Hey everyone. I’ve taken a min off working on some other projects and trying to get my book together. Unfortunately, for the moment, I’m a one woman show 🙂 and still a full time Mom. Blog will be back in full swing soon. Until then, feel free to roam the site, listen to a few of my speeches, and see how much I’ve grown through this blog. #Onlythebeginning #GameOn #FightlikeaGirl
*****I just posted Another Teachable Moment: Anthony Kaufman Apology Rejected****
I planned on posting it tommorow, if Anthony Kaufman didn’t accept my invitation for an interview. Thought I would give him some time. Behind the scenes, he was once again asked to interview me. He said no because he is a movie critic and doesn’t have the platform. Yeah, right!
Are you surprised he came out with article, having nothing to do with movie critique, just a few moments later? HE REALLY WANTS A BITCH SLAP
So what have we learned in this teachable moment? My pillars work. All the rules and reasoning I laid out perfectly predicted Anthony Kaufman’s movements. He didn’t want to speak to me in person, but he can take our issue in front of the whole congregation. He sent me a private apology, waited a day, and came to smack my face again by completely dissmissing everything I said to focus on Breitbart and Big Hollywood for posting my article. He wanted me to accept the olive branch, while he was plotting his next diss record. He resharpened his fangs, picked a new target, and again used me in the assault.
Liberals never learn their lessons. Kaufman, please continue to form your “weapons’ and spew your hate. You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you have been found wanting. Now I have perfect example to prove my point. I’ll take what I can get.
OH YEAH, I almost forgot. If you got Bitch Slapped, who exactly are you calling the Bitch?
If you haven’t been following the drama, here’s where we are. Anthony Kaufman wrote a hit peice on Stephen Bannon, Sarah Palin, and the movie “The Undefeated”. In the last paragraph of the blog, he inserted his foot in his mouth when he mentioned my name. I responded in kind, Let me Introduce the Hip Hop Palinista, and got back to my work.
An hour or so later I was contacted by Anthony Kaufman, via email, with what I think is supposed to be an apology. I won’t post his apology because he did not feel it was worthy of public knowledge, so I will respect his decision and pretend it was never offered. As a Christian, I should accept his words at face value but the little ghetto girl inside me is screaming, “you know better”.
This is why I asked Kaufman for an interview not an apology. The words that drip from the fangs of the left have very little influence on me. Especially when the crux of the argument is, ‘you misunderstood my intentions”. Hello, I know that’s the buzz word for let me explain why you are wrong. Let this Elitist put you in your place and show you the folly of your ways. Kaufman, you missed the whole point of my response.
Let’s turn this into one of those teachable moments
While I have learned alot about your type of Liberal Reporting, evidently you haven’t spent much time researching the surge of New Black Conservatives. A little peice of advice, Don’t speak what you don’t know. I live by a very basic platform WHWD, what He/Hood/Hip Hop/History would do. If any issue, policy, or apology doesn’t fit into all four pillars then, Houston, we have a problem. So let me justify my rejection.
What He Would Do
In the Book of Matthew, Jesus lays out how to deal with personal conflicts. To paraphrase; if you have a problem with your brother, pull him aside and tell him your issue. If he doesn’t hear you, then bring him front of a group of two or three. If he still doesn’t listen, then you take him in front of the entire congregation. You brought me in front of the entire Congregation and labeled my unfairly. You lose this pillar.
What the Hood Would Do
Kaufman called me out, IN PUBLIC. Kaufman slapped my face, IN PUBLIC. Then he apologized, In Private. This is the equivalent of a man cursing me, IN PUBLIC. Slapping my face, IN PUBLIC. Then coming home and saying, “I’ll never do it again”. Meaningless words. Even as a teenager I would tell the boys there are two things you will never do and get away with, Calling me out of my name in Public and Putting your Hands on Me. The hands on part isn’t meant to be taken literally, but it left my face red none the less. Kaufman’s brand of apology wouldn’t be acceptable in my personal group of friends and family, so another pillar is taken away.
What Hip Hop Would Do
Have you ever heard of Battle Rap or Diss Song? I’m just going to assume your Elitist Attitude would restrict you from knowing Street Problem Solving, so let me explain. Jay-Z puts out a song dissing Nas. Nas returns with his rebuttal. Jay-Z answers. Nas answers back. In the end, they both publicly acknowledge their minor beefs before moving on to something new. But Nas will never squash the argument if Jay-Z is plotting to release his next diss record. Jay-Z doesn’t back down if Nas is waiting for the opportunity to say, “I won”. I don’t trust your intentions and your need to remain in the shadows tells me I’m a good judge of character.
P.S. “Say my name if you’re talking to me. You ain’t say it, so I guess you weren’t talking to me” T.I. Kaufman, you said my name. So whether YOUR INTENTION was to crush “The Undefeated”, Stephen Bannon, or Sarah Palin matters not once you insert my name. It then becomes a direct conversation between you and I.
What History Would Do
I talked to a few of my Black Conservative friends and they all told me the same thing. That’s what reporters do. They slime you in a piece and then offer a private apology when their words come back to bite them. They never take down the piece, add their apology, or learn from their mistakes. They just move on to the next hit job and the next target. This is the only reason I’ve written a second piece on this subject. If I allow Kaufman, and those like him, to escape unscathed, they will sharpen their weapons and have them ready to downgrade, insult, and play the race card towards the next Black Conservative who would dare raise their voice. At some point, the Media’s Hit and Run Mentality must be stopped. And a private apology does nothing to hasten the fall of irresponsible journalist.
There are very few subjects that are rejected by all four of my pillars. Kaufman’s apology just happens to be one of them. #REJECTED
So here’s my response after I’ve shared with you my thinking. Kaufman is my brother and I love him. Though we vehemently disagree, I would still like to restate my intial offer. If you want to interview me, I would love it. Let me state My Personal Case, outside of your Liberal Bias, and we can see where it goes from there. But if you are more comfortable typing behind your keypad, next time pick your target a bit more carefully.
First may I say Thank You for putting your foot in your mouth and inspiring me to start the conversation. I’m a Southern Girl so I always start with good manners first.
Now let’s get to the point. Anthony Kaufman published a little blog piece on IndieWire. In it he takes shots at Stephen Bannon, Writer and Director of “The Undefeated”. Bannon is a grown man and he can speak for himself. But I will tell you what I tell everyone else that asks how I got involved in the the film; Not only is Bannon a genius, he also has good taste. In case you didn’t check your facts, Bannon also included two blacks in “Fire from the Heartland”. And after that interview he gave me the best advice I’ve received. “They will try to change you. People will tell you what you could be, what you should be, or what they can make you. Don’t let them take away that which makes you great.”
And I haven’t.
Here’s the part in which I take issue:
For me, the most shocking moment in “The Undefeated,” however, comes with the appearance of a black person about two-thirds of the way through. I’m not sure if it’s what Bannon had in mind when he wanted to seize the audience’s attention, but the arrival of black conservative female activist Sonnie Johnson made me realize just how white everyone is, in both Alaska and the Tea Party.
I was able to meet Gov. Palin in Pella, IA for the premiere of “The Undefeated”. One of the first things she said to me was, “are you ready for all the hate that will come your way for being associated with me”. I told her, “I’ve got Palin in my blood”. I wish you would’ve known that little fact before you would downgrade me to the token black in your limited view of the Tea Party. I am no one’s token. Nor am I a punchline of what you think is a bad joke. If seeing me in the film was such a shock to your cerebral, then why didn’t you grow a sack and interview me yourself? Or is Breitbart right and your lack of a set is shown in your need to hide behind a blogpost. Are you a Eunuch?
That’s not a name calling on my part, it’s more a need to understand. Bannon would’ve told me if you had asked for an interview. My name in plastered all over the web and social networking, so I’m very easy to find. Why not come and ask me your questions and alleviate your surprise? Isn’t that the job of a journalist? Or is this your version of how a white boys chooses when its appropriate to play the race card?
Well let me introduce you to a new breed of Black Conservative. We are not your Carlton Banks, Clarence Thomas, or Condi Rice. We learned conservative values from our black churches and the frugal nature of single parent homes. We learned capitalism from Street Corners, while also trying to escape the traps Liberals set for us. We’ve fallen, gotten back up, and now have families that we are willing to fight for. Our Hip Hop culture has done more to disprove the idea of mutual salvation than all other sources of Conservative Talk, Blog, or TV and we are here to be a voice for those you and your Liberal cohorts have stereo typed for years.
If you want to know how Black I am, I dare you interview me yourself. Just tell me when and where. I’ll come to you. It would be my pleasure. Until then be grateful that, temporarily, you still have Obamacare. If my appearance was a shock to you, then just wait until our voices are really heard. You are going to need High Blood Pressure pills to keep your heart in your chest. We are finding each other, becoming active in our communities, and giving blacks a choice to your Elitist and Dismissive Arrogance.
In the end, if it’s a choice between you and I, it won’t be my blackness that puts you in your place. It will be my voice, that will wish had remained silent. My passion, which if you aren’t careful, might pull you in. But most of all my “The Undefeated” nature that makes me a perfect fit for the film. Sonskystar@aol.com.
Hate is a strong word. I really try not to hate anyone but I think it’s okay to hate an idea, a notion, or a concept. Because what we are going to cover in this article fills me with utter disgust. I’m a news junkie and lately, a lot of analyst have been comparing Muslim shows and Gay shows to the Cosby show. See, the Cosby show was slated as a look inside the black family. It was supposed to introduce Blacks in a new light to the rest of America and the World. And it did. I’ve seen every episode multiple times.
If you listen to Hip-Hop though, you keep hearing a common theme. I didn’t grow up like the Huxtables. Does this mean you didn’t have a mom that was a lawyer and dad that was a doctor? Is the money the issue? Or, is it the family unit; Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Big Sis and Husband? Here’s the slick part, those are the things you remember. But, do you remember this?
How many of us remember this episode? Like I said, I’m a huge fan of The Cosby Show, so it instantly came to my mind when I first heard the words Social Justice. How can Social Justice be wrong? When the Bill Cosby “Dirty Laundry” comment came out, I was dragged back to this episode. How can the man that represented what Social Justice meant to me, now turn around and call my generation, and those after us, “Dirty Laundry”?
See, Hip-Hop is right. We aren’t like the Huxtables because we didn’t go to Hillman. S/O Kanye West. In the video, Dr. Zachariah Haynes says, “if a Hillman Grad,” comes give them assistance. If they ask for a job, don’t send them to GOVERNMENT, go get them yourself. Feed them a good meal and let them know they are not alone. If this is the actions of those that believe in Social Justice, then why do those same people push more and more GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE. Oh, that’s right, the help is for those connected to the system, not the average black person.
They don’t mind making you feel all alone and helpless. They don’t care if you have to catch the bus downtown to the Social Services building and wait in line to be assigned your ration of food credits. They don’t care if the black unemployment of those between the age of 17-40 is 29%, triple the national average. No, none of those things matter because you didn’t go to Hillman, or Harvard, or Yale, or Tuskegee. You received a hard knock education and therefore, you are dirty laundry.
To add insult to injury, they so intermingle Conservative Principles with Liberal Lies, that you can’t tell one from the other. You need an example, OK. Progressives/Liberals, those that believe in Social Justice, tell you to hate the rich. They have money and they don’t want you to have any. Yet, they say give someone a job. Well, have you ever seen a poor person give another poor person a job? S/O Glenn Beck. So, isn’t that like telling you to bite the hand that feeds you? Except if it the Democratic Party, of course.
But the best example is The Huxtable Family Unit. Even without money, if they had the same cohesion, their kids would still be raised successfully because they had all they needed. They learned about History from those that were there, consequences for their actions were enforced, and love and understanding always ended the show. The very idea of Social Justice destroys this premise because it destroys the family.
Parents are no longer judge and executor, now the public has a say. If you teach your child to praise God openly, you better prepare to send them to a private school because the public school will dictate when and where prayer is acceptable. You can’t tell a child, “You live under my roof, so you will follow my rules,” because the courts now say you have to give them 90 days to leave the house that you own. You can try to teach a child consequences for their actions but as soon as they leave the house, the general population will tell them it’s the police, the man, or the system.
And if you keep them inside, turn off the TV and the Computer because shows like Cosby will teach them Social Justice. They will show the results of Conservative Principles but will label them under Liberal Lies. That’s why the good Dr. didn’t explain what he meant by Social Justice. He just let your mind assume it meant reaching your highest potential and then helping those in need. That’s what us Conservatives believe. The Liberal/Progressives, those that push Social Justice, believe in waiting on the Government to do it. You know, sending you on public transportation.
If you didn’t believe before that they have been trying to indoctrinate you, I dare you take a look back at The Cosby Show; the Liberal success story after they filled the 70’s with Jive Turkey. Where are the food stamps, the public housing, or any form of Government assistance? Did the first lady tell Cliff what to Eat or did Claire keep him in check? Did any adult on that show tell the children “NOT” to listen to their parents and their advice? Get Real. It was a truly Conservative show that will forever be linked to an insanely Liberal idea. Real Social Justice will come when we can separate the two.
A couple of months ago Stephen Bannon, the director of “Fire from the Heartland”, called and said, “I’m working on a top secret film and I want you in it.” “I’m there.” Two weeks ago, I got to see the rough cut of that film, Sarah Palin “Undefeated”. It’s a cerebral look at Who and What is Sarah Palin. From the Valdez oil spill, to the Wasilla Mayor’s office, to the state oil industry, and through an incumbent Republican towards the Governorship; Palin’s record speaks for itself. And I am honored to be apart of the film.
But, I will not defend Sarah Palin. Since announcing my really insignificant role in an amazing story, I’ve been asked to defend Palin against Romney, Paul, Bauchman, and Cain. I’ve been asked to explain why I would vote for a moron. I’ve been told I’m pulling for a quitter. I’ve been threatened with, “You’ve only going to give us four more years of Obama.” (And yes, I consider that a threat.) And I ignore them all. I do not and will not judge ANY candidate on what the media says, what the Republican establishment says, or random people across the Social Networking world chime in.
It’s really very simple. It’s WHWD. What would He, the Hood, Hip-Hop, and History would do.
I will DEFEND Capitalism. (Hip-Hop) The one trait I love about Sarah Palin is the one no one talks about. Her main promise, above everything else, is to get the hell out of my life. I would love a President who didn’t believe it was their job to create jobs. A president who isn’t scared to let the free market work because SHE believes in Free Markets. And isn’t afraid to spend her time taking on the Corruption in Washington, instead of burdening the American People with more regulations. A President who doesn’t believe in punishing the rich, but creating a level playing field where every American, connected or not, can obtain and build wealth.
I will DEFEND Faith. (He) Are we a Christian nation? Were we endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights? Are we an exceptional country where a boy born in Hawaii with Bi-Racial parents can become President or a girl from Alaska who grew up fishing and hunting could change the face of the Republican Party? I don’t see the faith in waiting your turn or playing the political game that requires you to watch your state burn to keep your position. Faith comes in moments of darkness, where you stand alone, and make decisions that require sacrifice. Whether it’s in a hotel room out of state with the knowledge your child will be born Special Needs or it’s in front of cameras designed to record your downfall, can you put your heart above what other’s say is best. That’s Faith.
I will DEFEND our Constitution. (History) We are a nation of laws. Those laws are set in place by the greatest document ever written; which brings us back to getting out of my life. I don’t want a President who can’t shoot a gun because, more than likely, they won’t have a problem with taking away my guns. I want a President that understands States Rights, like when it comes to lack of an Energy Policy. A President that has sent HER son off to war and understands the Constitution is in constant need of defense. A President that sees her interference in my life through the Patriot Act is a violation of my Civil Liberties. (Can we say 4th amendment?)
I will DEFEND Freedom. (Hood) I will defend my right to have a Reagan like Revolution during my lifetime. I am craving a President that actually puts the responsibility of Government back into the hands of the People. In my community, this is the only strategy that will work to bring about any real change. And I refuse to engage anyone who says the People are too STUPID, UNSOPHISTICATED, or POLITICALLY IGNORANT to govern themselves, so only this politician can fix it. This nation wasn’t built on POLITICIANS, it was built on the STUPID, UNSOPHISTICATED, and POLITICALLY IGNORANT AMERICANS who believed that through their creator all thing were possible. Or with the CONSTITUTION as there guide AMERICA would always be the land of the FREE. Or if I just work hard enough, I can go from rags to riches.
Sarah Palin represents these things and that’s why I will not defend HER. She is a grown woman who, on more than one occasion, has proven she can defend herself. And with the pillars she represents, she doesn’t need defenders; SHE NEEDS LEADERS TO STAND BESIDE HER. As Andrew Breitbart pointed out in “Undefeated”, the Republican Establishment men won’t defend her. As evident by numerous chances, the women’s groups won’t defend her. The general public accepts the lies, so they won’t defend her. Yet, she still manages to come out swinging and having more of an impact than her haters can handle. So, I’ll do my part and DEFEND those things that matter most to me. And if that means I see Sarah in November 2012, I’ll smile knowing I didn’t fight for a person, I fought for an idea.
As the keynote speaker for the annual Rainbow/PUSH Coalition conference, Cosby delivered another masterful soliloquy aimed at the destruction of the current state of African-Americans. Invited by the Reverend Jesse Jackson, Cosby blasted young African-Americans, whom he believes betrayed the legacy of the civil rights victories of the ’50s and ’60s.
“I believe you need all kinds in the debate and struggle. For example, when I was still eating meat, I was criticized everyday by angry vegans and it helped to set me up for the shift. The truth however, is that a shift to vegetarianism came from a loving friend who didn’t judge.
The title to this article is “Your dirty laundry gets out of school at 2:30 everyday”. They are calling you dirty laundry. See, you are the problem. They have given you all that you need and you just cuss it all away. They’ve provided you with Social Justice and now they can’t figure out why you repel from it. You need to turn off the Hip-Hop and listen to more warped versions of history that they try to stuff into your mind.
Bill Cosby is willing to say it’s everybody fault, but he only mentions your flaws. Why don’t they ever mention the failure that is the Rainbow Coalition and PUSH? If these are the legacy groups, along with other failures like the NAACP, where is there share of the blame? Why aren’t they admitting to their faults? Why do they target you?
Didn’t they tell you that the system was the culprit? Or was it the mean racist Republicans? Didn’t they tell you America was the problem, not the inhabitants of America? I mean, didn’t Plymouth Rock land on you? Why is it now exciting to speak amongst each other, leaving you totally out of the conversation, with criticism and malcontent?
Then to follow it up, Russell Simmons compares it to becoming a Vegan. Really, a Vegan? Is that the comparison you would make for your community?
Our communities are in the condition they are in because of groups like Rainbow, Push, and the NAACP. Yes, they lead a brilliant march in the ’60’s in a push for equality. Yes, they faced down water hoses, dogs, and some even gave their lives. They fought their battle and they won, and for that, they should be congratulated. But that isn’t where they stopped.
They pushed for more public housing, food stamps, and government assistance. They made dependency acceptable. They let God be taken out of our schools and watched them crumble. They gave excuses for crime and criminals were formed. THEY BETRAYED EVERYTHING KING MARCHED FOR! They let Planned Parenthood into our communities and validated them, neglecting to inform us of their true history. They let Big Government suck up more and more of our rights, while they collected a check for their assistance.
And then, we found Hip-Hop. And we got involved in the Capitalist system. Now, they want to blame you for it. Are their bastards among us who don’t care about anything or anyone, YES. But is that who you really are? Or are you just tired of the scenario which they have painted for you. Do you see lyrics and beats as a way out. You are not running towards Hip-Hop, you are running away from them and they will blame you and hate you for it. Take it from a sister that knows.
I hate to be blunt, but they will be dead soon and we will be here to shape our future the way we want it. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT? Or have you had enough already. The only fault you hold, is that in your own life. You are not responsible for the weight of the black community. You are only responsible for what you do next. You are not dirty laundry, you are the future of this country and don’t let them tell you otherwise.
But I have one more request. Don’t let them leave this Earth with their holier than thou belief that it is your fault. It is time to hold them accountable for their actions and in doing so, form the next generation of leaders that refuse to live in the aftermath of their failure.
If one thing is missing in this politically correct and perverted version of America, it’s the truth. Nobody is willing to tell the truth about the debt, the economy, entitlements, and the list goes on. So when someone actually tells the truth, we all look at them like them are ravenous dogs unworthy of our time, effort, or energy. This is the plight we face with Louis Farrakhan and Rev. Jeremiah Wright. We are told by the Media and the Elites to dismiss and ignore the voices of such crazed men. Why?
This is the exact conversation we need to have. Why are we running from it? Is Marxism a good thing? Here, you have a Reverend speaking about the greatness of Karl Marx theology and we must dismiss it?
The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion. Karl Marx
That’s Karl Marx. Are you willing to give up your Religion for Earthly happiness? Let’s not bother with such miniscule questions the left can call us unintelligent for posing; let’s try something else. How about we start a body count of all forms of Government that are marked by Karl Marx’s legacy. The formula goes like this, you take all the countries that are Capitalistic. Heaven forbid you start with the “racial trash” that hasn’t even figured out Capitalism is the only way to build wealth so Marxist can steal it. Then you take that country make it dependent on its government until you form a Socialist Government. This will give the citizens time to deal with their new reality; you know, get over the fact that they are no longer FREE. Finally, a dictator presents himself, or herself as in the case of Brazil, and the Era of Communism will begin.
Communism like we see in China; where women are forced into abortions, pro-democracy protesters disappear, and Nobel Peace Prize recipients get their award behind prison walls. When Communism was first invoked in China, Mao cared so much for the little people that he gave them all numbers instead of names. 40,000,000 killed under Mao.
Communism like we saw in Stalins Russia. Read about Robert Robinson and all the promises made to blacks about Communism. Then read about the great purge and how he almost died during Russia’s Communist revolution. How Russians refused to let him come back to the US because they didn’t want to lose the Communist Propaganda war. 47,000,000 people died by torture or in gulags under Stalin.
Communism like we see in Fidel’s Cuba; where people cross shark infested waters on rickety rafts to make it to Florida. They say the people are in better shape than those in America. Of course they are. They have no food and no choice but to walk everywhere they go. They have no choice but to be thinner and more in shape. 2,000,000 were killed under Che in Fidel Castro’s rise to power.
If I were to keep this up and go through South America, well, you get the picture. I didn’t even make a stop in North Korea where people are eating plant soup.
Then you have Louis Farrakhan.
This is Fascism. I know, I know, Fascism is a “right-wing” thing. Well, don’t front like Farrakhan isn’t “right-wing”. If he were in Egypt, he would’ve been standing beside Mubarack. He is standing beside Qaddafi in Libya and I’m sure if we were ever to attack Iran, he would be against us on that endeavour as well. As he says, “this is more complex than you think”. The only thing that keeps him from being “right-wing” in America is the fact he hates white people. If he were able to win a state and put it under his dominion, I gladly offer Illinois since they love him already, I’m sure it would be under strict Muslim rule. I don’t think Rev. Wright would be welcomed any longer.
But no. Let’s not have these conversations. Let’s not decide what’s really best for us; let’s just keep our heads in the sand and deal with what ever is handed to us when the dust finally settles. On this, I will stand in defense of Rev. Wright and Farrakhan. Please keep speaking and forcing America to realize there is a real inside threat to this country. Continue to help us prove the black Church is under assault and a lot of the “Christian” message being spread is in direct contradiction to the word of God. Give us the ammunition so when Whoopi walks off stage next time, we can point out that there are black Muslims in America that are predicting our downfall. They can’t keep calling us crazy as long as you keep telling the truth about your intentions.
As it usually happens for me, I can’t sleep and I there is nothing on the 300 channels I pay an arm and a leg to receive. So, I stop on “Spanglish”, and laugh as the Hispanic Maid ripped the sides out of a outfit too small to fit her bosses daughter. Just as my interest was fading, I heard an important argument I would like to share. To paraphrase, all women yearn to be thick and full. When they sacrifice that basic human need to be fed and well nourished for fashion, they begin to hate everything associated with thick and full. They find fault in women who don’t care about their waistlines, starve themselves with fad diets, and exercise until they drop; all in an attempt to disassociate themselves from their betrayal of human nature.
Is this not common? Doesn’t every human, in some form or fashion, attempt to cut themselves off from human reality to live in the world of material want. Some case studies, please:
If you sacrifice freedom for safety, you deserve neither. The most basic human need is to be free. When we let Terrorist change our way of life with their deadly acts, we are, in fact, turning over our sovereignty to them. We begin to limit Free Speech, criticize a Free Press, abandon a Free Market and gain comfort to enjoy of Materialistic lives.
If you sacrifice love for money, you will forget how to love. After freedom comes acceptance and we all want to be loved. A person who pledges their devotion because of dollars, will not be spouse of the year, parent of the year, or friend of the year. Once that threshold has been crossed, that person will sacrifice anyone or anything for their material possessions.
What profits a man to gain the whole wide world and lose his soul? While we have a basic need for acceptance, we also have a Heavenly duty to obey God. We begin to let Pastors, Profits, and Politicians lead us, whether they are obeying the scripture or not, and we dismiss those feelings in our gut that tell us it’s our time to stand alone.
If you sacrifice life for comfort, you will have a dis-comfortable life. There is nothing more natural in all of creation than reproduction. When we turn our backs on that human characteristic, it lowers us below beast, most of whom would fight to the death to protect their offspring. Death for the living is easy to justify when you already accept death for the unborn.
If you sacrifice financial independence for reparations, reparation will always be needed. The basic human need to provide for yourself and your family, turned over to someone else’s management. Is this why, with an 10.3% unemployment rate, their are jobs Americans won’t take? Is this why we are losing the honor once awarded for hard work?
Are we sacrificing the important things for they things that don’t really matter? How safe can you be without freedom? You can figure out the rest of the questions and ponder this: What have you sacrificed today?