August 25th, 2008 | By Sonnie Johnson
If you read this and nit pick and the little points; then you’re missing the big picture.
I love the History Channel and during a break from watch the Democratic Convention I caught an Episode of The Ku Klux Klan; A Secret History. It got me to thinking and this is what I came up with.
The Factions
B.M.W.- Bitching, Moaning and Whining
If you read my articles before, you know who I’m referring to. If not, then let me enlighten you. These are the black people that complain about everything. The Government stops me from doing this, my circumstances stop me from doing that, and the street raised me to be who I am.
K.K.K. Klu Klux Klan
Everyone knows who they are. The white supremacist that think every problem they incur comes from someone of another color. The White People that think the United States would be better if it were only inhabited by White People.
M.S.B. Muslim Suicide Bombers
Scratching your head, Huh. How in the Hell does she plan on pulling this off? Well here I go.
The upbringing
B.M.W.– They were brought up in nothing but negativity. They have been told since birth; the world is out to get you. It doesn’t stop at a Race. Yes, the white man is out to get you, but so are your black elected officials. America is not a place for A Black Man to Become Successful.
K.K.K– They were brought up in nothing but negativity. They have been told since birth; you are the rightful Heir to this Country. It doesn’t stop at Race. Yes, the Black Man is taking all your opportunities, but it’s white people that are helping them. America is no longer a place where a white man can feel safe.
M.S.B.– They were brought up in nothing by negativity. They have been told since birth; if you spend your life killing people who don’t believe the same as you, then you’ll get 99 Virgins in Heaven. It doesn’t stop at Race. Yes, we want to hurt Jews, but there are Muslims standing in our way. America is despicable because everyone doesn’t believe in Allah.
The Leaders
B.M.W.– The Ones At The Top Don’t Practice What They Preach. Their leaders work and strive towards success then turn around and tell the People it’s impossible for you to do it. They build careers and financial stability, while advocating Public Assistance. They advance in Power and Prestige and leave their People behind.
K.K.K.– The Ones At The Top Don’t Practice What They Preach. Their leaders will encourage violence against those they deem unworthy, but let a Black Man walk into his Company with the ability to push up the Sales and he’s hired. They tell their people to fight for White Rights, but campaign with speeches meant to uplift everyone. They advance in Power and Prestige and leave their People behind.
M.S.B.– The Ones At The Top Don’t Practice What They Preach. Their leaders tell them to denounce the West, while they reside in Palaces that could rival any Western Architecture. They tell their People the United States is Expansionist, while they profit from Free Trade. They tell their people to live with just the basics, then take Vacations to the U.A.E and indulge in all the Sins unacceptable in their own Countries. They advance in Power and Prestige and leave their People behind.
The Beliefs
B.M.W.– The rules everyone else has to follow, don’t apply to me. Let a News story come on about a White Man killing a Black Man in a White Community and Black People lose their minds. Racism. Let a News Story come on about a Black Man killing a White Man in a Black Neighborhood and Black People say they had no business being there in the first place.
K.K.K– The rules everyone else has to follow, don’t apply to me. During the 60’s and 70’s, a White Man in Mississippi still thought there was no way a jury would convict them for killing a NIGGER. Because a NIGGER is not a Real Man. When they began losing their property in Civil Cases, they couldn’t understand why.
M.S.B.– The rules everyone else has to follow, don’t apply to me. Every major Religion has ‘Thou shalt not Kill.’ In most Muslim countries, you can be killed for changing Religion but not for murdering for your beliefs. They complain when attacked by none Muslims, then answer by attacking their own people.
The Markings
B.M.W.– When the Kitchen gets to hot, they throw on a Bandanna. Red, Blue, Black; it doesn’t matter. They are quick to show people they belong to something. They fit in. But no, they don’t stop there. They have to go and get it permanently etched into their bodies. Tattoos that make it impossible to separate or individualize Themselves From Gangs.
K.K.K.-When the kitchen gets to hot, they throw on a Hood. White or Red; it doesn’t matter. They aren’t as quick to show people they belong to something. But they are quick to point out they fit in. They just use words instead of Ink. NIGGER THIS, NIGGER THAT, HOW CAN YOU TELL IF A NIGGERS DEAD? Yes there are K.K.K.’s that have Tattoos, but the majority keep their beliefs inside.
M.S.B.-When the kitchen get hot, they throw on a Scarf. White; but that doesn’t matter. They are desperate to show they belong to something. They fit in. They just don’t use Words or Ink, they use belts made to explode and inflict as much damage as possible.
Side Note: My niece told me there was a difference between putting a K.K.K. hood on a little baby and buying a little baby Fake Gold Teeth. She said one is not meant to set the Agenda to Kill. So I asked her. “What happens to that little boy when he grows up and wants everything that goes with those Gold Teeth? He becomes the one that robs, sells drugs, and eventually will make the decision to kill or be killed.
The Similarities
B.M.W.-I’m not wrong because I believe. These People know that slavery was once a part of the United States and they believe racism will always be a part of the United States. They believe a Black Man will never get a fair shake, no matter how many exceptions they are presented with. They believe they were put on this earth to fail. And no one is going to touch that Belief.
K.K.K.-I’m not wrong because I believe. These People want a return to the Glory days of Segregation. They believe they are far more adept than any Black Person could be. They believe White People settled this Country and Should Control it Forever. They believe the Purity of the White Race is the biggest Issue facing them. And no one is going to touch that Belief.
M.S.B.-I’m not wrong because I believe. These People only have to look towards the Koran to find Belief. When it can’t be found, they look toward the Sheiks. They believe Israel shouldn’t exist. They Believe Capitalism will ruin their Religion. They believe killing themselves is acceptable as long as they do it for a Good Cause. And no one is going to touch that Belief.
The Opportunities
B.M.W.-The Most Radical Need Not Apply. There are opportunities available to this faction, but they won’t accept them. Not because they don’t want them. It’s because accepting them down grades your creditability. To reject the Lifestyle would mean your a traitor, a backstabber, and embarrassment to your Faction. Why can’t I be Black and Smart?
K.K.K.-The Most Radical Need Not Apply. There are opportunities available to this faction, and they will accept them. They will take a position as long as another White Person is in Charge. Let a Black Man take over and it’s time to go. Not because he’s a Bad Guy, It’s because working under him down grades your creditability, To reject the Lifestyle would mean your a traitor, a backstabber, and embarrassment to your Faction. Can I pay my bill, even if a Black Man signs my check?
M.S.B. -The Most Radical Need Not Apply. There are opportunities available to this Faction, but they are given no chance to see them. Instead of learning to read, write and think independently, they are taught to shoot in Elementary School. I’m sure Muslim parents cringe at that thought, but they send them to school none the less. It’s not because they don’t want their children to have long lives. It’s because if the don’t fight for Islam your creditability is down graded. To reject the Lifestyle would mean you’re a traitor, a back stabber, and an embarrassment to your Faction. Can I pray to Allah, without wanting to Kill Someone?
The Point
Every group of People have Conservative thinkers, Liberal thinkers, and those who Follow One of the Two. No one in this World is meant to Go It Alone. We are born into families and our families are connected by Culture, Religion, and Common Ideals. When we lack those Families and Networks, we feel lost and want to belong to something.
That’s where the Factions come in. They scoop up those that are alone, hurt, and angry; with no where to place their frustration. They take them in and give them acceptance, but along with that comes the Negative. Nothing in this world comes without a price. The admission to these groups; Your Ability to think for yourself, Your Ability to break Stereotypes and Preconceived Notions, Your Ability to learn from other People, Cultures, or Religions, basically Your Soul. Just to Belong.
None of these Groups Are Respectable. None of these Groups bring any Good into the World. But the Sad reality is, they will always exist. Someone will always find a way to rally the troops and improve their personal position. There will always be someone that didn’t put in the Work but expects results. And when those results don’t come, they will look elsewhere to place the blame. There will always be those that believe in nothing, so they will fall for anything.

Posted in Community, Stuck In Place
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