Browsing: Empowerment

The Government and The Individual American

December 10th, 2009 | By

I wonder if during The Great Depression, the people carried the same sort of angst we hold now. Whether they believed they had destroyed America for the generations to follow or were they more worried about their current plight?

With the pre-election crash in the market, a continued fear of market investment, high unemployment, high taxes, and a government that leans to protectionism and massive spending; the scene is set for a Great Depression. Two major factors keep us on the brink of what we deserve and what we will allow; the individual American and the Government. This doesn’t bode well for us.

Government’s heavy handiness occurred during the Great Depression. The individual American had legitimate arguments. They hadn’t lived out-side of their means or risked it all in the stock market; their only sin was depositing money in an unsecured bank. As banks failed, they lost everything and the first “US” generation was born. “We, the people” was forgotten and selfishness and entitlement set in.

We are entitled to benefits when we get older! Why? We fixed the problem and now bank deposits are insured. Save for yourself to ensure it will be there when you need it, instead of when Government says you can have it.

We are entitled to jobs! Why? There were no jobs when the Pilgrims came. They opened stores, created industry, and started the building blocks of our modern economy. If you don’t have a job, go and create a job. We are entitled to a chance at wealth, not a chance at Just Over Broke.

We are entitled to a house! Why? A house is nothing more than wood and bolts; a home is truly what you seek. If you mature to a place where you can create a home, getting a house will be no problem. If you can’t pay your bills you won’t have a happy home and more than likely you don’t deserve a house.

You would think I’m talking about the current situation, but sadly this argument was waged and defeated during The Great Depression. Social Security still exists and is deemed ‘popular’ even though Congress has raided it’s lockbox. People still look to Government to create jobs and wonder why those jobs don’t create wealth for the lower class. And the introduction of the Federal Housing Administration has brought us Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the housing bubble. Government made it’s mark.

Did the individual American make a mark? Indeed. The car radio, the Laundromat, the supermarket, chocolate chip cookies, copy machines and Monopoly all got their start during the Great Depression. People with no job, or jobs that didn’t provide security, branched out and invented something new. They created wealth in companies that still exist today; Parker Brothers, Xerox, Tollhouse, and Schick razors.

Remember, this is the first generation of ‘US’. They set limits on what they would allow by utilizing the freedom found in America. Times were hard but in America anything was possible. They took advantage of the economic downturn by creating a demand even when consumer spending was dismal. They created REAL WEALTH, while the Government spent Millions and Millions of dollars and failed miserably at creating permanent JOBS.

In today’s crisis, we are dealing with generation ‘me’. Forget “we, the people”, forget ‘us’, and focus on ME. What are you going to do for me? More and more individual Americans are willing to give away their right to build wealth. That’s the most disturbing aspect looking towards the future of America and the individual American.

The government is still up to its same old tricks, showing its heavy hand at every turn; healthcare, cap and trade, and increasing regulation. How much will we allow? Will we look to government to create jobs that don’t last and don’t create a better situation for its workers? Or will we look to ourselves and create a demand even when consumer spending is at a stand still? How can we make the individual American understand the strength of this country comes from his or her sweat and determination and not the Government Pocketbook?

Hip Hop & The Black Republican: Getting the Society into Social Networking

June 23rd, 2009 | By

1992, I was spending summer vacation with my cousin in the heart of Richmond, Va. Normally, I was restricted to listening to gospel music and oldies. Now I had a little freedom to sample Hip Hop. It was Mary J. Blige, Real Love. I was “Hypnotized”.

2001, I wanted to look beautiful for my birthday, so I scheduled an appointment to get my hair braided. I got up early to go to the hair shop and made my way to the African Braiding Salon. I was early, so I ventured home to pack a lunch for my hubby to go to work. I got home just in time to see the first plane hit the first Tower. Thinking it was an accident, I left to make my appointment. I made it to the shop just in time to hear about the plane crashing into the Pentagon.

Everyone in the shop joined hands and prayed. We prayed for the people on the plane, we prayed for the people in the Twin Towers, we prayed for the rescue worker and everyday hero, we prayed for every family member affected. Then, then we prayed for the terrorist and their supporters. We prayed God would soften their heart. Last, we prayed for President George Bush. We prayed that God would grant him the strength to protect this nation in the days ahead.

12 hours later, I rode home listening to Jill Scott’s, A Long Walk, trying to gather my thoughts. I always believed in God but I wasn’t at the point in my faith where I would pray for the very men that caused massive destruction to my fellow countrymen. I wasn’t at the point of political maturity where I thought George Bush was that important. All I knew was Jill Scott’s melodic voice made me………..WAKE UP!

The intent of my trip down memory lane was not to invoke memories of that day. It was to express the power of Hip Hop. Since I heard my first Hip Hop song, I’ve used the music as a coping mechanism. When I was sad, happy, lonely, amongst friends, busy, chillin, and all the gray areas in between; Hip Hop was there.

Fast Forward> The Blog WHWDRadio -> The Show WHWDRadio-> The Forum

All dedicated to my two greatest loves, Hip Hop and Future of the United States of America. And YES! I did a shameless plug of everything I got going. You know why? I believe in Capitalism, the Free Market, and an individuals’ right to choose their own destiny. If you find that thing that ignites your passion, work for it and you can get the American Dream. I plug myself every chance I get, did I mention…….

Twitter Facebook Myspace

Hip Hop combines two of my favorite political platforms, Capitalism and Free Speech. The former provides the strength and power to protect the latter. The more capital raised by the Hip Hop industry, the less politicians are willing to attack it. As artist, consumers, promoters, and fans we have given Hip Hop power in the political arena. Democrats have taken full advantage of this new source of power. Where are the Republicans?

After President Obama’s history making election, the central focus was the new technology. All the social networking sites, iphones, and laptop computers created massive grassroots efforts. How? Did the phones hit their owners upside the head and tell them to vote for Obama? Did the social networking sites deny access to those with opposing veiw points? Did the laptop computers instantly send Republican outreach to the spam box?

NO! It wasn’t the hardware, the software, or phantoms whisping through. It was the people on the outgoing end of the tweets, myspace bulletins, and facebook posts. Ludacris, Common, Jay-Z, Puffy, and the list goes on and on and on. Obama wasn’t afraid to be photographed with the artist, even though they cussed, wrote lyrics involving gun violence, or showed misogynistic tendencies. He knew no one follows Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or Rahm Emanual on twitter. The core Hip Hop base are the people that can sell out packed arenas and go platinum in a day.

Ironically, these are the same people who show the rest of us that Capitalism works. Each taking one step, then another, unwilling to stop, uninhibited by haters or road blocks, and unafraid to risk everything betting of themselves. Each a true and shining example of the American Dream, no matter what you think about the art form that got them to that status.

Imagine this. You gather the aforementioned stars like Obama gathered the execs at Chrysler. You inform them, the rappers on myspace aren’t making the same amount of money as they are, so they need to sign every thing over so it can be redistributed. Could you picture Puffy video blogging about that conversation under a sheet with a flashlight, like he mocked Sarah Palin? Or do you think he would have his legal department trying to figure out a way to stop the government or get his money some where it can’t be touched.

Or try this one. The state in forms Jay-Z, New York no longer allows any weapons in the home or on your person. It doesn’t matter you were never convicted of a felony. It doesn’t matter your weapon is registered and you have a license to carry. It doesn’t matter that you are a Billioniaire, with a face every body knows, and a bullseye on your back, your bodyguards aren’t even allowed to bare arms. How long do you think Jay would remain a New York Resident? Everyone wants to blame the government for T.I.’s conviction, not realizing Democrats push for the laws that make it difficult or impossible for reformed felons to protect themselves and their families.

But we never have these conversations with the movers and shakers in the Hip Hop community. They present themselves, back a candidate, and never have to answer a policy question and those of us who don’t pay attention, assume they know what they are talking about. As their popularity grows, so do the numbers of youth in the Democratic Party.

And how do we combat this? Conquer the hardware? Throw bugs in the software? Or truly become inclusive and let the Hip Hop Community into the Republican Party. This doesn’t mean just the generation who grew up in Hip Hop and graduated to something more. This also includes the generation that grew up in Hip Hip, graduated to something more, and decided to take Hip Hop with them. The Hip Hop fans that can look past graphic language to see true lyrical talent. The encouraged entrepreneur who listened to Fifty’s, “If I can’t do it, homey it can’t be done” right before he closed a multi-million dollar deal. The conservative sister that finds laughter and ridicule when she stands and says, “Better recognize a real woman”.

These are the people who don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reily, or any other conservative host. I know this because I don’t listen to any of the shows. I agree with most policy positions but they don’t capture and hold my attention. I don’t do Elvis and country music comparisons and I don’t appreciate Hip Hop only gaining notoriety when something goes wrong.

As a proud black Republican that carries Hip Hop like my weapon of choice, where do I fit in? If I want to play Hip Hop music on my radio show, do I have to buy the clean version from Wal-mart? Which would go against every principle of free speech and censorship I have? Or do I participate in the Capitalistic system I praise so much?

Believe me, this is not something I just came up with. Since the beginning to WHWDRadio, I’ve made every attempt to reach out to politicians and artist alike. While the politicians have been wonderful and gracious with their time, once I tell an artist my political affiliation, the interview never happens. I inform them that the segment will have nothing to do with politics, just music and they still refuse. Yet, they continue to send their new material and ask my opinion. The true entrepreneurs who look at any audience as a chance to get a couple fans question if they have to change their lyrics to accommodate my audience.

Is my audience really that different than any other audience willing to listen to a fellow Americans perspective of life? If it is, then the Republican Party has no chance to win the minority vote. They are willing to listen, if we are willing to respect the power they hold. This means excepting their form of expression and means of communication. Social Networking means nothing if you can’t reach the people in the society.

The New Black Attitude: First “WHY?”, Now “Who Cares?”

May 9th, 2009 | By

Why? Why is the sky blue? Why is the grass green? Why am I wasting my time asking silly questions?


Why is a question posed by those who chose to do the wrong thing for the wrong reason. Pity should be treated as a season and allowed to past. Hoping spring will bring answers to questions unasked.

A bunch of mumbo jumbo or real talk. I happen to think it’s quite inspiring, especially since I wrote it. LOL

I guess in every thing there are reactive and proactive forces. Shots fired on the block, the reactive question, why? The proactive question, why not start a neighborhood watch to cut back on the crime. But before either gets a chance to act or react, what about the person that fired the shots? Do the same forces hold dominion over him?

Is he being proactive in stopping someone from coming to his block or is he being reactive, retaliating because he was hit first? Or truly, does it matter? It doesn’t.

But those are the “WHY” boys and we give credence to their questions. We grieve momentarily for the victim and his family, but we fight relentlessly to make sure the “shots fired” have an excuse. When the police catch the shooter, it’s the police who were picking on a black man.

So I ask, do you even remember crying for the black mother that lost her black son to that black man?

And for asking this question, I will be called a traitor, an uncle Tom, or a myriad of other names that bounce off my skin like raindrops. I’m prepared for that. I know full well putting a dissenting voice will cause criticism to fly my way.

But where are the rest of the people who aren’t afraid to speak up? Over the last couple months, I’ve found quite a few who are willing and currently fighting to take back their cities, but they have to fight the common sense, get up and go to work everyday people. And the one’s committing the crime are free to roam while we fight amongst ourselves.

I have a very old friend I talked to a couple weeks back. He was the man. When I was sick, I mean spending an entire week every month in hospital, he helped me with my bills. He made sure I got my medicine and he frequently stopped by to see if I was eating properly.

But he also worked in weight. He wasn’t loud or flashy, but he was caked up. Right around the time I was leaving Richmond, he was arrested and sentenced to 4 1/2 years in jail.

This was our first conversation since then. Being that I have changed, I assumed that he had made some changes as well. He made changes all right, but not like I had expected.

He told me he no longer sells to niggers. That’s what got him in trouble last time. Black people just don’t know how to keep their mouths closed.

And of course being the person I am, I question “Maybe you got in trouble because you were selling drugs and that’s what happens to people that sell drugs.” And then I got truth.

He said, “I know what I do. And I know where it’s going to lead me. It is what it is.” His girl’s grandma left them a house and she keep the money he saved, so there was no need to continue hustling. The more I tried to press the issue, the harder he laughed.

Now, I feel like a jackass. I’m praying to God to help me find a way to communicate the destruction in our communities and the criminals are laughing. To make matters worse, he commends he on my efforts and predicts big things in my future.

And I’m wondering, do you know what your asking for? If I succeed, you go outta business permanently. But I let the conversation go and spent weeks trying to wrap my brain around it. Until my breakdown on Wednesday, when I tried to tell this story, and the release of my thoughts in yesterday’s blog, I couldn’t decipher the lesson learned.

If you’re young, black, and in the hood, I’ll give you a free “WHY”? Why does no one care about me? See, we used to start community groups to bring jobs and opportunities into black areas. Now, to take a job that pays you enough to pay for rent and food and not much else is looked down upon. WHY? Because the same groups that once vowed to protect us are now giving crack to mothers, turning sons into runners, and killing anyone who gets in their way. No matter the color.

We don’t cheer for them but we stare enviously when they roll up, decked out. We get up and go to work everyday, just to make ends meet, and they don’t have a care in the world. Until they get hit with the consequences of their actions, then we find outrage and a reason to protest.

And the real niggers are laughing. You work your ass off and then you fight for them like your plight is the same. They count on “Let T-Dog Free” and public outrage so they can get back to the street and back to making money. And we oblige.

So what happens to that kid that wants to do the right thing? He sees the world around him quite clearly and he’s smart enough to know just standing out can get him killed. That’s why in every single group of niggers, there is a pretender. Not in the scared to act sense, but the give me one opportunity to get away and I’m gone.

They do what they have to do to make it and then they become Jay-Z, Baron Davis, and Barack Obama. And we cheer their success. But we point out that they are only the exceptions to the rule. The truth is, if we eliminated their need and necessity to fit in, they would become the rule.

And that’s where we are. We are telling our kids that we don’t care what happens in their everyday life if it involves people that look like them. We don’t want to talk about black on black crime, we’ll wait until a white person does something and then we’ll fight.

And while we put our heads in the sand, black men are dying, going to jail, or creating situations that will cause them problems for the rest of their lives.

But we don’t care. If they floss, we’ll admire. If they kill, we’ll overlook. If they steal, so what. Let it happen in your inner circle and it’s different. The police don’t care, the politicians don’t care, and the media doesn’t care. But like the initial question, before any of the people above have a chance to act or react, what about you?

Were you proactively trying to make a better community? Where you proactively trying to encourage your friend to stop selling illegal drugs that cause thousands of black to be incarcerated every year? Where you proactively trying to get them to go back to school or to pick up a trade?

Or are you being re-active and questioning “WHY”, even though you are well aware of the answer?

But here’s the kicker. If you are proactive and are trying to put positive influences around those you love. How’s that working out? Are they ignoring you and continuing to follow their own path, no matter how hard you try? Do you feel like it’s a waste of time, even though you continue to encourage and enlighten?

To you I ask, what about when you’re not talking about someone in particular. Say, just some random news story about a murder in your city. Do you question why the victim was there, instead of why that neighborhood has had a murder every weekend for a year? Do you question police tactics, instead of number of crimes criminals get away with because no one is willing to speak up?

The point is, if you tell a black man to get a job and become a part of society, then turn around and justify the actions of those who are doing the exact same thing, why would they listen to you? You tell them to work hard but laugh along with the guys that pick on the poor dude. What are you truly saying to them.

As long as I you’re nothing, I got your back. But the minute you decide to change your life and have to struggle with the consequences of that change, you no longer fit in. Since you no longer have the chain, the whip, the girls, or the dough, you are no longer worth fighting for. Come back when you are the victim of a white crime.

And that’s the black attitude. Who cares how many die, if they die by black hands? Who cares how hard you work if you don’t roll a Benz? Who cares how much you suffer, if it’s not done by the hands of government or the white man?

Gotta go for now, but far from finished.

A Lesson Learned: Jay-Z, Decisions, and Self Growth

April 10th, 2009 | By

Wow! Where to start?


Life is nothing more than a myriad of decisions, most with a simple yes or no answer. The person that refuses to make these decisions will find the road of life riddled with obstacles that could have been removed.

I have the funniest ways of connecting a point. Let’s take one of my favorite songs,

“You must love me” Jay-Z In my Lifetime, Vol. 1

2nd verse Lyrics

We used to fight every night
but I never would suffer
just smile my big brother’s
tryna make me tougher
As we grew fussing and fighting continued
as I plundered through ya stuff
and snuck ya clothes to school
Got intense real intense
as we got older
Never believed it would lead
to be popped in one of ya shoulda
With my rings knew you had it
’cause you took too long
as Mickey, Andy, and the girl that bought it looked on
Huffin’ and puffin’ gun in my hand
told you step outside
Hoping you said no but you hurt my pride
made our way down the steps
maybe you thought it was just a threat
or maybe ya life was just that crazy
and you was beggin’ for death
try to justify this in my young mind
but ya drillin’ it
and my ego hurt combined
drove me berzerk
Saw the devil in your eyes
high off more than weed
confused I just closed
my young eyes and squeezed
What a sound
opened my eyes just in time
to see ya stumbling to the ground
Damn what the fuck I done now
runnin’ around in a circle
thinking I’m assed out
hot gun burnin’ my waist
ran straight to Jazz’ house
Like a stranger damn I just shot my nigga
and ran off into the night as if it was not my nigga
Left the scene how could I go out that way
Still you asked to see me in the hospital ya next day

You Must Love Me

Here’s my point about making tough decisions. Both Jay-z and the brother in the story were faced with decisions. Both were forced to make decisions rapidly because they were under scrutiny of their peers. If either would back down or refuse to act, they would have faced mass criticism.

So both acted. The brother made the decision to stand his ground and Jay-z made the decision to do what the street demanded he do.

But, what did we forget?

We forgot that this was not the first time both were faced with this decision. They’ve spent years fussing and fighting but never made a life changing or relationship altering decision, until the moment the bullet left the gun.

At that moment, a permanent decision was made. Jay-Z finally realized how irrelevant all the bickering was; who cares what happened between us, your my brother. And the brother realized, if the positions were reversed, he would have done the same thing. I mean, where do you think he learned what was expected?

Sometimes, the best decisions are the one’s rapidly forced upon you. Where in a split second, you don’t overcomplicate or reason, you just answer. Most of the time, these moments feel like mistakes the instant they are made. Could you imagine if the brother had died?

But most of the time, especially if you have God leading your path, you were put in that position because a life altering, relationship changing decision had to be made and you were refusing to make it. You were stagnate and God doesn’t like it when you ask for his help, then refuse to make steps necessary to receive your blessing.

Jay-Z got lucky. There were no major ramifications for his actions. The relationship with his brother was stronger because of a rash decision.

But that’s not always the case. Sometimes those rash decisions come with hefty consequences. It all depends on how you look at it. If you are a person who never made a life altering, relationship changing decision, then you probably got a lot of those decisions ahead of you. You’ve got to see the dark clouds, before the silver lining.

If you are a person who refuses to bend on position, then it’s probably the people around you trying to get away. They are making the life altering, friendship changing decisions for you.

But, if you are the person that refuses to go to the hospital the next day, you have decided against self growth. You don’t want to deal with the consequences of your decisions. So to you I say, watch out for the speed bumps in the road. You missed the lesson learned.


Watch For the Stupidity

Some people question my “relating life” to a song. They tell me, it’s just a song. It’s not meant to be taken with the importance you give it.

I’m beginning to think, this is the real problem with Hip Hop. We used to use song to uplift and praise. Now, if we are lucky enough to find a song with real meaning, using the lyrics to show a lesson learned is unacceptable or underappreciated.

Maybe the problem isn’t Hip Hop, maybe the problem is us.

Another Auto Bail-Out or One Final Kick Out: Detroit Pay Attention

March 30th, 2009 | By

In the time of the Bail-Out, when is enough, enough. When will the government realize that our will is not being done? When will they realize we are not in a position to continue spending money we don’t have? And when will American Industry stand and do what it’s always done, adapt to any situation.

That has been our legacy. No matter the challenge or the obstacle, we find a way to turn lemons into lemonade. Along the way, we find out we can take a sour situation and turn it into refreshment when the days get hot.

The continuous bail-outs are stopping that from happening. Barack Obama keeps giving money when the company gives nothing in return. In other words, the tax payers are actually helping businesses stay prehistoric and unproductive. We know better than that.

Detroit has the ear of the Union, the government, and the people who are desperate to hold on to their jobs. How about listening to the ear of the master Lemonade maker. I’m always looking for the silver lining in the dark clouds.

O.k. You have a workforce of people good with mechanics, factories full of machines, a government that wants to pour Trillions of dollars into going green but no one in America makes the parts for the wind turbines or solar plates.

You know if you continue to take government money, they will eventually control every aspect of your business. We’ve learned from Bernie Madoff, sticking all your eggs in one basket isn’t very smart. And history has shown, even in prosperous times, Detroit still struggles when it’s main source of income is the Auto Industry.

Detroit, maybe it’s time you kick the Auto Industry out of your town. You can keep the, “We’re going to hold ourselves up by the bootstraps” Ford, but let GM and Chrysler find new homes. That’s if, they could stay afloat during the process.

We all point and say, you can’t do that. You would ruin the American Auto Industry forever. No, we’d create space for other designers and CEO’s to come up with a new product. They’d place plants in different cities and if the Auto Industry starts to hurt again in the future, the pain will be dispersed over a larger area. It wouldn’t collapse an entire U.S. City with it’s demise.

Well what about the people that depend on their job in one of those plants? I got news for you, your job is already in jeopardy. You have been living in a comfort zone created by the Union. I don’t blame you, but it’s time to get out of your comfort zone. Your comfort is killing your city. Maybe it’s not fair, but maybe it’s the right thing to do.

The people of Detroit have an obligation, just as every other American. We are charged with leaving our city, state, and country in a better position than our parents left to us. You were left with a flourishing Auto Industry, high wages, great benefits, and security. What will you leave your children with?

The stigma of the city that ate a Trillion dollars with no production. How the greedy people of Detroit allowed the Unions to kill the Auto Industry? O.K. I’m smart enough to know the Liberals that write the history books will give you a bail-out and put the blame elsewhere, but the truth is you hold the blame.

You vote for the politician with the easy fix, instead of the one willing to make the tough choices to better your city for the future. You vote in and stand by Kwame Kilpatrick, should I say any more?

Maybe I’m taking this a step to far, but I’m in that kind of mood today. Let’s make a politically incorrect comparison.

Detroit is in the middle of a storm. They can choose to re-act like the people in New Orleans and sit and wait for the government to save them, or the can re-act like the people in Fargo and decide to save themselves. Let’s just say, Fargo is going to be hit by another storm today on top of the flooding they have already endured and there are no cases of people being trapped on their roofs or patients in hospitals being taken of life support because some random person deems them not worth saving.

It’s a choice. People of Detroit pay attention.

P.S. I forgot to mention another huge benefit of kicking out the Auto Industry, you’d find out how much the Unions really care about people. I’m willing to bet they would disappear from Detroit the moment GM and Chrysler left and wouldn’t return until the could rape your next source of industry.

Will you fall for it again?

A Win Win Situation

March 19th, 2009 | By

“I can’t help the poor if I’m one of them. So, I got rich and gave back, to me that’s the Win Win.” Jay-Z Feel My Truths, Black Album

I’m a stickler for one liners. The whole song has to be good, but the best songs always have one line that is stapled in your memory from the first time you heard it. That phrase has stuck with me since the first time I heard it.

Is only one Win enough for us? I won that fight, I lost that war T.I.

Let’s give a few scenarios:

We rail about making the rich pay higher taxes, but what is that doing directly for you?

We cry about corporate bonuses, but does that get you any closer to making the kind of money those executives make.

We yell about racism, but we do nothing about stopping the self caused destruction in our own neighborhoods.

We complain about how the government is spending money, but we continue to use credit cards and pay day loans.

When are we going to want a complete domination victory instead of excepting small wins, that in the long run have no real long term effect? Have we really gotten to the point where we are satisfied when someone else is brought down a peg or two, instead of being satisfied we have moved up a peg or two?

Do we actually win anything if you put a higher tax on oil and the price of gas goes up? Yeah, we showed that big oil company, but we also hurt the poor and under privileged trying to keep their house warm.

Create an alternative to gas, make it readily available, and then tax the oil companies. Their massive profits get cut, and the small guy has options, and the country gets a Win Win because we are no longer dependent on foreign oil.

Think about that next time you want some one successful to suffer. Who are you hurting by exuding your hate before you make a plan on first how to improve yourself?

To Blend In or To Stand Out: Does My Choice Make Me?

February 9th, 2009 | By

The same old fight. It’s like I’m the light-skinned well bred negro surrounded by all the thugs and hustlers and I have to prove I’m some how worthy. I’m not going to do it. Instead, I’ll bring the fight to you. That’s what I’m good at.

The more I write on the blog, the more I learn. A lot of people won’t leave a comment but will fill my e-mail with some silly mess. Which perplexes me because you can comment anonymously. So, I’m beginning to think I’m changing some minds or at least planting seeds of doubt about the Democratic Party. If you don’t want to be anonymous on my blog then why send your personal e-mail address to me via message.

You want me to reply to you. O.K. I got you. Just tell a sister you might not agree right now, but you’re willing to listen if I can just convince you. And I shall oblige.

Classic High School Story. The kid who wants to do his own thing is bullied by the kids who want him to know his role. I’ve said this a million times. I know my role. You have no jurisdiction telling me what makes me who I am. Period. That’s all, point blank.

My role is to stand out. Not because I choose to, but because that’s what it is. I believe what I believe and for that I catch flack. I got tough skin, I’ll be O.K.

But there comes a time when the same old arguments need to be laid to rest. This is something that’s been eating on my conscience for a while.

1. I’m damned if I do, Damned if I don’t

In trying to find my own voice, I’ve had to do a mental check on who I am. See, I don’t need your assistance dissecting my own cerebral, I do it voluntarily. You should try it. (I’m sorry, I’m in one of my moods.)

I realized, I didn’t fully appreciate how much I learned from being poor and black in America. I lived in a house with no bathroom or running water; being broke could never break my spirit. As long as I got Tupac, Jay-z, Mary J., Rick James, Earth, Wind and Fire; should I continue? It’s O.K. Sprinkle in a couple people that love me and a bank account the reads zero doesn’t matter. My mom made it and I will too.

But that’s not enough. I also want to be educated. Not by the ignorant masses that follow self-interest serving black faces, but by the actions of those who were given nothing and achieved something.

So, I follow Nannie Helen Burroughs 12 rules but speak like an uneducated hip hopper. What color does that make me? I get hit with this from both sides. The older people in my life agree with principles of which I speak. They just wish I would change the phrasing of certain things, you know make it sound more educated. Then my peers hit me with, your a self hater because you think we need to fit in.

I’m laughing at both. Does it matter how I say it, if I’m passionate about it in my heart? Does it even matter to you that Nannie Burroughs was black? Or did I just choose to be a thorn in both their sides because I don’t fit in?

I think the latter. I don’t care if you think I’m ghetto. Dispute me on the facts. The natural me will come out and she isn’t proper and petite and she doesn’t like being handled or put in her place. When, not if, my southern drawl and sometimes improper language comes shining through, that’s me. So complain from both sides, I love being the center of attention.

2. Who Allows You To Fit In

In the full swing of another Awards Season, I thought I would point this out. Am I the only one who doesn’t watch the Movie Awards because they never nominate black movies I think were excellent? I know I’m not the only one.

So, let’s think about this. We all know Hollywood is run by the Left, the Democrats. They are the party of black people right? Why are we still complaining about no black movies getting attention. I mean in the natural progression of things, shouldn’t we have started to garner more awards and accolades?

Gay marriage is the current topic of discussion and so goes their focus. Does this negate great black stories from having a role? Or did they give us one for Hallie and one for Denzel and think we should be satisfied for now?

And this is where you want to fit in? I would think most blacks would be insulted by some of the job creation in the stimulus bill. These jobs were available during the housing boom, they are mostly in construction. They weren’t filled by low income Americans, they were filled by illegal immigrants. Now that the jobs have dried up, the illegals have started returning to Mexico.

What happens when you can’t build another school or fix another road? You are going to go home unemployed just like the illegal immigrants. Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. It’s not ancient history, it’s currently happening.

And this is what you want me to fit into? It’s not encouraging people to start a business, it’s encouraging people to be laborers. I know this had to come from a movie. The white guy ruins the plans of the black character and then offers him a job cleaning out the stables. That what this is. Except the white guy is the Government.

No thank you! If I have to render myself incompetent and needing of government assistance to fit in, you can start sticking post-it notes with “kick me” on my back. I’m looking forward to the first person that tries.

Now, I have no compassion for the situations of millions of Americans. You are wrong. I know millions of Americans are struggling. But millions of Americans have been struggling. Why start choosing which places are in most desperate need of Assistance? Why not start with the communities that have needed the assistance the longest?

I’ll tell you. They already have most of those communities addicted to assistance. Now they are trying to branch out. Why put money into an area where your vote is assured? Instead, money will go to areas that are currently weak and ripe for government take over. All they need; you to fit in and let them take over.

3. Black People can’t be racist

Racism– The belief the race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to another

I was told that black people can’t be racist because white people have more power. Then today, I get hit with the same comment, this time with Barack Obama in the White House. I should stop there but I won’t.

What is the argument against blacks ability to be racist? We are in fact inferior and racial feelings are justified by our inadequacies? We lack the human character and ability to think we are better than another race? I can’t even believe I had to write that.

Does the comfort of having an excuse make you over look the obvious insult you condemn us to? While complaining of stereo-typing, you clutch on to it for dear life.

Black people are not immune to racism. To say we are, puts us in the inferior position. We are somehow lacking the fortitude to think we are better. I could be a racist, I choose not to be.

I feel cheap having to say that.

4. I Love My Master

Not all slaves hated their masters. Some were willing to die to protect them. Not out of fear, but out of gratitude. Other slaves were beat and their families were split apart, but some masters were good. They gave their slaves nice living quarters, good food, and didn’t mingle in slave affairs. That’s all well and good, but they were still slaves.

They were told where to work, when to procreate, and were still subject to the master’s whim. I’m speaking in generalities here. I think you love your master more.

I don’t want to be subject to Master’s whims. He can give me a nice house, money for food, and a job building schools in a district in which I don’t live. As long as I fit in. As long as I agree that he knows what’s best for me. And since I can come and go as I please, everything is all good.

Since it’s Black History Month, let learn some history.

sharecropper- A tenant farmer who gives a share of crops raised to the landlord in lieu of rent

Was the age of sharecropping any better than slavery? Yes, blacks were able to come and go as they pleased, generally, but most did not own what they worked for. They did the labor and were forced to give a majority of what they made to someone else. Dare I say, like a tax.

And this money wasn’t redistributed back into the community. It lined the pockets of greedy and corrupt men. Does this sound familiar? It should. It’s happening again today. To many individuals have money. Let’s gather it and put it in the hands of Master (the government) and we’ll handle it all.

All I have to say is, where is the money from the first T.A.R.P.? Buying private jets and expensive vacations for the same people that caused the problem? And this is your Master.

I pass. I’ll be the master of my own destiny. You sharecrop away.


I did it again. I fell into the trap of answering my critics. I’ll give myself a pass this time. It was fun.

Police: A Personal Story

January 6th, 2009 | By

When I was 18, I loved being bad. Hanging with the wrong people at the wrong place. Doing the wrong things for all the wrong reasons.

There was a cop that patrolled my old stomping grounds, Officer Booker. I don’t know if it was his real name or one given to him because of his appearance, but he was a real ass. He once gave one of my boys a ticket for riding his bike the wrong way down a one way street. (I know, I didn’t think they could do it either but he did.)

Well, a couple days after my 18th birthday, Officer Booker pulled me over because I had a broken tail light. He gave the whole riot act, then he got real with me. He reminded me I was now legal and if caught doing what he assumed I was doing, I would go to adult jail.

I’m not going to pretend that I listened. He let me go with a warning and I ignored his words. Within a few minutes, I was getting paged like crazy. 911 behind each beep. I returned to my stomping grounds to find it swarming with police.

They had gotten a search warrant for the apartment next to my boys and knocked hard on the door. My boys thought it was for them and their ass started chucking shit out the window. Which gave the police probable cause to search their apartment. No one lived in the apartment next to them.

They were all arrested and I was on the outside of the building, just watching. One of my boys, who wasn’t in the apartment at the time, arrived and started taunting the police. Of course, at the time I thought it was hilarious. Until he dropped a pack out of his pocket.

Like a dumb ass, I moved to cover up the evidence. You know, gotta protect your boys. Guess who saw me? Officer Booker. I know he saw me because I saw him looking at me. Another officer came to me and asked to see my ID. I told him he had no right to ask and I wasn’t going to give it him. I knew my rights.

That didn’t stop the officer from harassing me. It would’ve been easier if I didn’t have work under my foot or if my boys weren’t still giving the officer such a hard time.

(O.K. I learned something else that day that I would like to share real quick. Don’t hang out with stupid people that do stupid things. One of my boys told the police he makes more money in a month than the officer makes in a year. He told the cop this before he dropped his pack. If the officers weren’t being cautious because of the crowd starting to build, I’m sure the would have searched him right away.)

Anyways, as the cop continued to question me, Officer Booker came to my assistance. He told the cop I was a volunteer at the rec center and I’m constantly down here trying to help the kids. Which was kinda true. I helped all the kids with their homework and braided the girls hair if their mothers didn’t.

The cop left me alone and Officer Booker told me that was his last time offering me assistance.

I changed all my rules at that moment. If you were dirty, then don’t get in my car. If you did and we got pulled over, then I was going to point right at your ass. A myriad of things I used to do were no longer on the table and I give all the credit to Officer Booker.

A couple months later, one of my boys got off on a murder charge. One of the smartest of the group, he had saved alot of money and could afford a real lawyer not a court appointed. The day he got out, I went to see him. Everybody was happy and so was I. Until I saw Officer Booker ride by.

I left after saying hello and catching up a little. The next day, I received the call. My boy, who had just beat a murder charge, was dead. The night before, he had overdosed. Or so we thought.

Within the hour, Officer Booker came rolling by. My boo and I were outside and he motioned us over. I went but my boo did not. Come to find out, my boys drugs had been laced and more than likely so had the rest of the pack. If they sold it, they could be liable for murder.

I’m telling you this because I’ve had a couple of experiences with some real good cops and some real bad cops. Just as I’ve had good experiences and bad experience with black people. Just as I’ve had good and bad experiences with white people. Just as I’ve had good and bad experiences with men on the cloth. Just as I’ve had good and bad experiences with down right rotten criminals.

The bias held against police leads me to question the intent of those who level it. Back in the day, I hated police because I was always doing something wrong and they could be the ones that caught and punished me. Was this valid hate?

I’ve never been called a nigger by an officer. I’ve never been beaten by an officer. I’ve never been falsely accused of a crime.

But I’ve heard my boys being called a nigger. (I hate to admit it but they were acting as though the name fit them.)

But I’ve seen the marks left by an officer on my brother. (Even though he told the cops they were worthless pieces of shit, they still had no right.)

But I’ve seen false accusations lead to death by cops. (One of my boys got into shoot out with cops who wanted to question him for something he didn’t do and lost. What would have happened if they caught him on one of the many crimes he did commit?)

But I’ve also seen cops pull victims out of a burning car. I’ve seen cops try to comfort grieving mothers. I’ve had to ask a cop to help me find my wondering daughter. And I’ve personally experienced a cop changing the life of a young girl.

Maybe we should start placing the blame where it belongs, with the criminals. No matter if the criminal is dressed in a uniform or has his pants hanging down to his knees. They should all be held in the same light.

Let’s take any rap song. You hear the artist talking about pulling out a gun and shooting someone for looking at them wrong and it’s O.K., until that person is a cop. Then all the shit hits the fan. Why? Are cops held in higher esteem. No. They are in a position of power and they abuse that power. I get it.

I’m not finished with this. I have to go and take care of somethings and figure out exactly where to leave this. Come back a little later today and I’ll have this finished. Right now, I’m going to get paid.

When To Start Teaching Your Child: Hint- Right Now

November 10th, 2008 | By

I remember when I was a child. We would come home from school, change our “good” clothes, and head to the kitchen table to do homework. If you didn’t have homework, then my mother would make some for you. Often making me take timed math test or mock spelling test. And if it was sloppy, the whole paper was ripped and I had to start over.

I hated it, then. When I got into middle school, I began to understand why homework was so important to my mother. I was ahead in all my classes because my mother taught me in advance. When we were studying division, she was teaching me fractions. When we went to the zoo, she made us classify animals. While we were cooking, she made us measure and double the recipe. I began to appreciate her efforts.

I do the same for my daughter. While we are playing hide n go seek, I use different methods of helping her find me; making a sound, leaving a foot exposed, or hide in the dark and make her feel around. Then I ask her which one of her senses she used to find me. We have a relay race where each point is marked with the name of a planet. I ask her to tell me colors in Spanish.

I’m sharing this info because I got criticized for it. I was told, a child is a child and I shouldn’t try to push her into learning. I should wait until she is in school. This is her fun time. To that I say, get real.

I will always be my daughters’ main teacher. Not because I think I’m better than a real teacher. It’s because she is my daughter. It is my responsibility to make sure she gets off on a good start. And I take it very seriously.

During the election, I was constantly watching the news. My daughter hates the news, but she would occasionally watch with me, asking question along the way. Alot of things I just don’t know how to explain to her, but I gave her the just of how our political system works. One person, one vote, and the majority wins. Now we practice this when deciding our plans for the day.

We vote on which playground to go to. We vote on what vegetable to have for dinner. We vote on which area of the house we should start cleaning first. When we first started, my daughter was pissed. She didn’t like having to vote on everything. Then she got the picture when she never got what she wanted. So now, she comes to me in advance and tries to win my vote. I cleaned my room without you asking, will you vote to go to Chuck E. Cheese? I do.

And everyday, I try to create a new learning experience for her. Today, we are going on a nature walk. We are going to try to figure out why all the leaves are falling from the trees and why they change color. She also wants to know why their are so many holes in the leaves she finds.

This requires work on my part. I hate science. By far it was my worst subject in school. But I did my research so I should be able to answer any question she comes up with. If not, then we come back to the house and google it. She knows all the answers are online.

The Point

We all know the status of most public school systems; they are highly ineffective. We have to be the major force behind educating our children. We can’t wait til our children are failing then go to the school and complain. Waiting doesn’t benefit our children. They will remain behind while we are pushing for change. Then if change ever comes, they have to play catch up.

Eventually if they have dreams of going to college, they will be hit with the shock of their lives. They will realize they are not prepared for it. Yes, it may be a reflection of the school system but it is also a reflection on you.

I wrote a paper in high school about the “Scarlet Letter”. I hadn’t even read the book. I just listened in on the talk during class. I got an A on the paper. My mother sent the paper to my uncle, who read it and graded it a D, at best. My mother made me read the book and rewrite the paper. I didn’t get any credit for it at school but I understood why my first paper was no good.

So anytime I wrote a paper, I asked the teacher for her real opinion. That’s when you find the greatness of a real teacher. Give them a student that wants to learn. Give them a student that questions an A. Give them a student that doesn’t understand why they have to be graded on a curve. Then you get teachers that expect more of her students. And that’s what we need.

The want and need for education has to start in the home. Then the students can bring it to school. Then the teachers can do their jobs and not be over glorified baby sitters. Then we can get real change in our school systems because students will start to point out unqualified teachers.

So today, look ahead in your child’s school book. Read the novel your child is reading. Grade their paper before they turn it in. Make them rewrite if necessary. Yes, they will complain. Yes, they will be mad. When they get in high school, they will thank you. They will realize how you set them up for success and find it hard to let you down. Begin to teach your child right now.

Funny story……When I was in high school, there was a math teacher that hated me. I often corrected her and she didn’t like it. I missed her class on test day and another student set the curve. I had to take a make up test and scored a 98. She was pissed because she had to go and adjust the curve for everyone. Most of the students were pissed because instead of their B they got D’s. At the end of the year, the teacher had to give me a certificate for excellence, which she threw at me. It was the best reward I ever got.

Giving Felons Hope: New Site to Help Those Recently Released From Prison

November 3rd, 2008 | By

Most of us know someone that has been locked up. I’ll even share a memory with you from my youth. One of my friends, at the time, was being released from a 2 year bid. The boys got him a limo, complete with strippers. They even bought him a new mink coat. They rolled up to the Jail in the limo and picked him up. That night, he went back out on the street.

Before he did though, we all went out to eat. I pulled him to the side and asked when would he be going back. He told me, “probably the next time so one test me”. There is nothing you can say to someone with that mind set. It was really the beginning of my dissent from my group. I loved these guys. They had my back and I sat and watched as they ruined their lives.

My heart is a little lighter today. A new site was launched, The site combines businesses and organizations that help with assimilating the once incarcerated back into the community. It’s a wonderful start. Please check out the site and let those around you know to support it.

With that being said, there is also more you can do. You can do what I was a afraid to do in my youth. Tell the people you love that are doing things you know will get them in trouble to stop. I know it’s not easy and I know most won’t listen but at least try.

I didn’t want to be the person that stopped what they assumed was progress. They had pockets full of money and that was success to them. How could I stand up and say any thing different? Easy. I could have told the truth. If you are already a felon, why would you carry a gun. And the answer would come, “to many people want what I have, I need a gun.”

I wasn’t strong enough then to continue the debate, but I am now. They only want what you got because you flaunt it. You ride around in your big car, while the ghetto is hurting. Yes, they are going to look for the people with money that won’t call the police after being robbed. And you put yourself into that category when you have that easy money.

If you want to be the King Pen, don’t complain when you get all the comes with that. The crucial moment will come when we demand more.

I never thought I would reference this movie because when I went to see it in the movie theatre I was so disappointed. It was movie about skating, what the fuck. Anyways, in ATL, the uncle is a prime example. The older brother was trying to convince the younger brother not to sell drugs. The uncle thought it would be O.K. to have a little extra money in the house.

Which would you be? Would you fight with your brother to keep him from going to Jail or ending up shot? Or would you allow him to walk that path you know will end in incarceration or a tombstone? We are waiting for someone to solve our problems when we have the ability to take little steps to move us forward.

The site above is great, but if no one goes for the assistance, who will it help. Convince your friends and family or just the neighborhood boy on the street that people are there willing to help. Convince your friends and family that opening businesses will help the situation because you can hire these people and give them a second chance. Convince yourself that you have a role to play in helping these people before they are caught up. Because once they are felons, they can’t vote to help their communities.

If we start, we can get others to follow. But we have to start. We have to be strong enough to critcize and point in right direction. Let me warn you, you will catch flack. I’m sure I’ll get the messages after writing this that tell me I hate my race.

I want to stop young black men from dying or going to jail. How can I hate my race? The people who encourage you to continue on the same path, knowing exactly where it leads, really don’t give a damn about you. At that’s the truth.