Message to the Black Youth: THEY ALL BLAME YOU! WAKE UP!
June 2nd, 2011 | By Sonnie
As the keynote speaker for the annual Rainbow/PUSH Coalition conference, Cosby delivered another masterful soliloquy aimed at the destruction of the current state of African-Americans. Invited by the Reverend Jesse Jackson, Cosby blasted young African-Americans, whom he believes betrayed the legacy of the civil rights victories of the ’50s and ’60s.
“I believe you need all kinds in the debate and struggle. For example, when I was still eating meat, I was criticized everyday by angry vegans and it helped to set me up for the shift. The truth however, is that a shift to vegetarianism came from a loving friend who didn’t judge.
The title to this article is “Your dirty laundry gets out of school at 2:30 everyday”. They are calling you dirty laundry. See, you are the problem. They have given you all that you need and you just cuss it all away. They’ve provided you with Social Justice and now they can’t figure out why you repel from it. You need to turn off the Hip-Hop and listen to more warped versions of history that they try to stuff into your mind.
Bill Cosby is willing to say it’s everybody fault, but he only mentions your flaws. Why don’t they ever mention the failure that is the Rainbow Coalition and PUSH? If these are the legacy groups, along with other failures like the NAACP, where is there share of the blame? Why aren’t they admitting to their faults? Why do they target you?
Didn’t they tell you that the system was the culprit? Or was it the mean racist Republicans? Didn’t they tell you America was the problem, not the inhabitants of America? I mean, didn’t Plymouth Rock land on you? Why is it now exciting to speak amongst each other, leaving you totally out of the conversation, with criticism and malcontent?
Then to follow it up, Russell Simmons compares it to becoming a Vegan. Really, a Vegan? Is that the comparison you would make for your community?
Our communities are in the condition they are in because of groups like Rainbow, Push, and the NAACP. Yes, they lead a brilliant march in the ’60’s in a push for equality. Yes, they faced down water hoses, dogs, and some even gave their lives. They fought their battle and they won, and for that, they should be congratulated. But that isn’t where they stopped.
They pushed for more public housing, food stamps, and government assistance. They made dependency acceptable. They let God be taken out of our schools and watched them crumble. They gave excuses for crime and criminals were formed. THEY BETRAYED EVERYTHING KING MARCHED FOR! They let Planned Parenthood into our communities and validated them, neglecting to inform us of their true history. They let Big Government suck up more and more of our rights, while they collected a check for their assistance.
And then, we found Hip-Hop. And we got involved in the Capitalist system. Now, they want to blame you for it. Are their bastards among us who don’t care about anything or anyone, YES. But is that who you really are? Or are you just tired of the scenario which they have painted for you. Do you see lyrics and beats as a way out. You are not running towards Hip-Hop, you are running away from them and they will blame you and hate you for it. Take it from a sister that knows.
I hate to be blunt, but they will be dead soon and we will be here to shape our future the way we want it. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT? Or have you had enough already. The only fault you hold, is that in your own life. You are not responsible for the weight of the black community. You are only responsible for what you do next. You are not dirty laundry, you are the future of this country and don’t let them tell you otherwise.
But I have one more request. Don’t let them leave this Earth with their holier than thou belief that it is your fault. It is time to hold them accountable for their actions and in doing so, form the next generation of leaders that refuse to live in the aftermath of their failure.

Tags: Bill Cosby, Russell Simmons, victimization
Posted in Community, Stuck In Place
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Posted in Community, Stuck In Place
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