then wait for them to come with the words. And if they don’t, then they really want a fight. And no words you say to them are going to change that. And no words that come from other people with out action will sway them either. And even worse if they control the energy supply of a WORLD dependent on oil. They have money. And the ability to cut you off. What can you say to them?

I like George Bush’s Answer. And if you like Tupac, you should too. Bomb First. Please reconsider before you die. We ain’t even come to fight tonight, but if it’s my life or your life, Then I’ma Bomb First. Oh! You love it when it’s in a song, but when it comes to real life you don’t agree. You sing it like you feel Pac, but then you criticize Bush doing the same thing. Or are you starting to change your opinion on Tupac? Yeah right. You know I’m right you just find it hard to admit.

And that’s okay. I don’t need to hear it. Just remember when you go to vote. Clinton talked and we got hit. Bush bombed and we’ve been safe for 7 years. Barack Obama will talk. John McCain will bomb. Democrats control Congress, so they will still be the majority on legislation. We need a Commander in Chief in the White House. And I don’t think he should be a talker.


To Every American fighting for our Country, I say thank you. I live near Quantico so I see a lot of military men and women. I always stop them and say thank you and encourage my daughter to do the same. I’m always humbled when they say I’m just doing my job. I think education is the most important thing for a child, so I teach my daughter all kinds of different things. I especially teach her the importance of the Military. My sister asked me once if My Daughter were grown and wanted to go into the Military, would I let her go. I said in a heart beat. She said I was lying. I would want her to go to college. She acted as if she couldn’t do both.

And there are Millions of you that do it everyday. Leave Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Husbands, Wives, Children, and Careers behind to protect my right to have this little blog. What would I be without you? What would this Country be without you? They criticize your intellegence for making the decision to put your life in harm’s way to save mine, yet you keep fighting. And that’s amazing. Thank You.

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