Does Your Vote Have A Price?

October 14th, 2008 | By

Does the 15th amendment come with a price tags attached?   I’m starting to wonder.  This isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue.  This is an American Issue.  We are all given the right to vote, if we don’t take advantage of that right, should we be paid to do so?

I’ve started to talk to my friends more about politics in the last few weeks.  I usually leave the subject alone because they don’t really pay attention to the news.  When I throw the facts at them, they tell me I’m getting my information from the wrong places.  So I ask, where do you get your information?  They say, Ted from my job said.  And I stop them right there.

I got into this heated debate with my “life coach”, the person I talk to about personal stuff, and she said it’s about time the Government paid her for a change.  Now I know she is in the 40% of Americans that don’t pay any Federal Income Tax.  When I bought that up to her, she said I shouldn’t have to pay any taxes.

I could tell you the rest but I bet you can guess where this headed.  So now I asking, How much does your vote cost?

Most people think I’m talking about money.  That’s only half the equation.  Are you putting a price tag on your skin color?  There are black people that are voting for Obama just because he’s black and there are white people that are voting for McCain just because Obama is black.  And neither is right.  They are both putting a value on a non issue.

But that’s not the real issue at hand.  The major issue should be, If you have the right to vote, why do groups like Acorn even need to exist.  My “life coach” says, Most black people don’t think their vote counts and therefore they won’t vote.  What was the purpose of the 15th amendment?  What was the purpose of all the civil rights marches in the deep south?

People died so that black votes would count.  Not just black people, white people too.  Your vote counts.  And if you don’t believe that, Acorn has a cigarette and a dollar to prove it does.  Is that what your right is worth?

If it is, you shouldn’t be able to vote.  That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it.  I can respect you voting because you think a candidate will lower your taxes but if you don’t pay taxes I don’t understand how you could use that as a reason to vote for any candidate.  Let me explain.

When Barack Obama says he’ll cut taxes on 95% of Americans, it’s a lie.  I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings but it’s the truth.  40% of Americans don’t pay taxes, so how will they receive tax cuts.  He changes the words so he doesn’t have to say I’m creating a welfare state.  Where I’ll take money from the Rich that pay taxes and send a check to those who don’t.

My husband to be wanted to vote for Obama.  And I have had a hard time trying to explain why that wouldn’t be a good thing.  Luckily Obama did it for me.  At a campaign stop, Obama was asked by a small business owner if he was going to have to pay more taxes.  Obama responded by saying he is trying to spread around the wealth.

Finally my man got mad.  He works 6 days a week and the thought of free checks for those who refuse to work made him mad.  He finally got it, with no assistance from me.   Obama will create a government where the top pays for the bottom.  It sounds good, unless you plan on getting to the top in this life time.

Now McCain isn’t free from criticism on this issue either.  He had the perfect opportunity to put his money, I mean the American People’s money, where his mouth is and he didn’t.  McCain should have voted against the Bailout but he didn’t.  He too attached a price tag to your vote.  He doesn’t plan on making a welfare state, but he still let the government, wall street, and the American People who signed on the dotted line off the hook for this crisis we are currently in.

Are these two candidates really the best America has to offer?  Or do we as Americans like the Quid Pro Qou of politics?  If you vote for me, I’ll give you this.  Should we change our standards and make the candidates run on policy not on profit for ourselves.   Should we limit emotion and vote more practical.

If you don’t believe in Abortions, then why would you vote for Obama.  Is it because you think you’ll no longer have to pay for healthcare?  If you don’t believe in War, then why would you vote for McCain?  Is it because you make over $250,000 and believe Obama tax increases would cause you to lose your home.    That’s what our politics have come down too.  What’s best for me, not what’s best for the country.

And if that’s the truth, then you can’t blame the politicians for not listening when we speak out.  Well you can blame them but it’s not fair.  They are only doing what you respond too.  If you said we don’t want any new spending and any candidate that offers more government spending will feel the wrath of American voters, how would that change the landscape of Politics?

What could a Politican promise if the American people wanted facts instead of fairy tales.  If you believe any candidate that says I’ll fix all the problems in America, then you are a fool.  Problems will continue to exist no matter who is President.  We can’t control actions other nations.  Hell we can’t control actions of the American People.  And being that we all are human, mistakes will me made.

So instead of asking who will give you more, ask who will make an effort to not create more problems. If you are pissed off that the government is now into banking, imagine what will happen if they get their hands on Healthcare, College Tuition, or any thing else in the private sector.  Does government intervention help anything?

Pay attention when they put the price tags on your rights.  When they figure out they can pay for your vote, then they don’t have to run on policy.  They can run on your emotion.  They can use fancy words or straight talk without mentioning how they actually plan on running this country.  And this is up to us as the American People to stop.  But it’ll only happen when we put our Country’s needs before those of our individual needs.

The truth is, betting on America as a country, is way better than voting for any single politician.  Then your vote will be priceless.

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