Two Hearts
May 18th, 2008 | By Sonnie
When I was 17, I wanted a tattoo, but my mother refused. She said I was to young to get something permanent on my body. I was stubborn and didn’t listen, so I grabbed my friends I.D. and went to the tattoo parlor.
It was two weeks before my 18th birthday, and I was surrounded by walls and books full of pictures.
Lil backround. I had graduated at 16. I was working and had my own apartment. I had been in love twice. My first had taken my virginity and captured my intellect. Plus my mom hated him. More than that, he made me think, and I loved that. He was older, more sexual, and so he cheated. I broke it off.
Three years later, it happened again. He made me furious. He was constantly challenging my ability to deal with other people, which was hard for me. He was toxic, but I loved him anyway.
I was still in love, but no longer with him when I was standing around all these pictures. I saw it and I realized my mother was wrong. I was old enough to realize something that would last my entire life.
Two major loves should be enough to know exactly what you want. I’m not talking casual dating, I never did that. I’m talking making yourself sick love. You should know whick qualities you want and those that should send off red flags. Even if those are attractive qualities to you, that’s what the arrows’ for. Never forget the lessons learned in the first two. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Keep on a straight path to finding what you really want. The blood dripping? Let it go. Don’t hold the next man accountable for your past.
In a nutshell, its my philosophy on love. It can be summed up by Maya Angelo. “When people show you who they are, believe them.”
Posted in Inspiration, Method 2 Madness
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