Obama Playing The Race Card: And Your Surprised?
August 8th, 2008 | By Sonnie Johnson
I know I’ve been away for a minute, but I’m back. And thank all you guys for the messages and support. I love it, Thank You.
Having said that, Lets get rolling.
“I know I don’t look like the guys on the Dollar Bills” Barack Obama in front of a black crowd pulling up the race card. If you didn’t expect it, you should have been reading my blogs. I told you it was coming. He is the same as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the rest. He knows we love excuses, so he gives us what we want. Then when he gets called on it, direct the blame some where else. Are you Serious?
This is the Man you want to represent us as a whole.
What was the first thing you thought when you heard the sound clip? Did you think he was talking about anything other than race? Then he comes out and insults our intelligence. I was talking about this; I was talking about that. I mean it, it gets to the point, I don’t even listen anymore. I tune it out and cuss him out in my head.
Then I started to think. We should take him at his word. He doesn’t look like George Washington. Barack Obama never fought for his country. Barack Obama doesn’t believe it’s okay to fight for your country. Washington had a successful business, then decided to fight. I don’t see the resemblence.
“I have sworn upon the alter of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man” Thomas Jefferson. Does this included pulling the race card in the middle of a campaign? Doesn’t look like Barack Obama fits into that great quote. But wait, even though both the British and the French were attacking American Merchants, Jefferson did everything he could to stay out of the fight. Now that sounds like Barack Obama.
Abraham Lincoln is more like President Bush. Look. I don’t like what you’re doing and you need to stop. The South said NO! Lincoln said, O.K., Let’s go. And then there was the Civil War. If Barack Obama would’ve been president, (And I know a black man couldn’t have been President, but Obama wasn’t talking about color, right?), There would not be a United States of America. Because sometimes you have to fight.
Alexander Hamilton died fighting in a duel. I don’t see Barack Obama fighting over anything, so I’ll just stop there.
I’m wondering if Barack Obama is laying the frame work to be the first black face on a Dollar Bill. I don’t believe it’s out the realm of his ego. Maybe I’m getting a little personal now, but I can’t help it. I know what’s coming, and if John McCain can’t stop looking like a dead man I feel bad for the state of our country.
But more than that, I feel bad for the state of our people. If Barack Obama gets into office and raises the taxes even a little on us that are barely making it, he’ll drive us down. Back into the base of his party, poor people. I’ve been there, done that, and I don’t want to go back.
Don’t be surprised when the race card comes up again. I bet in front of another black crowd. I bet it’ll be used to distract from a real issue. Even worse, I bet it’ll work.