Racism vs Elitism: Which Game are You Playing?
April 19th, 2010 | By Sonnie
This article is weeks in the making. I’ve actually sat at the computer and started to write four time already, to no avail. I really don’t want to write another race article, yet God has put it on my heart so here we go.
What is Racism? Dictionary Definition- a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. WOW!
This leads me to all sorts of questions. Let’s start with America’s most known racist, the KKK. The Ku Klux Klan was created by Democrats after the Civil War. After the Confederates defeat, there were a lot of soldiers and land owners who wanted to maintain White Supremacy. Why? If they we’re really Racist, they would be unafraid of giving blacks their freedom. In fact, they were cowards afraid to compete.
Just think about it. These white men had been taught their whole lives that they were the cream of the crop. They were the race that God put here to dominate America but in their heart of hearts, they knew better. They had seen the Black Men in the fields and they knew they could not outwork them. They knew the only thing standing in the way of Black People rising to take over the South was lack of education. Now they were no longer in the position to deny them that right.
Blacks outnumbered whites in the South, so if they found out they could vote, it was all over. This is what sparked the KKK. FEAR! Fear they were not pre-destined to greatness. Fear they were really equal to blacks, therefore we had to be put in our place. Fear of their own inferiority. So, were they racist or elitist, thrown from their mis-placed high perch?
Their mothers and fathers, not God, gave them the feeling of Superiority. They were Elitist. Dictionary Definition- the socially superior part of society or a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence. As long as slavery existed, they could control the minds of the people and keep their social stature. Elites are always scared to compete. That’s why Kings, Queens, and Slave Owners ruled with absolute power. Who are you to question me?
I’ve run this concept across a couple of people and I get the same reaction from those who disagree, just look at the Nazis’. Ok but first we have to look at the Jews. What is the primary argument used to justify hating the Jews? Most say, “they crucified Jesus”. Ok, they played their part in God’s will. What else you got?
The real reason Jews are hated is because they are perceived as the pervayers of money and power. They are the reason this group is poor or that group is unhappy. They have been used as a scapegoat all throughout History to redirect a nation’s hatred away from the “ELITES” that rape and plunder private property and personal funds. Just blame the Jews.
Now, if you are Hitler and you already have the people, what’s next? If you were really that secure in the dominance of the Blue-Eyed Blond-Haired race why not build a nation on that dominance? Like, “German People stand up, strap up your bootstraps and let’s show the rest of the world how a perfect White Society looks”. Instead, it became “if we could only get rid of the Jews”. Why? Are Germans so inferior that you have to eliminate all other ethnicities to be successful?
This is Cowardice, not Superiority. Are Germans incapable of practicing frugality? Are they to stupid to manage, stack, and re-invest the resources and capital within their society? Why is their whole existence predicated on the extinction of another race? Nazi’s were not racist, they were Elitist who believed they could forge a perfect society once they became the only strong group. While all Jews were sought after, those who owned land, businesses, and personal wealth were the first to go.
This is the part where I really piss some people off. If the definition holds true, we are the most racist people on the planet and to make it worse, most of our racism is targeted back towards ourselves. We were taught by our mothers and fathers, “A white man doesn’t want a black man to succeed”. Does this actually affect a Black Person’s ability to succeed? Only if that Black Person believes they are inferior.
And as a community, we have brought into this notion hook, line, and sinker. “They” want Black Communities to fail and we stand and watch as they crumble. “They” don’t represent us and our needs in Government, so we stand back and let them make the decisions for us. “They” want to see our Black men in prison, so we sell drugs and shoot each other to make their job easier. Here comes the million dollar question, WHO is THEY?
Are “They” white men in sheets or are “They” the black people that convinced our mothers and fathers we needed government? I ask this question because I’ve been learning my history. When those white men were running around afraid to show who they really were, Blacks were building towns, industry, and healthy, happy families. While those white men hung us from trees and burnt down our churches, we were taking our rightful place in the food chain of America. For all the hate and destruction perpetrated by the KKK, in actuality, they were a complete failure as a group. We beat them by building, when all they could do was destroy.
While white racism towards blacks may still exist in America, is it the true force behind our ills? Take a look back at the footage of the Civil Rights movement. Most Blacks were in suits and dresses with their heads held high as they marched through White neighborhoods unafraid. They didn’t care what White people thought, maybe because they had white people marching along side them, they marched because of their own strength and dignity. They owned homes, businesses, and were productive members of society, whether a white man wanted them to be or not.
So how did we get to thinking we have to take everything from White People to be successful Black People? When did our existence start to depend on the extermination or degradation of another racial group? When did we become Cowards afraid to compete because of our own inferiority? I don’t believe this is who we truly are. I believe we are powerful beyond measure when we count on ourselves instead of focusing on tearing down someone else.
Where did our current lack of self-sufficiency begin? In my opinion, it started in the 1920’s with W.E.B. DuBois. While Progressives like Margaret Sanger were trying to develop means to destroy the black community, DuBois stepped in and said Wait. All blacks are not inferior. There are 10% of us who are equal to white people. The other 90% can be controlled by us Black Elites. What percentage of the black vote did Obama receive?
Then the Civil Rights movement began. We wanted to prove we were equals and all we demanded was an equal playing field. This movement wasn’t started by the Elite. It was started by a single black woman, Rosa Parks, who had enough pride and dignity within herself to say enough is enough. She became a national treasure because she showed the strength of a single American to start a Revolution.
And where were the Elites? They were negotiating with President Kennedy. It didn’t matter to them that Kennedy had both Martin Luther King Jr and Malcom X under government surveillance, it only mattered that they be the one’s that officially broker the deal of Civil Rights. How upset the Talented Tenth, DuBois’ Elite 10%, must have been to have the 90% of inferior citizens move mountains.
After King’s Death, the Elite went right to work within the Democratic Party. They missed their chance to win over the black community, who still voted Republican, and they were hell bent on proving their superiority. They were now amongst the Elites from the KKK, the Elites from the Progressives, and the Elites of the Unions.
If you are a White Democrat and you want to secure the black vote, you must now go through the Black Elite. And this is where we have been for the last Forty Years. It doesn’t matter if a Democrat has our best interest at heart, it only matters they are accepted by those who presume they are the Cream of the Black Crop. The Jesse Jacksons’ throw out accusations of a Racist America, when they are Millionaires. The Al Sharptons’ preach on “fairness” and “social justice”, without explaining what they mean is Socialism. They make it seem like being Black in America is a plague, yet they are invited to all the parties, galas, and conventions with the other Elites.
And we are left to argue over Race. We still talk in Black and White, while the Elites have moved on to giving favors to the Unions, Car Companies, Banks, and other Financial Institutions. Slowly but surely, this generation of perceived Black Elites are learning a hard lesson. Barack Obama didn’t come up through the traditional “Harlem” channels. He didn’t seek out Al Sharpton, he had Andy Stern. He didn’t seek out Jesse Jackson, he had “Chicago Politics”. And now they are surprised there is no “Black Agenda”.
We must stop talking race and start talking Financial Freedom. We must stop waiting for Government to be “FAIR” and “SAVE” us, we must begin building the life boats to save ourselves. We must declare our own equality copying those before us. We must build. We can no longer play the game of React and Destroy, remember you reap what you sow. We can no longer accept someone else’s failure as our only access to success. We’ve done it before, can we do it again?

Posted in Community, Empowerment, Politically Incorrect, Politics, Uncategorized
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