Until They Blame YOU!
December 16th, 2009 | By Sonnie Johnson
Hurry, we need to pass Healthcare. Let’s blame big pharma.
We can’t. We made a deal with them. They go along with healthcare, we won’t allow Canadian medicine into America.
O.K. Blame Canada.
We don’t want to say anything bad about the healthcare system we’re trying to force on Americans, plus I think South Park already took that line.
Then Blame Doctors
The people don’t believe their doctor would cut off their foot for profit
Blame Insurance Companies
That could work.
I question, Who’s next?
Hurry, we need to save the Planet. Let’s blame Car Companies
We can’t. We own car companies now.
Climate Change Opposition, blame them
That’s about 72% of all Americans, I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Why didn’t I think of this before? Let’s blame Big Oil
Again? How about if we add the coal industry this time, change it up a bit.
I question, Who’s next?
Hurry, we need jobs. Blame Bush
That was easy.
We still need jobs.
Blame Bush.
Ahhhh….That’s not working anymore
Blame Wallstreet
We’re telling Wallstreet to stop paying people. I don’t think that would work.
Do I have to do everything? Blame Banks for not lending.
We’re telling the Bankers they participated in risky behavior that caused our Country to slip into a deep depression. Now you want them to go back to that risky behavior with the American Taxpayer backing them up?
Just Blame the Bankers and Bush. That should work
I question, Who’s next?
We are getting the Government we deserve. Yet, no one is placing the blame at our footsteps. We want a Government that obeys the will of the people and that’s what we have. A Government that blames someone else for the problems they create, just like many of us do in our personal lives. When things go wrong because of personal decisions, we can easily point at Republicans or Democrats and say they are the problem. Why should we be surprised our Government reflects that?
So, let’s get to the question at hand. Who’s next? I mean, when everything hits the fan and the blame game is no longer fun, who will be left holding all the chips? Government! While we’re busy paying attention to Tiger Woods and White House party crashers, the Executive Branch is collecting and consolidating power. What happens when America wakes up and Government has complete power to place blame?
American Citizens, we blame you for the exorbitant cost of healthcare. You and your drinking alcohol, soda, and milk. You think you have the right to free healthcare when you eat meat, don’t get enough exercise, and spend all day combing the Internet for new information on what we’re doing. You got your free abortion, why are you complaining because Granny can’t get a hip replacement? You will live by our rules because we know what’s good for you.
What happens when there is nothing you can do about it? At least with insurance, you could go to government with a grievance.
American Citizens, we blame you for the destruction of our planet. You and your big screen t.v.’s, monster SUV’s, and big houses. You think the planet will keep on spinning if you continue to have multiple child families, dogs and cats for pets, and keep multiplying the cattle population? Do you know the carbon foot print of farting cows, crying babies, and animals you can’t eat? You have experienced the privilege of Capitalism and you squandered it, now you will bow to the will of Government.
American Citizens, we blame you for the lack of jobs. Where is your ambition? Where is your desire not to settle? We gave you high minimum wage, the right to a union, and a Trillion dollar stimulus. And what about unemployment benefits, we gave you two years and you still need a job. Don’t worry, we’ll give you what you seek. I’ve got an opening to dig and refill ditches.
Realize none of these things are your fault, unless you believe the standard of living in America is too advanced compared to the rest of the world. The rest of us shouldn’t be blamed for the price of healthcare, the destruction of our planet or lack of jobs. That blame rightly falls on the politicians in Washington. Our fault lies in continuing to send the same people back to represent us.
We send them back with no punishment for earmarks, violating the Constitution or refusing to hear the will of the people; then we wonder why all we ever see is blame instead of results. If you’re a Republican, you blame the Democrats. If you’re a Democrat, you blame the Republicans.
To steal a phrase from Rev. Wright, “When will the American Domestic agenda chickens come home to roost?’ And how will we respond when the Democrats and the Republicans have the power to put the blame and consequence directly on our shoulders?

Posted in Politically Incorrect, Politics, Uncategorized
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