A Good Ole’ Fashion Lynching: Secrets Revealed
February 11th, 2010 | By Sonnie Johnson
uring the last week, I’ve asked 10 random friends “Do you know who Willie Lynch is?” 9 out of 10 responded, He’s the guy they named Lynching after. And that’s the problem with how American History is portrayed. Bits and Pieces of missing information that until linked together makes a Black Person’s skin boil. We are not going to research the person who invented Lynching because we think of Black People hanging from trees with good ole’ boys laughing. We assume we know Lynch’s true intent.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Lynch was, using Obama’s word’s, A Fat Cat. He was a man that put profit over human dignity and suffering. To him, it was all about maximizing your inventory and profit. He looked down upon the average “Lynching” as bad economics. It’s sheer brutality and lack of future planning resulted in uprisings, run away slaves, and an unsafe environment for slave owners. It was not good business, you see.
*There is a dispute over the authenticity of Willie Lynch’s The Making of a Slave. I say this: if I gave you a recipe to turn rocks and dirt into diamonds, would you care who wrote it?
The formula contained in this document is sickening. I literally had to re-read it ten times before I could comprehend the evil in this man’s heart. I also realized, no matter how sickening it was, it wasn’t about Black People. It was all about money. *Now, before you Liberals jump in and try to bash capitalism, keep this in mind: the top 50 companies in 2008 made 362 Billion in profit, the Obama Administration had a 2009 budget of 3.5 Trillion. Who has more of a money incentive?
Lynch realized in order to get the money, you had to “regulate” or “control” the population which served you. Which brings me to one of the most important tid bits in Lynch’s letter, the control of language. As simple folk, we don’t speak the same language as the politicians. We don’t talk inflation and deficit, we say stuff costs more and we’re in over our head in debt. Politicians like it that way. WHY? “Take a slave, if you teach him all about your language, he will know all your secrets, and he is then no more a slave, for you can’t fool him any longer and having a fool is one of the basic ingredients of and incidents to the making of the slavery system.”
Then you’ll have Tea Party People marching on Washington demanding to be heard. You can’t have that.
Ouch! Secret Revealed. All we need is Fools’ to follow us. People who don’t realize without the Republican Party there would be no Black History Month. Hell there maybe no Black History, except slavery, at all. We as black people complain about not being taught our history, even though we have an entire month dedicated to it, yet we never question Who leaves them out of the history books? The answer: THEM. Who’s them, the Republicans? Republicans don’t want you to know a Great Black Republican Carter Woodson said “If the Negro in the Ghetto must eternally be fed by the hand that pushes him into the Ghetto, he’ll never have the strength to get out of the the Ghetto.” I would think Republicans would put that on the front of the text book, especially with a 90% of blacks voting Democratic.
Democrats “control” the message by controlling what you learn in history books. Not only do they control what language you speak, they also control what becomes fact by common knowledge, not by actual events. As disturbing as that sounds, there is good reasoning behind it. “Our experts warned us about the possibility of this phenomenon occurring, for they say that the mind has a strong drive to correct and recorrect itself over a period of time if it can touch some substantial original historical base; and they advised us that the best way to deal with phenomenon is to shave off the brute’s mental history and create a multiplicity of phenomenon or illusions so that each illusion will twirl in its own orbit, something akin to floating balls in a vacuum.”
Oops! I did it again. Secret Revealed. Why have we yet to reach Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream? Illusions!
When a white person looks at a black person what do they see? A Black Person. (Seriously, what do you see when you look at a white person?) What does a black person see when they look at another black person? Differences! “I HAVE OUTLINED A NUMBER OF DIFFERENCES AMONG THE SLAVES; AND I TAKE THESE DIFFERENCES AND MAKE THEM BIGGER. I USE FEAR, DISTRUST AND ENVY FOR CONTROL PURPOSES.”
Let’s pit the old vs the young. Light vs Dark. Tall vs Short. Educated vs Illiterate Rich vs Poor And let them argue amongst themselves and be envious and distrustful of each other. That will stop the phenomenon of correction! DISTRUST IS STRONGER THAN TRUST AND ENVY STRONGER THAN ADULATION, RESPECT OR ADMIRATION How many black conservatives are reading this like, DAMN. Is that why I get raked over the coals for having a point of view? YUP! Have you noticed how quick a black person is to judge another black person, unless that black person is in Democratic Power.
While Obama could be a useful example, take the new tax on public radio. There is virtually little black resistance to the devastation currently running through public radio in anticipation of this new tax. Donnie Simpson, B.E.T. great and DC AM man, just had his contract cancelled because they didn’t want to pay him an appropriate salary. While everyone called in and sent letters of love, there is still no backlash for the Democrats that are causing Black Professionals in the Radio industry to lose their jobs. So while they respect and admire Donnie Simpson and all the people he employs, they are more concerned with the Democrats sticking it to the rich. YOUR SLAVES TRUST AND DEPEND ON US. THEY MUST LOVE, RESPECT AND TRUST ONLY US.
But Donnie Simpson will be alright. He’s worked along time, he’s got money. And they say we have a slave mentality, they would follow Democrats to the lynching of a black man. You Doubt Me. T.I.- while everyone talked about the Government going after a Black Man, which was easy because Bush was in office, no one looked at the policy that forces T.I. to buy illegal weapons. Democrats push more and more gun “regulation” or “control”. True believers in the Second Amendment, mostly on the Republican side, believe reformed felonies should be able to regain their rights to bear arms. No Democratic Policy, T.I. legally applies to get his rights back and never goes back into the prison system.
The sad part, that’s only two illusions. Let’s move on to Lynch’s most important factor, Breaking the Family. if you break the female, she will break the offspring in its early years of development and, when the offspring is old enough to work, she will deliver it up to you. For her normal female protective tendencies will have been lost in the original breaking process. For example, take the case of the wild stud horse, a female horse and an already infant horse and compare the breaking process with two captured nigger males in their natural state, a pregnant nigger woman with her infant offspring. Take the stud horse, break him for limited containment. Completely break the female horse until she becomes very gentle whereas you or anybody can ride her in comfort. Breed the mare until you have the desired offspring. Then you can turn the stud to freedom until you need him again. Train the female horse whereby she will eat out of your hand, and she will train the infant horse to eat of your hand also.
Most Black Men have no problem playing the role of stud in limited containment. In fact, they don’t mind making boat loads of money off that persona. This is what slave owners had planned for you. See, they didn’t want you to stay around and be a father to your sons and daughters. They wanted you drop your seed and move on to leave the women defenseless against their attacks. They knew your absence would break the female completely and she would teach YOUR sons and daughters to depend on them, not you.
Back in the days of slavery, most men resisted this. They made time and put in effort to teach their children stories and lessons of life, even though they couldn’t read, write, or afford $100 Nikes. Even on a plantation where the child would see his father brutalized and beaten. They understood their role and they unbent their backs and were role models in the worse of circumstance. While there are some of those men still around, what about those that follow this script to the tee? Your natural state is not a STUD, it’s at the head of your dinner table teaching your child to eat from your war torn hands.
That’s a shout out to all the male Hip Hop Artist that rhyme about Bitches and Hoes, then go home to your Wife and Kids. Thanks for keeping the cycle going.
Before I jump to Black Women, I need to inject this. When I was young, my mother was on food stamps; everyone in my neighborhood was on food stamps. LOL When we would ask for money to go to the ice cream truck or to the store, if my mother didn’t have cash we didn’t get money. Even though all the kids in the neighborhood used food stamps, we were not allowed. It was a necessity for her at the time but she refused to let it become apart of who we would be.
That’s a shout out to all the Black Women who get it done, by any and all means necessary, and don’t take any mess along the way. You’re not alone.
To my Black Women in the Projects. “Take the female and run a series of tests on her to see if she will submit to your desires willingly. Test her in every way, because she is the most important factor for good economics. If she shows any signs of resistance in submitting completely to your will, do not hesitate to use the bull whip on her to extract that last bit of bitch out of her.”
What’s one of the first and most important things they tell you when you apply for Section 8 or Government housing? You can NOT have a man living with you. It is cause for immediate removal. That’s the first test, are you willing to allow the Government to become the Father in your home? If the father is a Stud in Limited Containment, the first test is easy. Matter of fact, they make it easier if you have a Stud in Limited Containment. If you got a man that sticks around, then the Government wants his Social Security, W-2’s, and anything else that will break him. That’s why there are a lot of kids running around with no Father’s name on the Birth Certificate. Second test, will you choose the Government over your baby daddy and allow them to collect and redistribute what they think you should have? (Notice this is very different from child support where a mother can choose where she wants to live because she is payed in CASH. I’m talking about the Government paying you back in a welfare check, public housing, and food stamps.)
And what happens ifyou get bold and decide to get a job and save up for a car? They knock you back down to size and threaten to take away all Benefits for Obediance. They cut off the check, drastically reduce food stamps, and you are informed your lease won’t be renewed. How dare you try to make it without us? And this is not to rag or put down anyone, you know I’m right. How are you supposed to get off welfare if every time you try, they slap you back down? If you don’t have family or a support system, it’s almost impossible.
Unless, For fear of the young male’s life she will psychologically train him to be mentally weak and dependent but physically strong. Because she has become psychologically independent, she will train her female offspring to be psychological independent as well. What have you got? You’ve got the nigger woman out front and the nigger man behind and scared. This is perfect situation for sound sleep and economics. Before the breaking process, we had to be alert and on guard at all times. Now we can sleep soundly, for out of frozen fear, his woman stand guard for us, we break this cycle.
We do no service to our men allowing them to be weak. We do more damage to our black men demanding Prada, Gucci, and Bling, than any white man could do in this day and age. Most of us take value in our own money but have no concern on how we spend the ill gotten gains of those we say we love. We don’t demand daddy daughter time every Saturday, we seek $60 for the club on Saturday night. And we complain about a failing school system and a Government that doesn’t care when our children have three pair of Nikes and not a single book at home.
We are the women who stick our chest out and dare you to say something, though I LOVE that trait in us, we must make the Men come up to our level. Our black men have no problem proving their physical strength; some cowardly men hide that lack of physical strength behind a gun but I digress. They are not scared of standing toe to toe with a white man in a fist fight but they are threatened by seating across from them in a class room. What is wrong with this picture?
We take our children to visit their father in Jail Cells convincing them it was the system, not the Father’s actions that landed him there. And upon their release, “when you gonna start making money again. I need this, I need that.” Bam, he’s right back in jail and the system is at fault. Then when your son thinks that money is more important than an education, you wonder where you went wrong. We must challenge our Son’s to be mentally strong. While he’s dribbling a ball, teach him the physics of trajectory. While he’s playing football, stress the mathematical force behind two linemen colliding. While he’s rhyming, collect books filled with Great Philosophers that encourage him to create High Quality Hip Hop, if that’s his choice. (Yes, this means you might have to teach yourself a new trick or two. We’re smart, we can do it.)
So, with all that being said. I think it’s time for a Good Ole’ Fashion Lynching. “For example, if you put a slave in a hog pen and train him to live there and incorporate in him to value it as a way of life completely, the biggest problem you would have out of him is that he would worry you about provisions to keep the hog pen clean, or take the same hog pen and make a slip and incorporate something in his language where by he comes to value a house more than he does his hog pen, you got a problem. He will soon be in your house.”
Lynch’s theory included a time table of One Year. If used unrelentlessly, never missing an opportunity(to quote Rahm Emanuel), this cycle will repeat itself. So, if we spend an entire year bombarding our family, neighbors, and friends with the plan that was meant for us and how we have fallen into it, we can be the phenomenon. That great forces that throws a Noose around the neck of Willie Lynch’s monstrous plan, turned into a Progressive Democratic Platform.
Start here. “… that true faith flowers from and through doubt. If you never questioned your beliefs, – you are just a puppet dancing to somebody’s strings. If God had wanted your mindless obedience, you would’ve been created without mind and without free will. But you have both so… you can come to God of your own accord. Just look at the lives of saints, – most of them had gone through a dark night of the soul, and that’s why their faith was so strong. The path to true faith always goes through doubt. So ask those questions you’ve always been afraid to ask, and find the answers, and then your faith will become unshakable.”
Their distrust in Republicans is stronger than their trust in Democrats. Make them question that blind faith. Do not allow them to make it about you cause it’s not. It’s about how we currently treat each other and WHY? Do not talk in “us” vs ‘them” because we are speaking two different languages. They see black and white, not the elite and the rest of us. We’re having two different conversations about the same subject and that’s why we don’t understand each other.
God Be With You and I’ll See You Back Here Next Black History Month
Posted in Community, Empowerment
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child support – (willy lynch project) plus modern day slavery which will soon end in blood shed in america)