Harry Reid Turns Conservatives into Racial Victims!
January 12th, 2010 | By Sonnie
Here we go again. I’m beginning to think the strength in the Republican party is reaction. This coming from the party that wants to be proactive in every other arena. But when it comes to the Obama Administration and its destruction of our country, Republicans wait until its politically sound to speak up.
Then to add insult to injury, they play the Liberal game. Harry Reid has taken a racial statement from his own mouth and used it as a weapon against the GOP. Instead of sticking up for the 1st amendment and an idiots right to get caught with his foot in his mouth, they want to label Republicans as victims. What?
Isn’t that what we’re fighting against? Political Correctness that hinders our ability to stop a terrorist from getting on a plane because we don’t want to point out his ethnicity. I mean isn’t that what all this profiling talk is about? Destroying political correctness?
You have the Leader of the Senate, Harry Reid, caught telling his own self truth. His mind still reverts to a time when we were called “Negro” and I’m guessing he didn’t hang with many black English Professors during that period. So let’s put two and two together. During the time period when he fought for us lil ol’ Negros, he didn’t know any of us, or at least none that matched his standard of what was acceptable?
This is another example of how the Democratic Elite views minority communities! WAKE UP! Either you are light- skinned or you’re pookie. Remember, house nigger and field nigger, same difference. A white man in a position of power just divided our race into the acceptable and the unacceptable and the blacks around him defend it. What group do you think they’re in and what do you think they label you?
Why isn’t that the focus of all the condemnation? Harry Reid told the truth and the Democrats that surround him are assisting him in getting off the hook. I’m not talking about losing his Leadership position, I’m talking about forcing Liberals to have a real conversation on Race and their true held beliefs. Are they fighting for minorities because its the right thing to do? Or do they hold the “Helter Skelter” mentality that one day we’ll destroy ourselves and beg for their wisdom?
Instead, we’re talking about Trent Lott and Strom Thurman and I have yet to hear anyone point out Thurman was in a segregationlist splinter cell of the Democratic Party. They say Dixiecrat, like we don’t know what they’re talking about.
(For those that don’t know; A Nutshell: Strom Thurman, the man they vehemently oppose and are offended by, was a DEMOCRAT. He broke from the main branch of the party to a splinter group, the Dixiecrats. These are “White Power” Democrats who were mad at the party’s attempt to undo their champion, (DEMOCRAT) Woodrow Wilson’s federal segegregation laws. They were fighting with other Democrats about how openly racist they should be.)
And that’s where we are, Democrats still fighting about what level of racism is allowed and by whom. By becoming VICTIMS, Republicans miss the opportunity to point out truth. We have a first amendment, Reid knew there would be no legel reprecussions for his comment. Why were these comments made in private? Why did he call Rev. Al Sharpton to apologize? I’ve got the answer to these questions, but you’ll have to tune in to WHWDRADIO Wednesday at 6 p.m. eastern to hear it.

Posted in National, Politically Incorrect, Politics
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