“Undefeated”: Why I Refuse To Defend Sarah Palin…
June 9th, 2011 | By Sonnie
A couple of months ago Stephen Bannon, the director of “Fire from the Heartland”, called and said, “I’m working on a top secret film and I want you in it.” “I’m there.” Two weeks ago, I got to see the rough cut of that film, Sarah Palin “Undefeated”. It’s a cerebral look at Who and What is Sarah Palin. From the Valdez oil spill, to the Wasilla Mayor’s office, to the state oil industry, and through an incumbent Republican towards the Governorship; Palin’s record speaks for itself. And I am honored to be apart of the film.
But, I will not defend Sarah Palin. Since announcing my really insignificant role in an amazing story, I’ve been asked to defend Palin against Romney, Paul, Bauchman, and Cain. I’ve been asked to explain why I would vote for a moron. I’ve been told I’m pulling for a quitter. I’ve been threatened with, “You’ve only going to give us four more years of Obama.” (And yes, I consider that a threat.) And I ignore them all. I do not and will not judge ANY candidate on what the media says, what the Republican establishment says, or random people across the Social Networking world chime in.
It’s really very simple. It’s WHWD. What would He, the Hood, Hip-Hop, and History would do.
I will DEFEND Capitalism. (Hip-Hop) The one trait I love about Sarah Palin is the one no one talks about. Her main promise, above everything else, is to get the hell out of my life. I would love a President who didn’t believe it was their job to create jobs. A president who isn’t scared to let the free market work because SHE believes in Free Markets. And isn’t afraid to spend her time taking on the Corruption in Washington, instead of burdening the American People with more regulations. A President who doesn’t believe in punishing the rich, but creating a level playing field where every American, connected or not, can obtain and build wealth.
I will DEFEND Faith. (He) Are we a Christian nation? Were we endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights? Are we an exceptional country where a boy born in Hawaii with Bi-Racial parents can become President or a girl from Alaska who grew up fishing and hunting could change the face of the Republican Party? I don’t see the faith in waiting your turn or playing the political game that requires you to watch your state burn to keep your position. Faith comes in moments of darkness, where you stand alone, and make decisions that require sacrifice. Whether it’s in a hotel room out of state with the knowledge your child will be born Special Needs or it’s in front of cameras designed to record your downfall, can you put your heart above what other’s say is best. That’s Faith.
I will DEFEND our Constitution. (History) We are a nation of laws. Those laws are set in place by the greatest document ever written; which brings us back to getting out of my life. I don’t want a President who can’t shoot a gun because, more than likely, they won’t have a problem with taking away my guns. I want a President that understands States Rights, like when it comes to lack of an Energy Policy. A President that has sent HER son off to war and understands the Constitution is in constant need of defense. A President that sees her interference in my life through the Patriot Act is a violation of my Civil Liberties. (Can we say 4th amendment?)
I will DEFEND Freedom. (Hood) I will defend my right to have a Reagan like Revolution during my lifetime. I am craving a President that actually puts the responsibility of Government back into the hands of the People. In my community, this is the only strategy that will work to bring about any real change. And I refuse to engage anyone who says the People are too STUPID, UNSOPHISTICATED, or POLITICALLY IGNORANT to govern themselves, so only this politician can fix it. This nation wasn’t built on POLITICIANS, it was built on the STUPID, UNSOPHISTICATED, and POLITICALLY IGNORANT AMERICANS who believed that through their creator all thing were possible. Or with the CONSTITUTION as there guide AMERICA would always be the land of the FREE. Or if I just work hard enough, I can go from rags to riches.
Sarah Palin represents these things and that’s why I will not defend HER. She is a grown woman who, on more than one occasion, has proven she can defend herself. And with the pillars she represents, she doesn’t need defenders; SHE NEEDS LEADERS TO STAND BESIDE HER. As Andrew Breitbart pointed out in “Undefeated”, the Republican Establishment men won’t defend her. As evident by numerous chances, the women’s groups won’t defend her. The general public accepts the lies, so they won’t defend her. Yet, she still manages to come out swinging and having more of an impact than her haters can handle. So, I’ll do my part and DEFEND those things that matter most to me. And if that means I see Sarah in November 2012, I’ll smile knowing I didn’t fight for a person, I fought for an idea.