Anthony Kaufman: Allow Me To Introduce the Hip Hop Palinista
July 13th, 2011 | By Sonnie
First may I say Thank You for putting your foot in your mouth and inspiring me to start the conversation. I’m a Southern Girl so I always start with good manners first.
Now let’s get to the point. Anthony Kaufman published a little blog piece on IndieWire. In it he takes shots at Stephen Bannon, Writer and Director of “The Undefeated”. Bannon is a grown man and he can speak for himself. But I will tell you what I tell everyone else that asks how I got involved in the the film; Not only is Bannon a genius, he also has good taste. In case you didn’t check your facts, Bannon also included two blacks in “Fire from the Heartland”. And after that interview he gave me the best advice I’ve received. “They will try to change you. People will tell you what you could be, what you should be, or what they can make you. Don’t let them take away that which makes you great.”
And I haven’t.
Here’s the part in which I take issue:
For me, the most shocking moment in “The Undefeated,” however, comes with the appearance of a black person about two-thirds of the way through. I’m not sure if it’s what Bannon had in mind when he wanted to seize the audience’s attention, but the arrival of black conservative female activist Sonnie Johnson made me realize just how white everyone is, in both Alaska and the Tea Party.
I was able to meet Gov. Palin in Pella, IA for the premiere of “The Undefeated”. One of the first things she said to me was, “are you ready for all the hate that will come your way for being associated with me”. I told her, “I’ve got Palin in my blood”. I wish you would’ve known that little fact before you would downgrade me to the token black in your limited view of the Tea Party. I am no one’s token. Nor am I a punchline of what you think is a bad joke. If seeing me in the film was such a shock to your cerebral, then why didn’t you grow a sack and interview me yourself? Or is Breitbart right and your lack of a set is shown in your need to hide behind a blogpost. Are you a Eunuch?
That’s not a name calling on my part, it’s more a need to understand. Bannon would’ve told me if you had asked for an interview. My name in plastered all over the web and social networking, so I’m very easy to find. Why not come and ask me your questions and alleviate your surprise? Isn’t that the job of a journalist? Or is this your version of how a white boys chooses when its appropriate to play the race card?
Well let me introduce you to a new breed of Black Conservative. We are not your Carlton Banks, Clarence Thomas, or Condi Rice. We learned conservative values from our black churches and the frugal nature of single parent homes. We learned capitalism from Street Corners, while also trying to escape the traps Liberals set for us. We’ve fallen, gotten back up, and now have families that we are willing to fight for. Our Hip Hop culture has done more to disprove the idea of mutual salvation than all other sources of Conservative Talk, Blog, or TV and we are here to be a voice for those you and your Liberal cohorts have stereo typed for years.
If you want to know how Black I am, I dare you interview me yourself. Just tell me when and where. I’ll come to you. It would be my pleasure. Until then be grateful that, temporarily, you still have Obamacare. If my appearance was a shock to you, then just wait until our voices are really heard. You are going to need High Blood Pressure pills to keep your heart in your chest. We are finding each other, becoming active in our communities, and giving blacks a choice to your Elitist and Dismissive Arrogance.
In the end, if it’s a choice between you and I, it won’t be my blackness that puts you in your place. It will be my voice, that will wish had remained silent. My passion, which if you aren’t careful, might pull you in. But most of all my “The Undefeated” nature that makes me a perfect fit for the film.

Posted in Community, Empowerment, Real Change
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