A Boy Amongst Men
February 3rd, 2011 | By Sonnie
I’m not an expert on Egypt. I’m starting to expand my knowledge of Islam but I am no expert on that subject either. So, when I’m faced with a deficit of expertise and the pundits that appear on TV all have an agenda of their own, I’m forced to turn to the one thing I do know, Gangsta Movies. If I can fit each person, or side, of a conflict into their appropriate places in Scarface, Casino, or Godfather, I can pretty much figure out how the story will end.
First there’s the Head of the Organization, or the Don; which in this case would be America. Then there are the heads of all the families in the Organization; which in this case would be Egypt and Mubarak would be the head of the Egyptian Family. Keep in mind that there are other families that rely on the loyalty and “mutual respect” from The Don. There are also factions outside the Organization that would love to see the The Don fall and quickly take his place, but that’s what makes the “mutual respect” so important. As long as The Don is even handed and allows the Men to be Men and handle their own affairs, they would support him whenever the need arises. But when The Don starts to show favor, a lack of courage, or a waiving loyalty, the Organization is vulnerable to internal threats.
The Don sees the people start to rise up against the the head of the family and he is faced with a decision. Now if he is blindly loyal to the head of the family, then he will show favor and there will be problems. If he is totally against the head of the family, then he nods at his main man and the head of the family mysteriously disappears. If he believes there is a compromise to be had, he forces both sides to come to the table and a compromise is made. Each side walking away a little mad but knowing the Don’s word is Law. But never is there a scenario where The Don publicly comes out and tells a head of family you must go, especially if The Don doesn’t have the stomach to fight.
Why? Because this is a game of Men. My meaning is not to lower the seriousness, more an attempt to let common sense rule over heart strings. As an American, I would love to see freedom spread all over the world. I know that Free Countries don’t go to war with each other. Lately, I’ve had to become a realist. The law of man and man’s behavior doesn’t change because the Liberals or Conservatives are in power. It’s my main argument against Social Justice or Central Planning. Men will be Men and no law or regulation is going to stop it.
Now, The Don has publicly come out against the head of a family and told him he needs to go. He doesn’t have his troops waiting in the wing, he doesn’t have a counter-operative in the family to take over and satisfy both sides, nor does he take away all resources provided by the Organization. What do you think happens next? How do you tell a MAN, whether you like him or not, who has run a Country under total dictatorship for 30 years to “Go Now”? How do you, a two year President, tell a MAN that has done the bidding of the United States of America for 30 years to “Go Now”? And more importantly, how do you tell him to go when he knows you don’t have the spine to fight to him.
This is a why a TRUE DON would’ve had Mubarak out on the second or third day of protest and left the country under Military Control. A True Don, especially one that made it a point to visit Cairo and placate the Muslim population on his first trip abroad, would’ve had allies in place because he would’ve known that you don’t become a dictator without playing by a set of explicit rules. He would know that to MEN their pride is way more valuable than any amount of money or political favor. So, the head of the family strikes back and what we get is pictures of the Government of Egypt shooting gas canisters that bare our name into the crowd of angry citizens. Now, Mubarak’s failure as a head has turned into a major problem in The Don’s Organization.
All our allies who depended on our loyalty and “mutual respect” are now waiting for the moment when The Don tells them, to paraphase an Obama Czar, it’s time for you to step down to give others an opportunity at power. They know if it ever comes down to a fight, The Don will not have their backs nor will he be the mediator that calms the storm. It also leaves The Don’s family open and vulnerable because made-men are no longer respected or protected and the factions who have been waiting in the wing are Men and will take full advantage of the situation. To the head of family, who has seen his image hung from the Main Square, it’s no longer about the outcome; now it’s, you will respect me. The factions are now offering the loyalty The Don and head of the family lacked and the Organization begins the fight for it’s very survival.
But I’m no expert, I could be wrong.

Posted in Politically Incorrect, Politics
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