The Dream Act of Black Irrelevancy
January 24th, 2011 | By Sonnie
On election night 2010, Harry Reid’s re-election to the Senate put the final nail in the coffin of the Black relevance. I didn’t understand, at the time, the impact that one race held for black communities all around the United States of America. Blacks in Nevada didn’t show up for Harry Reid but the Hispanics did. In the end, the majority leader in the Senate got 70% of a ever growing electorate.
Why does this matter to the black community? We once again proved we can’t be trusted to show up, even with Barack Obama as our President. We can sing my Presidents’ Black and all those dumb songs but when it’s time to put up or shut up, we can’t be found. Is it any wonder Senator Harry Reid is going full speed ahead with the Dream Act, a stealth form of Amnesty? As Obama said, “reward your friends and punish your enemies”.
This concept was reinforced when I attended the Republican Party of Virginia’s Advance. The rank and file Republicans showed up and were seated on time. The minority leadership, on the other hand, thought it was more important chit chat with the powers that be. When we finally did get started, thirty minutes late and minus a moderator, I learned a lesson of how blacks are viewed by other minorities. The Hispanic population in Virginia has grown by 18% in the last ten years, the Vietnamese population has grown by 18%, and the Black population by 1.2%. As it stands, blacks in Virginia are now the third minority group, after Whites and Hispanics. They made sure to point this out numerous times during the presentation, basically telling all the people in the crowd who were asking how to reach the black community, “why bother?”.
On our side was me and an older black gentleman, who spent the entire time telling everyone in the room how long he’s been a Republican. As I sat in frustration and anger, staring at the ceiling to prevent myself from saying something I shouldn’t, I remembered an experience I had over the summer. I walked into a convenience store and there was a conversation between the two black employees. One woman said, “times are hard and they won’t give us any help.” The other woman replied, “you have to be a foreigner to get anything these days.” I looked at the panel, of which I was the only born American, and thought “look what we’ve done to ourselves”.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the forefathers of Communism/Socialism/Progressivism, believed some groups didn’t belong in a socialized society. “Racial trash” is the name they gave to the groups who hadn’t even evolved into a capitalist state yet. Every ethnicity in America has built it’s own network, except the black community. I’ll say it again, if you want to find Communism/Socialism/Progressivism, then look to the black community. Our blood, sweat and tears have stained every aspect of this country, but other than incomplete history books, we have nothing to show for it. No local businesses, large property ownership, or successful communities to use as a model. Every Black neighborhood is invaded by Democrats and left to falter into “traps”. Either we have no interest in voting, have felonies and can’t vote, or vote blindly for the Democratic Party.
The irony lies in the Dream Act. We have so dwindled our numbers with Abortion and Incarceration, we don’t realize the American Dream is being handed to someone else. Here’s the rub, I don’t blame the Illegal Aliens for coming to America. America is the greatest country on planet Earth and if I lived in Mexico, I would try to cross the boarder as well. With that being said, I was born in America and my loyalty lies with what’s best for this country. I’m also aware that many Mexican-Americans believe the best thing for this country is to forgo the Black Vote and legalize as many Illegal Aliens as possible. You can see it’s beginning with Illegal Aliens being counted in the Census. They can’t vote but their numbers can be used to select representation. You can see the Democratic push in Al Sharpton spending the entire summer lobbying the Country for “Brown People”. What about the Black people who have been supporting you for years and have a 18% unemployment rate. Do you think the two could be problems of the same coin? More unskilled illegals, less unskilled jobs for those in the Black Community that need a hand up, not a hand out.
While we’re busy worrying if the Tea Party is racist, the real racial impact is coming from those that will legislate the Black Community into irrelevancy, yet again. They push Abortion, they push more regulation which leads to more laws and reasons to lock you up, and they push Amnesty which replaces our numbers with a fresh new stock of people. And the Black Elite stand beside them as Champions of the little man. When will we wake up and realize the Dream Act is a nightmare for Black America?

Posted in National, Politics, Real Change
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